

Nina got off her ride and felt reluctant walking into the school building. She stood at the facade, trying to gather enough courage to go in. She was hoping she wouldn't have to run into Theo.

As she finally emerged into the school, she noticed all eyes were on her. Well, of course, they should; but this particular eyes felt strange.

They would stare at her and say something obfuscated to each other. It seemed they were all taking about her. .she tried as much as possible to ignore them and act as if nothing was going on. But as she walked into the elevator with few students, she heard them say something like: "her betrothed".

Before she could thing of asking them about it, the elevator door opened and they scurried out.

"Were they referring to Theo?" She pondered.

As she walked to class, she could hear them more clearly:

"She's engaged to Theo..."

"Yes, they're betrothed..."

"Well, I heard it's a tradition that can't be changed..."

The rumours had gotten pellucid enough and she felt she might scream out her lungs.

She hurried into the classroom and settled on her seat, not noticing Emily who was also staring keenly at her . she could hear her name from every corner and felt all eyes were on her.

"Hi Nina".

She heard a calm voice beside her and turned to see Emily.

"Oh, Emily. Hi" she replied perfunctorily and threw her face away.

Her eyes ran into Maia's who was standing in front of the classroom and the look in her eyes were threatening.

She gave Nina a hard gawk and flounced out of the class.

They recieved three classes before break time and Nina didn't exactly know what to do with her free period. She felt she might stumble if she attempted going out.

"Nina, are you alright? )"

It was Emily again.

She had probably noticed the angsty on Nina's face.

"Oh I'm. ..I'm fine" she replied dazily.

"Well, you're not and that's for sure. By the way, what're these rumors going on? I've been hearing stuffs like...you're getting married to Theo?" Emily asked with curiosity.

Nina sighed as they both adjusted on their seats to face each other.

"Well," she started. "He's my betrothed according to the family's tradition. It's an oath that was taken a long time ago by the Sidney and Wesley family and in my time, it happened to fall on Theo and I."

"Wow! So, you mean you'll be getting married to Theo? Like. ..Theo the gangster?"

"Well, that's what it means. But, I'm still surprised. How did everyone get to know about it? It was meant to be a secret".

"A secret? Then who speed it out?"

"Who else? If not that pesky brat?" Nina replied and stood up.

"Where do you think I can find Theo?" She asked, angrily.

"Uhm Theo? He should be in the basketball court. They're having a game over there." Emily replied and Nima started walking out the class.

"Nina!" She called as she caught up with her. "What do you think you're doing? Are you going there to confront him or something?"

"Well, if that's what it means, yes. I need to shut that big mouth of his" Nina replied and increased her pace.

"Big mouth?" Emily asked. "Well, I can't recall Theo having a big mouth , anyway. But I think this is a bad idea. You wouldn't want to get into Theo"s bad side. And besides, both of you are engaged, right? Shouldn't you be on good terms?"

" I don't need his friendship ".

At that point, they arrived at the basketball court which seemed like there was a crusade going on. They walked in and stood at the entrance while Emily scoured her eyes round for empty seats.

Nina looked at the players and sighted Theo, holding the ball.

He was trying to bounce it into the basket when he also caught a sight of Nina and seemed to turn confused. He stooped running as he stood still with the ball in his hands, staring at her.

"Theo!" Some of the players called out on him , but he couldn't get his head back In the game quick enough as an opponent hit him to the floor and seized the ball from him, bouncing it into the basket.

Cheers from the opponent side could be broadly heard while majority of the students who supported Theo's team grumbled and bemoaned, angrily.

"Come on, Nina. I've found a perfect spot l" Emily said as she gripped Nina's hand and took her to an empty seat which she was lucky enough to find.

"That's your fiance - the king of basketball" Emily whispered into her left ear as they both sat next to each other.

Nina took a look at the readings on the score board which displayed: 3:1

Wow! Theo's team was leading with three goals and it seemed the only reason the opponent had scored was because Theo was distracted, staring at her.

More students kept trooping in and majority of them had colors of Theo's team which was blue and white. It seemed it was the whole school present to watch the game.

"I think we came a bit late".Emily whispered into her ears again. "The second half is almost rounding up"

Nina looked at the time reading and noticed they had just three minutes left.

The game continued and Theo got hold of the ball again. But, each time he did, he would seem distracted, running his eyes through the crowd, as if searching for someone. And in the end, an opponent would end up taking the ball from him.

He continued this way and Nina wondered whom he was looking for.

"Was he lookin for me?" She thought.

After a short while, their eyes ran into each other's and she noticed a smile ran across his face.

He got hold of the ball again. He dribbled and just in the last three seconds, he passed the ball into the basket.


Screams and cheers could be heard from every corner as students from the crowd ran into the court to celebrate Theo's team. The opponents could be seen with moody faces while Theo's team and supporters jubilated and they ended up carrying him on their shoulders with everyone screaming: "Theo! Theo! Theo!"

'Don't you think you should be there?" Emily asked.

"What? Hell no" Nina replied in disgust and left the scene with Emily.

After a short time, she returned to see if Theo could be free a bit so she could talk to him. But, when she returned, she found him with some students, not much anyway and they all seemed to be clovering around him.

"Nina, do you really need to talk to him now?" Emily asked, feeling anxious, but Nina gave no reply as she walked upto where Theo was with his group of chortling companions.

"Theo, we need to talk" she told him and that was when he noticed her presence.

At first, he looked surprised. But, the next moment, he dissembled it with a proud look.

"As you can see, Nina, I'm busy" he replied vacously and sipped from his bottle of Chapman.

All the students there started mumbling to each other, but Nina decided to turn a deaf ear to them.

"Listen, Theo. It's important. We needs to talk".

"Didn't you hear him?" Maia asked as she showed up and sat next to Theo, relaxing her hand on his shoulder.

"He said he's busy" she continued and rolled her eyes at Nina.