

Nina stood in front of the mirror, turning left and right, trying to make sure everything was balanced. She scrutinized her looks for sometime and added a little quantity of pink lipstick on her lips, making it look so natural.

It was going to be her first day in school and she wanted to look her best. She was putting on a short blue jeans, topped with a black T-shirt and a pair of black sneakers. And she packed her long hair in ponytail.

Well, that's been Nina's attitude. She's always had a taste for fashion and Declan always said she was just like her mom.

"Come on Nina. We're running late" she heard her dad's voice from outside and she hurried her make up.

"Coming dad," she said after him as she took her designers school bag and hurried out of the room.

The drove into Carnegie Vanguard High School and Nina was impressed by the beauty of the school. It was a two storey building , painter in red, white and blue and it was very big.

Skimpy students could be seen walking around, some of which could be seeen operating android phones.

As Nina followed her dad to the principal's office, she kept looking around. She saw some male and female students holding hands and walking around. She also saw some handsome males moving around while some could he seen in the football field.

Some pretty ladies walked around in groups as they nattered and a giggled. Those were probably the gossipers, Nina thought.

It seemed Declan had everything sort out already as Nina's registration didn't take long at all.

The principal had called a teacher and instructed him to show her to her new class - 12th grade.

At that point, Nina had started feeling nervous.

"I'll be here ty pick you up, Nina. And remember, if anyone tries to make you feel uncomfortable in anyway, just give me a call ,okay?" Declan said as he cupped her cheeks in his hands.

"Okay Dad. Bye" she replied and left with the reached.

She had to make use of an elevator to get to her classroom. The classroom was very large and beautiful and was decorated with flowers at every corners.

"Good morning sir" the brightly garbed students greeted chorusly as she walked in with the class teacher and stood in front of the class.

"Morning students" he replied.

Nina kept starring at the floor as she felt shy looking at them. She noticed some of the boys were winking at her.

"We're having a new student in class today and she's Nina Wesley" the teacher introduced and most of the students started whispering.

"Nina Wesley?" She could hear most of them whisper to each other.

"Nina, take a seat" he instructed and she budged forward, searching for a vacant space.

She had seen a vacant seat a little distance away and the ladies around it had beckoned on her to come. She was about going to meet them when she saw a close vacant seat and the lady sitting next to it had given her a soft smile. And so, she decided to sit next to her.

"Hi, she said to the nice looking lady as she sat next to her.

"Hi. It's a pleasure meeting you. I'm Emily" the lady replied and brought out her hand for a handshake.

Hi Nina" a boy sitting behind called out and she turned to see him smiling with his friends.

"Don't pay attention to them. They're just bunches of unserious elements." Emily said to her and she laughed.

They had about three classes before the bell went off for break.

"Uhm...Emily, could you show me to the cafeteria so we could have lunch?" Nina asked as Emily stood up with her books.

"Oh, actually...I'd love to show you there. But, I'm not having cash for lunch." Emily replied.

"Oh don't worry about that. I'll pay for it".

"Really? Thanks".

They took a table at the refurbished cafeteria that was filled with students also eating and chatting. Nina had gotten to find out that Emily wasn't really from the high Clas of the society and she was actually on scholarship in CVHS. That also proved how intelligent she was.

"It's really nice having you here in CVHS, Nina. I hope you get to enjoy your stay here with us. And thanks for lunch". Emily said as she took in a spoonful of french fries.

"Please stop thanking me. It's nothing l" Nina replied with a smile.

"By the way, Emily, would you happen to know a guy named. ..Alvin?" She asked after a while.

She's been scouring her eyes round for him, trying to get a glimpse of him, but to no avail.

"Who? That quiet jerk?" Emily asked and scoffed. "I think he should be around somewher".

Nina was bemused. Was she referring to her friend as a jerk?

"Why did you call him a jerk?" She asked.

"A quiet jerk, actually. He's too quiet and loves a secluded life. He hardly associates with anyone. No one can tell what his problem is"

"Really? Where's he?"

"I don't really know for now. But I think I saw him in the morning around the library. He's also in 12th grade. Just that, he's in the science class.

"The science class?"

They were still chatting blissfully when the cafeteria suddenly became too noisy and crowded.

Nina looked around to know the cause Of the sudden changes and she saw some group of boys walking in with students cheering after them. But, she noticed one of the boys seemed to be the leader as more attention was being shown to him. He held a football and sat on a table - on top, actually; not minding if it could get broken or something.

The crowd followed him there and kept cheering at him. Most of the ladies were trying to stand close to him.

Nina watched in surprise and wandered whom he was and why everybody liked and praised him that much. Although, she was puzzled, she couldn't help but ponder at his beauty.

He was fair, had pink lips, has sparkling eyes and a cute dimpled smile.

He was charming and she could almost compare him to Alvin, that is, if he wasn't cuter.

'Oh my God!" Emily exclaimed quietly. "Pack up your food, Nina. We need to get out of here".

Nina was taken a backed.

"B...but why?" She demanded.

"I'll explain everything to you later. But for now, let's go. You don't wanna be here, Nina".

Although Nina felt a little cringe, she had to do as Emily suggested.

They were about standing up when a ball bounced to their table and fell on Nina's legs. She turned around and noticed it was the handsome boy that had thrown it at her - on purpose, of course - and he was smiling.

"Oh, God!" Emily sighed.

The cafeteria had become quiet as all eyes turned on Nina.

"Sorry, miss. Could you please, give it back?" He asked with a smirk. Nina felt embarrassed. She looked back at Emily who had a despondent look on. .

"Have this in mind Nina" she whispered to her. "Don't talk back at him; don't get mad. Just take up the ball, go to him, give it back and walk out quietly.

Nina stared at her with a grimace and kept wandering whom he really was.

She took the ball from her legs and walked over to meet him and some of the students mumbled to each other as she did. She proffered the ball out to him, but he didn't receive it immediately.