

I'm so sorry for posting late guys. We're experiencing serious electricity problems due to the rain.

The next day, Nina spent her free time paying visits to some relatives.

First, she had gone to grandma molly's house .

Grandma molly was an ex voting woman and had kept telling her interesting stories of her love life and the rest.

At first , she had started with advices which Nina felt were boring. She had told her about life, adventures and decisions. Nina had felt so bored about them and had excused herself to the toilet for about three times hoping she'd change the topic on her return, but she didn't.

It was after a long while that she had asked Nina to assist her in making some solyanka soup in the kitchen and that was when she had brought up interesting stories.

First, she had told Nina of her youthful life, how it felt to be admired by so many guys and what it felt like to had been married to the man she loved. She had narrated to her how her husband - Nina's grand dad -would make pizzas and send to her every morning, trying to impress her and she'd always compliment him for it.

He had continued in the habit for months, but she never told him they were always over baked.

Well, she had been factful and that was because she had also liked him.

But on a cool evening, she had baked some pizzas herself and had taken them to him and when he tasted them he admitted they were delicious. And then, she said:

"Thank you, Peter. But, I wish yours could taste similar to mine. Mine is moderately baked, right?"

And that had been her opportunity of telling him about it sarcastically.

She went ahead to tell Nina what to do when a guy she didn't like was stalking her and what to do when she liked a guy.

She said:

"If you like a guy and you want him to notice it, make him feel jealous.

Nina had really enjoyed grandma molly's company and wished she had started up such interesting stories from the beginning.

Then secondly, she had gone to aunt Helen's - her dad's younger sister. Aunt Helen was newly wedded and had just put to bed and because of that , Nina regretted going there.

At first, when she had arrived, the two months old baby had been asleep, but after a short while, he awakened with an annoying whine.

He cried so loud and persistently and aunt Helen couldn't pay enough attention to her.

She bathed him, fed him and played with him but he kept grizzling.

Nina felt he had been waiting for her to arrive so he could frustrate her life.

He even enders up peeing on her clothes when she had attempted carrying him for a while and Nina had felt like giving him a knock but was only restricted by the presence of his mother.

"Why was he even crying?" She thought angrily. It wasn't like he was having any problems or anything troublesome. He was on comfortable clothes and had the best milk. So, what was his problem?

She finally concluded she wouldn't have kids in future so as to prevent such nuisance.

Finally, she had gone to aunt Gloria's.

Aunt Gloria was welcoming and she had kind of enjoyed her company, but close to 4pm , aunt Gloria told her she had to leave cause she was having dinner with the Sidney family.

"Oh! The Sidney royal family," Nina thought.

According to the stories she had heard, the Sidney royal family were very close family friends and they were more like relatives to the family.

They were said to share a common bond with them. Although, she's never met any of them in particular, she was made to know they were very close.

The Sidney royal family were wealthy and influential people who were known across the country; just like Nina's family - the Wesley royal family. And that was why Nina thought the reason for their mutual relationship was because they were both royal families.

Since aunt Gloria was going out, Nina decided to go elsewhere. She called one of her uncle's line, telling him of her coming, but he told her to make it next time because he was about going out.

She called someone else and got the same reply - leaving for dinner with the Sidney family.

"Why was everyone having dinner with the Sidney family?"

She called her dad and he gave her the same response. She was muddled.

But he promised to take her out for shopping the moment he got back.

So, she decided to go home and await him.

After a long time, he returned and took her out for shopping. She thought of asking him what the dinner was all about but changed her mind.

Although he tried behaving normal, Nina could notice he was kind of looking sad.

They got to the mall and Nina picked as many dresses, shoes and bags as she could pick. Money was never a problem for Declan Wesley.

"Do you have somewhere else in mind?" Declan asked as they both seated in the car seats after spending upto an hour in the mall.

Nina ticked her tongue for a while and replied: "take me to the cathedral, dad. I want to go there."

"The cathedral? And what're you going there to do?"

"Uhm... to pray of course".

The driver started off and in no time, they got to the cathedral. Immediately they got down from the car, Declan ran off to greet a father that he had seen and Nina also set off to finding whom she came for. She just hoped she'd be able to meet him there.

She hurried to the building and found him in. Still standing outside, she stared at him. He was playing the keyboard - the same tone she liked. She watched him as he closed his eyes with so much passion and at the same time, carewornly. She couldn't help but ponder art his brooding attitude.

After watching him for a short time, she decided to go in and immediately he noticed her, he stopped playing.

"Hey!" He said perfunctorily as she walked in.

"Hi -again" she replied , feeling a bit shy as she sat next to him.

"On the keys again?" She asked.

"Oh, yeah. I come here most evenings to rehearse."

"Oh, okay. By the way, we didn't get to know each before left yearsterday. So, I'm Nina Wesley and you are?"

"Hold on. Nina Wesley? Like daughter of Declan Wesley?"


"Wow! Nice meeting you Nina. I'm Alvin."

They exchanged a warm handshake.

"Okay, Alvin. Igualmente".

"What's that?" He flinched and asked.

"Oh, it's Spanish. And it means nice meeting you too."

"Spanish? You speak Spanish?"

"Kind of. I returned from Spain just yearsterday."

"Really? Wow! That's great".

Nina smiled. He was really a nice fellow, wasn't he?"

She saw some pieces of papers on the keyboard and picked them up. There seemed to be songs written in them.

"Alvin, what school do you attend?" She asked as she ran her eyes through the papers.

"CVHS" He report.

"CVHS? What's that?"

"Carnegie Vanguard High School".

"Oh, Carnegie Vanguard! I think I've heard of it before. By the way, did you write these?" She asked, referring to the songs.



He took his eyes back to the keyboard and struck the keys, playing the first tone and as he started, he closed his eyes - as usual.

Nina listened besottedly and thought he only intended playing just the tone. But, surprisingly, he started singing.

Nina thought the wind had stopped blowing and everything was suspended - motionless. She couldn't feel her heart beating and had almost thought she had stopped breathing as well.

The bodacious sound of his voice penetrated her heart and left an unexplained melody. It made her felt like she was soaring.

"If I could be like the trees,

Free to wave it's branches anytime;

If I could be like the stars,

Free to show up anytime it liked;

And if I could belike the birds,

Free to fly wherever it pleased;

Then the sky will be my limit

Cause I'll be flying higher than higher

Free to do what I want

Higher than higher

And go where I want

Higher than higher

Be whom I want

Just the sky,

Oh the sky will be my limit."

Nina kept starring at his face the whole time. She wasn't even sure if she had been blinking.

So, that was the song he always loved playing? It was so emotional.

"That's my favorite song. But...I'm yet to complete it . this is just half of the song" he said as he rounded up.

."wow! Alvin. It's awesome. I love it!" She said beatifically and had almost embraced him.

"Thanks" he replied and smiled.

"So, wanna be a songwriter?" She asked excitedly.

He smiled again and went back to playing the keyboard.

Nina was surprised.

"Uhm... did I ask something wrong?"

He remained silent.


"I'm a soon to be priest" He finally replied, still playing the keys .

Nina flinched and grinned.

"A priest?" She asked with disbelieve. "Like... a Reverend Father?"

"Yes ma"?.