
Betrayed Hero Chooses an Evil Path

please read it and criticize me.

DVKbros · Urban
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5 Chs

Blood 1

"Squeak...! Squeak...!

A loud noise of squeaking intensified the atmosphere, making me skip a beat.


The door was broken in an instant, wooden splinters flying in the air. Ducking again in the underground room I saved my skin.

Terrified I chose to take shelter in the embrace of darkness.

Two blazing eyes illuminated the room, a giant rat with saliva dripping from its mouth. His claws were trying to tear me apart while I was sticking to the wall like a poster to save my skin.

My mind was blank from the fear, heart was beating wildly. I was screaming like a little girl terrified for my dear life.

Only one thought barely formed in my mind, although my life was hollow. I always wanted a peaceful death or at least a death without pain possibly without any regrets, but never had I wanted to die in the maws of a giant rat.

Its giant claws were mere inches away but its size was working against it, stopping the rat from entering the room.

Its squeak was making my ear bleed, but I held on. Some clarity started to return but the madness showed by the rat was making it vanish again. Blood started dripping from the rat's skin as he was squishing and pulling himself in like a madman. An insatiable hunger was seen in his eye, in any condition the rat didn't want to leave its prey.

Aside from a little scratch, my skin was safe but for how long, this rat was gonna enter any minute. But hope came to me, my mind was screaming if not now then never. I had a sharp shard of excessively tough tile in my hand.

A dangerous plan had already formed in my mind, but my body was refusing protesting stubbornly.

Somehow I managed to convince myself thinking that either I die fighting or die like a lamb waiting for slaughter.

His head was mere feet away from me, his Stinking breath was making me faint. But I was holding back my urge to vomit, with a spirit I thrusted the tile shard performing a stabbing motion.

In the last moment, the rat shook his head narrowly avoiding his eye being punctured. Taking a hard blow on its head instead, but his claws ripped apart the stomach of Rudra reaping a huge Chunk of meat.

For a moment everything went blank, it felt like I was passing out from the pain. I wanted to scream, lie down, cry hard or simply die but I don't have those options right now. This one blow has made it crystal clear what will happen to me if I surrender.

Like a glutton, the rat straight up gobbled up my flesh in front of me, and terrified but strangely calm was watching him do this while a large part of my stomach was being eaten in front of me with such ferocity.

My body moved again before I could think, striking again this time successfully piercing the eye. The rat waiting for the opportunity took a direct bite at my legs piercing his teeth deep into my bones.

My consciousness was losing darkness enveloped my sight. It was a slow but definite process. My hand slumped down, and with a thud, I fell to the ground. Momentarily clarity returned for better or worse, the scene was utterly bizarre and terrifying a giant rat struck into the ceiling and was chewing my legs his one eye pierced by a shard, like a waterfall blood was dripping from it.

My hand was tightly gripping the syringe in my pocket, hurriedly I took it out and struck it in my chest as a last desperate attempt. With a final push, all the liquid in it was injected into me.

The pain was excruciating and my body wanted to throw up from the scene in front of me, but there was no power left. Slowly my eyes were closed, this time for sure.


It has been a long time since I slept this long and with such peace. Slowly I opened my eyes, stench was registered in my nostrils. I vomited and vomited with my shirt I tried to cover it up, but seeing I was all bloody. My body stiffened, recalling all the events. Startled I stood up like a scared cat.

Terrified I looked around, afraid of what horror I would see this time. But thank god the room was empty, except for a large skeleton hanging lifelessly from the ceiling. With a scream, I fell back, but seeing it not moving I touched it again and again to confirm. Still, in doubt, I checked the surroundings, somehow my nostrils had stopped working or had already adapted I don't know. But my body was as good as new and there was only a broken box and an empty syringe lying there.

Guess my speculation was right or did I get transmigrated to the far future, but this didn't quite add up. Slowly I pulled the skeleton inside and went above the room, except for claw marks and broken wood it was empty and strangely calm.

I accept my head was a mess, I can't think right now. I am just blindly following the fantasy worm inside me. And It was strangely helping and making me calm down. I don't have a damn clue what might have happened but all my clothes are ripped and blood-soaked, even the floor below had some of the blood. Making the room stench so bad, that it could kill or at least faint any person that believe in cleanliness, but I was not one of them.

Using my muscles to max I somehow managed to break a bone long enough to be a long dagger with a sharp tip.

Huffing and puffing I exited the room and decided to walk from where the rat had Come, thinking that I had already killed the apex predator or it was better to not go in an easy-looking path according to the fantasy worm inside me.