
Betrayed God's Earthly Journey

In the realm of existence, AKHI was known as the god of everything, presiding over all aspects of creation. His power was unparalleled, and he was surrounded by loyal friends who shared his divine responsibilities. Yet, as time passed, envy and greed crept into the hearts of some of his closest companions. One fateful day, a group of these friends conspired against AKHI, fueled by their desire for his omnipotent power. They believed that by betraying him, they could harness his abilities for themselves and reshape reality according to their whims. Unaware of their deceitful intentions, AKHI continued to guide the universe with benevolence and wisdom. The betrayal came to fruition when AKHI was lured into a celestial gathering, ostensibly to celebrate their shared dominion over the cosmos. But as he stood among them, a sudden surge of energy enveloped him, weakening his godly essence. His so-called friends had ambushed him with a forbidden spell, shattering his divine form and scattering his consciousness across the cosmos. In the aftermath, AKHI's consciousness found itself drawn to a distant blue planet known as Earth. Here, he was reborn as a mortal, stripped of his memories and godly powers. He grew up with no inkling of his previous existence, living a humble life among humans. Despite the loss of his divine nature, remnants of his immense wisdom and kindness shone through. As he navigated the challenges of being human, AKHI discovered the beauty and fragility of life on Earth. He formed connections, faced hardships, and embraced the full spectrum of human emotions. Through his experiences, he learned humility, empathy, and the importance of inner strength. While AKHI's memories of his godly past remained elusive, he always retained a sense that there was more to his story. As he matured, his innate wisdom guided him to become a source of inspiration for others. Through his actions, he unknowingly sparked hope and change in the lives of those he encountered. Little did he know that remnants of his betrayers still lingered, attempting to locate him and reclaim his lost power. The stage was set for a climactic confrontation, one that would test AKHI's newfound humanity and the strength of the bonds he had formed on Earth. And so, AKHI's journey as a betrayed god turned mortal continued, weaving a tale of resilience, redemption, and the enduring power of the human spirit against all odds.

DarkangeLofabyss · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Academy Bound – Trials and Tests

Chapter 7: Academy Bound – Trials and Tests

The Royal Academy of Restro welcomed Akhinesh with an air of anticipation. The sprawling campus was a labyrinth of knowledge, a tapestry woven with the stories of countless students who had sought to uncover the mysteries of the universe. As he set foot within its hallowed halls, Akhinesh felt a surge of excitement and apprehension.

The academy's entrance tests were renowned for their rigor, a gauntlet that separated those with potential from those without. For Akhinesh, there were two paths to prove his worth: the physical challenge of beast hunting and the intellectual challenge of the written test.

In the bustling courtyard, students gathered in groups, discussing strategies and comparing stories of their journeys. Akhinesh observed the camaraderie among them, a reminder of the diverse paths that had converged in pursuit of enlightenment.

The first trial, beast hunting, was a test of strength and resourcefulness. Tier 1 beasts roamed the academy's forested outskirts, their strength formidable but not insurmountable. Akhinesh knew he possessed abilities beyond the ordinary, yet he chose to restrain his godly essence, determined to avoid drawing undue attention.

During the trial, he wielded his bow and arrow with precision, felling his prey with calculated strikes. His strength and dexterity were evident, but he maintained a balance, ensuring he appeared skilled without revealing the full extent of his power. He knew that flaunting his abilities could lead to unintended consequences.

The second trial, the written test, challenged students' knowledge of the continent's history, cultures, and societies. Akhinesh's time spent in the village had given him insights into the lives of mortals, and his curiosity had led him to read extensively. As he sat down to answer the questions, he concealed the depths of his understanding, delivering answers that reflected a curious mind rather than a godly intellect.

Throughout the trials, Akhinesh's deliberate restraint went unnoticed by the academy's assessors. His performance was impressive, earning him nods of approval, yet he maintained the guise of a talented mortal seeking to learn and grow.

As the trials concluded, he found himself among a group of students who had successfully navigated the challenges. Their camaraderie felt genuine, a testament to the bonds that could form even amidst competition. The next phase of his journey awaited—a journey that would lead him to uncover the secrets of his past, the mysteries of the connection between Lila and himself, and the profound truths that had brought him to the Royal Academy of Restro.