
Betrayal of the one I loved

She has been neglected by her parents her whole life. The people she starts to cherish, to love seems to disappear from her life. Being forced into a life full of hardship how will she sort out her feelings and continue forward without becoming a puppet of the enemy. But wait... Who exactly is the real mastermind behind the war and all the plotting behind the scenes. Will she be able to figure it out or play right into the hands of the enemy and make a choice she will regret her entire life.

Lenalee_767 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

chapter 20

Stepping into the war council tent, a sense of gravity settles over me. It's my call this time, my voice that needs to shape our strategy.

Maps sprawl across the table, an intricate mosaic of terrain and possibilities. I step forward, taking the lead with a quiet determination. It's time to seize control, to exploit every vulnerability and weave a strategy that aligns us all.

The strategy I conceived hinged on exploiting a key weakness in the enemy's chain of command. With a clarity born of battlefield experience, I presented my plan to the war council. The generals listened intently as I outlined the details, the maps before us becoming a canvas for my strategic vision.

"Injuring the enemy general," I began, my voice carrying a determined cadence, "can serve as the catalyst for confusion. The chaos that ensues will create the perfect window for our pincer attack." The words hung in the air, the implications of the plan sinking in.

The generals exchanged glances, a mixture of skepticism and intrigue reflecting in their eyes. I elaborated, dissecting the enemy's command structure and identifying the linchpin that held it together. Their general – the linchpin – was not just a leader; they were the embodiment of the enemy's strategy and morale. To injure them would be to disrupt the symphony of their forces.

As I continued to explain, the pieces fell into place. The confusion resulting from the sudden absence of their leader would ripple through the enemy's ranks. In that moment of vulnerability, our left and right flanks could execute the pincer attack with precision, exploiting the opening to its fullest extent.

I met the generals' gaze, my eyes holding a mixture of conviction and challenge. The plan was audacious, a calculated risk that demanded flawless execution. But as the discussion continued, their initial skepticism gave way to a growing sense of possibility. We debated the finer points, addressing potential pitfalls and refining the details.

General Logan's voice cut through the deliberation, his skepticism palpable. "Who among us could possibly deal such damage to their general?" His question hung in the air, a challenge that demanded a solution.

A quiet pause followed, tension threading through the tent. And then, another general spoke up, their voice carrying a suggestion that rippled through the room. "Marshal Derek," they proposed. "His strength and strategic prowess are unmatched. If there's anyone who can take on this task, it's him."

The words seemed to hover in the air, and slowly, the room's occupants turned their attention to me. I met their gazes, my expression composed, my thoughts hidden beneath a mask of determination. "Agreed," I said, my voice steady. "Marshal Derek will be our blade in this maneuver."

The decision was met with a palpable reluctance from General Logan, but with the majority agreeing, even his reservations were set aside. The generals exchanged nods, a silent consensus that Marshal Derek was the best candidate for the task.

Yet, hidden beneath my composed exterior was a storm of worry. Derek was more than just the marshal – he was my elder brother, a connection that ran deeper than any battlefield strategy. As my mind calculated the risks and potential consequences, my heart clenched with a mixture of fear and protectiveness that I have come to terms with in his absence.

I masked my concerns well, a skill honed through years of maintaining a façade. My focus remained resolute on the task at hand, on ensuring that every detail of the plan was meticulously executed. But even as I continued to speak and strategize, a part of my mind remained tethered to the fate of my brother, a constant undercurrent of worry that refused to be silenced.

In the end, the strategy was embraced. The maps were marked, the timeline set. The generals left the tent with a renewed determination, each carrying their part of the plan to their respective flanks. The battlefield awaited, a stage where our combined efforts would be put to the ultimate test.

I stepped out of the tent with a weight on my shoulders – the burden of leadership and the unspoken concern for my brother's safety. The battlefield awaited, and the plan was set in motion, but my thoughts lingered on Derek, the one who would carry out this audacious task. In the midst of strategy and unity, the worry for my family remained a steadfast presence.

I sought out Derek, the communication crystal clenched in my hand. The weight of the plan rested on my shoulders, and now, it was time to relay it to him. I activated the crystal, its glow casting an ethereal light in the midst of the encampment.

His image materialized before me, his eyes meeting mine with a mixture of familiarity and respect. "marshal Aubrey" he greeted, his tone formal and respectful due to the presence of soldiers nearby.

"Derek," I began, my voice carrying a tone of command, a grandeur that felt distant even to me. "A strategic opportunity has presented itself. You are to engage the enemy's general."

His brow furrowed slightly, a question lurking in his gaze. "Engage the general?" he repeated, seeking clarification.

I explained the plan, my words concise and to the point. The details of the pincer attack, the chaos it would create, and the role he played as the weapon to spark it all. The conversation felt more like an order than a discussion, my tone echoing the gravity of the situation.

He nodded, his expression shifting to one of understanding and acceptance. "Understood, grand Marshal. I will carry out the task as directed."

The conversation concluded, and the crystal's glow dimmed as the connection severed.

I lowered the crystal, the weight of what I had just done settled heavily upon me. The connection to my brother, to my family, had been maintained through a veneer of strategy and command.

I had refrained from telling him to be safe, from expressing my worry or my love. The mantle of leadership had demanded a certain distance, a façade that was now cracking under the weight of my emotions. The grand Marshal tone I had adopted felt like a shield, but it had also isolated me further from the ties that mattered most.

As I turned away from the crystal, the realization hit me with a force that left me breathless. The plan was in motion, and Derek was a crucial piece of it. But the distance I had maintained, the grandeur that had overshadowed my personal concern, left a lingering ache in my chest.

A sudden wave of unease washed over me. The weight of my responsibilities and the tension of the situation seemed to trigger something within me – a surge of power that threatened to break free from its confines.

I felt it, an energy pulsating beneath my skin, a raw force that danced at the edges of my control. Panic fluttered in my chest, and I instinctively clenched my fists, as if physical restraint could keep the power in check. But it was as if a dam had been breached, the energy surging against the barriers I had erected.

A sudden pain gripped my chest, a sensation as if my heart was being squeezed in a vice. The ache radiated through me, a physical manifestation of the struggle within. The power threatened to spiral, to surge forth unchecked, and I knew I had to act quickly.

Closing my eyes, I drew upon the mental techniques I had honed over the years. I pictured the energy, the darkness and shadows that defined my abilities. With a deep breath, I visualized them intertwining, weaving into a semblance of control. The pain in my chest intensified, but my focus remained resolute.

With a surge of willpower, I reined in the energy, guiding it back into the depths of my being. It was a delicate dance, a struggle to find equilibrium between power and restraint. Beads of sweat formed on my forehead, my breaths coming in ragged gasps. The pain slowly subsided, replaced by a bone-deep weariness.

As the energy settled, I opened my eyes, the unease and panic gradually receding. I had managed to regain control, to quell the surge of power before it spiraled out of hand. The aftermath left me shaken, my heart still racing.

The weight of leadership and the pressure of the plan had triggered this surge. The veneer of command I had assumed had cracked, revealing the vulnerability beneath. As I stood there, catching my breath, I realized that even my own power was a reflection of the complex emotions I carried within.