
Beta Testing the Apocalypse

MC accidentally gets shot in the head and ends up meeting a being known as a Transdimensional Fairy. After forging an agreement, he is sent to a localized world in Purgatoria to become a Beta Tester for humanity's upcoming apocalypse. His objective is to conquer a Tower of unknown height and to aid him in his journey, he ends up summoning various characters from his memories, the first being Mordred Pendragon from the Fate Series.

Einlion · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
91 Chs

Chapter 074

*schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp*

As they hadn't been entering the Tower as frequently as they used to, Leon was sitting at the desk in his palace's drawing room, finishing up what might very well be his final touches to the map he had spent three months working on while Miu, squatting between his legs and holding his thighs, fervently deepthroated his cock. When he met her gaze, faint pink hearts could be seen glowing in the depths of her earnest and eager blue eyes, a curious phenomenon that was only visible to Leon due to the Skill he had acquired post-banquet.


Name: Leon Asheford

Class: Fledgling Administrator(Rank 2)

Population: 8,743

Approval Rating: 81%(7,082/8,743)


STR: 2,144

END: 2,483

AGI: 1,148

SPI: 2,751

MNA: 2,520

LCK: 4,299


[Intermediate Spearmanship(E)], [Leadership(C)], [Rejuvenation(B)], [Existence Erasure(A)], [Eavesdropping(B)], [Gratification(A)], [Rod of Ascension(B)], [Taming(C)], [Butchering(C)], [Mirabelladonna's Favor]


Though Mirabelladonna hadn't told him about his reward, it didn't take long for Leon to notice he had it since all the girls around him became much more 'fragrant.' It was like he had gained the ability to smell their arousal, and depending on whether he permitted them to service him or he fucked them directly, hearts would appear in their eyes, on top of their womb, or near the small of their back, gradually filling up like a pressure gauge which he could 'activate' to give them such an intense climax they would temporarily pass out or even piss themselves.

Seeing the hearts in Miu's eyes fill, causing them to glow and pulse like a beating heart, Leon placed his left hand on her head and pulled her face flush against his crotch. She had been fingering herself while sucking him off, so as he triggered the effects of Mirabelladonna's Favor and released his faux seminal fluids directly into her bulging throat, her pussy and legs quivered violently, her eyes rolling back as she sank her fingers deep into her insides and gushed a tremendous volume of love juices.

'It's a good thing we put down a towel...' thought Leon, affectionately caressing the back of Miu's head and sporting a half-lidded, smoldering look as she gradually regained her senses and met his gaze. She could easily hold her breath for up to fifteen minutes, so even though several had passed, she didn't gag or choke despite the tip of his artificial cock causing her throat to bulge to the dip between her collarbones.

Instead of attempting to pull her head away, Miu held Leon's gaze and began moving her tongue to stimulate the underside of his cock. Since she was still sensitive from the first one, the pink hearts in her eyes were already half-filled and, more notably, bordered by a kind of laurel pattern, with one out of ten leaves in both eyes filled with pink light.

Though he was interested in seeing what would happen if he filled all ten leaves, Leon caressed Miu's head and stated, "You did well. You have my permission to claim your reward..." in a low, song-quality baritone.

Pulling her head back to release Leon's nearly 30cm-long cock from her mouth and throat, Miu habitually began jerking it off as she beamed and asked, "Really? Can I do anything I want...!?" with a cutesy, clearly excited expression and tone.

"Go ahead," replied Leon, smiling and nodding in approval. In response, Miu unhesitantly came out from under his desk, straddling his thighs with her feet and grasping his right shoulder with her left hand as she eagerly used her right to position his cock at her entrance. Then, closing her eyes, moaning, and shuddering in pleasure, she dropped her hips, accepting all 28cm of Leon's faux, wrist-thick cock without a hint of difficulty. Her mind blanked for a moment when it first entered her, a goofy smile adorning her face, but when Leon kissed her, she eagerly reciprocated and then began bouncing her hips with reckless abandon as they made out and fucked for nearly an hour straight...




"Well, this is new..." said Leon, looking around as he, Mordred, and Latia, in her Pokeform, entered the Seventh Floor. On all previous Floors, they had found themselves outdoors, someplace elevated, but this time, they were in a spacious stone chamber dimly lit by torches. A few meters from the entry portal, a series of seven-meter-tall arched doors could be seen, each marked by a different symbol.

Staring at the symbols, Mordred crossed her arms and raised her right brow, remarking, "A skull and crossbones, a treasure chest, and a golden coin? Does it want us to pick a path...?"

Approaching the doorway with a treasure chest, Leon noticed that, rather than stairs, the way forward was a steep, highly-polished stone slope that would be inconceivable for an ordinary person to climb back up once they slid down. There were also glowing green runes carved around its door's threshold, but while he couldn't read them, Leon's gamer instinct told him others wouldn't be able to double back once they passed through.

"If this really is just pick-a-path, this might be the easiest Floor yet," said Leon, gazing back at Mordred and Latia, extending his hand, and smiling as he asked, "Shall we...?" without a hint of fear or trepidation.

"Sure. Sound like fun," replied Mordred, handing Leon her greatsword and sitting in his lap as he sat on the slope's edge. Then, with Latia swooping in to push and hold them from behind, they descended the long, winding slide for nearly a full minute before exiting into another spacious chamber. Like before, three doors were present, but instead of lining the same wall, there was one on each. More notably, three conspicuous treasure chests were arranged side by side at the center of the room, spaced roughly two meters apart.

After Latia helped them rise to their feet, Leon said, "Give me a second," before taking a moment to confirm he could teleport back to the previous room. 

"That's convenient," said Mordred. "But the real question is, what do you want to do with these...?"

Seeing Mordred gesture to the treasure chests, Leon deliberated for a moment before responding, "It should be safe enough for me to sneak a peek inside them using my phantom body. If there are any mechanisms, I should be able to uncover them. And if we can only choose one, knowing which has the best loot would be beneficial."

"Sounds good," affirmed Mordred, staying back with Latia as Leon put his body in Storage and approached the centermost chest, sticking his head through the lid without hesitation. He was a little confused when he found a swirling mass of golden energy inside, but he had a pretty good idea of what was going on when he checked the other two chests and found one was filled with white light while the other was filled with blue.

"I can't see what's inside, but if I'm right, the color of the light they emit determines the rarity of the items within," said Leon. "The one on the left is probably Common, while the one on the right is most likely Rare. As for the center, I'm reasonably certain it's the best, as orange and golden light are commonly used to denote Legendary items in video games."

"Then, are you going to open it?" asked Mordred. "Or, since we have three people, should we try opening all three simultaneously...?"

"Let's not be too greedy," said Leon, smiling wryly as he turned around and opened the center chest, causing the light within to spill out, briefly forming a resplendent column of golden energy before clearing away to reveal a red gauntlet with a large green gemstone embedded in the plate protecting the back of the hand.

"It's a gauntlet," said Leon, picking it up so Mordred and Latia could see it. Its aura denoted it as a magical item, but while he could learn its name by placing it in his Storage, Leon would need Wil or someone with the ability to inspect the details of items to know what it did.

"What about the other chests...?" asked Mordred, not overly concerned with the gauntlet as she already had a pair.

"Let's take a look," said Leon, placing the gauntlet, apparently called [Red Dragon's Fury], into his Storage. Unfortunately, while he was able to open the other chests, they were completely empty.

"Looks like we can only loot one item from each treasure room," declared Leon, removing his body from Storage and repossessing it before asking, "Should we double back? There's a chance the room could reset, and I'm curious to see what the others hold."

"I'm down. But you would need to teleport us," said Mordred, punctuating her words by knocking on the solid invisible barrier preventing them from reentering where they had exited form.

"Then let's head down for now and double back once we reach a Boss or something similar," suggested Leon. "We can always perform experiments and such later."

"Then I say we enter there next," said Mordred, pointing to a skull and crossbones with a deep red hue. The symbol clearly indicated that the room ahead was dangerous, but that was even more of a reason to enter from Mordred's perspective.

"Sounds good," said Leon, nodding for effect before the three of them made their way over to the door and, once again, slid down as a group. Yet another similarly sized stone chamber awaited them, but instead of treasure chests, there was a massive, nearly twenty-meter-long creature that resembled an alligator with rigid spines and blue-green skin.

Seeing Leon, Mordred, and Latia enter its chamber, the oversized alligator turned toward them, producing an exceptionally loud hissing sound as the spines along its back elongated, becoming noticeably more pronounced. Unfortunately for it, Mordred wasn't even remotely intimidated, punching her right fist into her left hand as she grinned and mused, "Crocodile hide is a fine material."

As if it could understand Mordred's words, the alligator/crocodile abruptly charged toward her with its presumably powerful jaws open wide. Before it could cover even half the distance, however, she made a casual flinging gesture with her right hand, tossing a sphere of highly condensed 'Ki' into it, causing a sizeable explosion that completely obliterated the top of the creature's head.

[Congratulations on defeating your first Imperator Crocodile! As a reward, your Endurance has increased by 10!]

"Seriously?" asked Mordred, looking incredulous as she remarked, "It was even weaker than the monsters from the previous Floor."

"Well, this is only the second room," contended Leon. "They'll most likely get much more powerful as we progress."

"I sure hope so..." muttered Mordred, making her way forward to pick up a new type of crystal fragment called a Ten-Grain Crystal Fragment. It was shit compared to the Red Crystals dropped by large-sized monsters from the previous Floor, but at least there was a large strip of high-quality hide they could give to Wil or someone else to process into armor...




After clearing fifty rooms without encountering a Boss or finding anything of note other than the equipment they periodically plundered from chests, Leon, Mordred, and Latia used one of the teleporters that appeared every ten rooms to return to the surface. Leon performed a quick check to see if the first room they had entered had reset, but it was empty, indicating the reset timer was either longer than a few hours or never reset. In reality, all the rooms on the Floor reset and rearranged every morning at precisely 8 AM, making it an ideal place to farm items and monsters but suggesting they would need to reach the final room within a single day if they wanted to advance to the Eighth...


