

The sound of my boots weighed heavy on the hard floors as I made my way down the corridor. Conviction straightened my spine because I knew I had chosen correctly. I was now labeled a traitor to the human race, and I would be expelled from station 29 to live out my life as a citizen on earth. As I enter the shuttle that will ferry me back to normalcy, I turn to thank my escort. Both privates are looking at me with sympathetic expressions, they are good men.

"Well boys, this is farewell." I give a half hearted smile, my attempt to reassure them that they don't need to feel bad on my behalf.

Private Truman relaxes, but steps forward. "Sir I-" I hold my hand up to cut him short.

"Truman, I'm no longer your Sergeant. Alex, is fine." He frowns, a look that's out of place for him, but he begins again.

"Sir, I don't understand. Why didn't you just terminate the asset like everyone else? " I smile at his insistence on the use of my title, and his curiosity. At least I haven't lost everyone's respect.

"Alright Truman, let me ask you a question. Do you remember bomb sniffing dogs, you know way back before the earth was forced to unify? Back before all this crazy space shit started?" He nods, clearly not understanding where I am going with all of this. So I continue.

"We used to train those dogs up, send them out to put their lives on the line, and we still viewed them as more than just assets. They were our partners, our fellow soldiers. Those dogs had no idea they were risking their lives every time they went onto a field, hell, they had no idea what a mine field was. Yet we still respected them, and when we lost one, it was like losing a fellow soldier. Men cried over those dogs, and rightly so. Don't you think a creature that can communicate, think on our level, and feel deserves at least the same level of respect, or in my opinion, more?" The confusion has melted off of the privates face, but I can see a hint of indignation in his features.

" But, sir, the N.I.M.P.H.s have no emotions, at the very least dogs have that."

"Tell that to 19 private, I brought her back in one piece because I had never heard such sounds of terror in my entire life. I sent her out there to fight a battle that wasn't hers, and the last thing I heard her say coherently was 'I'm scared.' Maybe that makes me a traitor, maybe I should have let her sacrifice herself out there like all the others, but I'm sure as hell not going to sacrifice my humanity to find out the answer. That is why I pled guilty." Understanding dawns on his face, and as the shuttle doors close, he flashes me a quick salute.