
normal first day (chapter 2)(volume 2)

"shiro wake up your late for school!!"shiro's mother shouted from downstairs waking up her son with a jolt. shiro woke up with a jolt and fell from the bed to the ground shiro groaning from waking up and pain from falling. shiro quickly gets ready for his first day of high school, "mom don't shout like that ever again I swear one of these days your gonna hurt me-"as shiro stops talking because he hears the school bus leaving so he quickly eats his breakfast and leaves to catch up with the school bus luckily he was an athlete and very smart back in middle school just that he did not want to show it so when he the bus had gone he walked to school and was in class 1 - d so he was introduced to his classmates and all of the girls were completely interested and liked shiro very much which suprised shiro because he was never a ladies' man back in middle school so he felt uncomfortable about this." please newcomer tell us your name "the teacher said."sure my name's shiro ogata nice to meet you "shiro bowed to quickly and took his seat next to a female student "hi,my name's kita osasune "the female student said." ok" shiro said and the lessons started when it was lunch shiro was eating lunch alone when kita came to sit by him and they started talking and became friends. So at the end of they exchanged contact information and they both went to their homes.When shiro's father comes home shiro's mother cooks their meal and asks shiro what happened at school and he says everything that happened in school."looks like my boy shiro has become a ladies'man" shiro's father says and laughs and shiro's mother laughs along with him "it's not like that!their just classmates and friends" shiro says "thats what they always say "shiro's father says after that the family finished their meal and all go to sleep while shiro is in his bed he thinks about what his father says and says" I guess that's what they all say"shiro says and chuckles(laughs)softly and goes to sleep.