
Best Wishes

Lord of Mysteries World could be fun if you know how to have fun.

MiracleFactory · Book&Literature
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

The Cataclysm had arrived with the descent of the black rain. The Beyonder characteristics rain to be exact. Everywhere the black rain touched became corrupted. Many plants, animals, and humans were mutated into mindless monsters whose only instinct was to devour more and more Beyonder characteristics. There were some lucky ones who still managed to regain their rationality and some unlucky ones who weren't touched by the rain. The world was quickly thrown into anarchy, with many creatures fighting among themselves just to stay alive. I watched over the Earth from the state of Omnilock for months.

"It seemed that those Outer Deities and Old Gods won't be moving for a while," I murmured to myself. I am too lazy to bother with them. My plan for this period was to just watch these guys fight. I wasn't strong enough to participate in the war of their level, and I am not kind enough to help those people who I didn't even know. My only concern now was whether to snatch some Sefirot for myself or not. After all, as much as I couldn't hurt the other party, they couldn't touch me either. They won't be able to do a thing to me, even if I snatch a Sefirah in front of them. However, I quelled that thought. It would be better to leave them to the Lord of the Mysteries and God Almighty. Only that way they would go crazy and fight with each other. If not, the backup plan of Lord of the Mysteries would be useless, and I don't know what he would do to Amanises.

I decided to observe the remaining sane humans for a while. It seemed that many outer deities were gathering strength before striking the Earth, and the Cataclysm period would be a long time. The remaining humans had built shelters and bases, but situations were still messy with the emergence of superpowers and new races. New races were a rather intriguing matter. They were normal plants and animals before the Cataclysm. However, they were touched by the black rain and mutated to Beyonder creatures, which elevated their intelligence, at least, the intelligence of those who didn't go mad.

As of now, the new races and humanity were in the war, fighting against each other. They were idiots, for sure. It would be better if they formed an alliance. The Corrupted Ones, yes, that is the name I am calling to those creatures who went mad, wouldn't care if you are humans or new races. Their only instinct was to devour, devour all Beyonder Characteristics to awaken "Him". Oh well, in the grand scheme of things, they didn't matter much anyway. No matter how much resistance they put up, in the eyes of Outer Deities, and Old Gods, they weren't even qualified to be ants.

I was walking along a highway, well, a damaged highway. I heard that there was a human shelter if you went west straight. As for the name of that place, I forgot. It wasn't that important anyway. My intentions were to sneak into the shelter, listen to gossip and news of what was happening. It was pretty boring when you are alone. I nearly died of boredom when I thought of the First Epoch, the times I have to wait until livings once again make their marks on this land. I was really considering the idea of hibernating until I reached the Second Epoch. Scratch that, First Epoch is actually an opportunity to pretend as some badass old fossil.

Anyway, as I was walking toward the rumoured shelter, a car rushed past me, followed by something that seemed like a dog crossed with a crocodile. The creature seemed like a high-level Beyonder just below demi-god level, seeing that each of its steps caused considerable dents in the ground and lightning striking with each of its howls. The car erected a transparent blue force field. While it shook every time lightning struck, it remained safe. It was impressive, to be honest. The creature roared in anger, its monstrous body flew in the air in defiance to the laws of physics and slammed into the car. The car tumbled out of the highway in a metallic groan.

I sparked a flame at the tip of my index and lazily waved it toward the creature. A towering torrent of flame came out from that little spark and burned the creature into ash while turning the nearby ground into the glass. It wasn't surprising really, at my current level, I am as powerful as an angel. Truthfully, each level up was a qualitative change. It wasn't that surprising, I suppose. After all, even that one Absolute Wish had granted me an untouchable status, even to those like the Great Oldest One.

[Wish Maker

Current Level - Intermediate Wish

Requirement for Next Level - EXP (342/500)

Abilities - Flawless Indestructibility, Flame Generation, Flame Manipulation, Spatial Manipulation, Temporal Manipulation, Strength, Speed, Biological Manipulation]

It wasn't much, however, it still looked cool to have many abilities. I mean, I could just wish for that creature to be burned to ash and be done with that. However, that would be pointless, I want to look cool! Burning all my enemies with a wave of my hand and saying "yare yare daze" as I looked coolly upon the ashes of my enemies. How cool was that! As I was monologuing for so long that it would put supervillains to shame, a girl crawled out of the now trashed car... van! Right van. A surprising girl to be sure. Very surprising girl. She has a sefirah for one, which she used to store things and grow vegetables. Humanity and their endless stupidity, I suppose.

You have a weird space connecting with you where you could go in after performing a specific set of actions, and your first instinct is to grow vegetables in there. Thankfully, Amanises would be reborn as a wolf. I am worried about her if that is not the case. That is how much my belief in Humanity had waned after that girl treated a freaking sefirah as a vegetable farm! Relax, myself relax, she didn't know that wasn't her fault. How would she know that the weird space she was currently using as an impromptu farm and storage is actually a priceless treasure that every Old Gods and Outer Deities were eyeing?

After I was satisfied with monologuing to myself, I resumed the time I paused to give myself time for my inner monologues.

I looked at the girl. Her clothes and her fiery red hair was a little dirty, but she was indeed an above-average beauty with bottomed green eyes. Though not as beautiful as me or Amanises. Yes, I am vain, so what? Sue me. I made a wish as my clothes changed into a Victorian-style suit, coupled with a top hat, a cane and all. I looked at the confused girl and flashed a Cheshire grin toward her, which made her shrink a little.

"Greetings, young lady. I am looking for a nearby shelter, could you guide me to it?" I asked the girl.

The girl nodded fearfully at me. Suddenly, I was hit with a new idea. I could use her, grant her strength, and make a name for myself using her. Faith and such things are useless for me, but it could be fun.

"Well then, what are we waiting for? Lead the way, my dear. We have so much to do," I announced with a cheerful voice.