
Best served cold

It all seemed right to Trisha, everything seemed really good to her, it was like the universe was paying her back for all the struggles she had to face alongside her mother. Her job seemed right, her love life was beautiful, her mood was everything she wanted, and her family was filled with so much love even if it wasn't the typical nuclear family… It all seemed right!! Well, that was what she thought till the series of events she found out next shook her to the core. She caught her fiance, soon to he husband sleeping with her step sister one day she decided to surprise him after he had denied her request multiple times  Leaving the scene brokenhearted, she was stabbed in the back yet again by her stepfather's sudden divorce papers. She loses her job soon after because of her inability to be productive It all seemed unreal to her until sometime after, when she begins to adjust to her new life. It takes a few trials and errors for her to fully get back on her feet… Eventually, she does and she ruins their wedding by just simply appearing. A huge shock when they thought she would never amount to anything again. It doesn't end there as her payback plan unfolds into the biggest scheme to completely criple them.

Simp4_Tomi · Urban
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40 Chs

Thirty Three

Trisha's POV

The feeling was bitter sweet, selling the house I mean. If mom hadn't suggested we visited one last time to relive those memories.

I still wouldn't have beleived we were taking such a bold step until I saw the fat check the realtor had written in my name.

One thing's for sure, we were going to bounce back, better than ever!!!

The same week, mom and I went around Landmark, looking for a smaller space.

We both were on the same page here, so it didn't feel like either of us was being too pushy.

Well, days later…

Exhausted and not really feeling like driving any further, we finally found a place.

It wasn't like the houses we stayed at before, the lush greenery was limited to a confined space. The air was okay, but it wasn't like the fresh air back at the estate.

It was okay though, we were going to grow into it, we could definitely do that!!!

Giselle didn't know about our plans of leaving, well, not until we started packing to leave.

She really didn't want us to leave, they all didnt want that, but we just had to do it.

After some explaining, they finally understood the point. That didn't mean she didn't cry.

They helped us to transfer the boxes to our new house after it got cleaned of course.

The day our boxes arrived, we settled in the same day because we had enough hands to split the work amongst!

It was obvious they didn't want to leave, so when mom asked them to stay for dinner, they didn't hesitate.


After we sold the house, mom entrusted the whole thing to me.

Sure we bought the new house, but I still had quite a lot with me at the time.

Since I didn't know what to do with the rest of the money, I decided to invest it!

That was better than keeping it in a bank the whole time.

I took a specific amount however to pay the detective I hired to find Dave and his daughter, I was going to make sure he paid every single cent he stole from my family.

Mom on the other hand started working in an NGO in Landmark. They helped molested children,bfinding them suitable homes, or choosing to keep them with the agency until the child reached the legal age.

Since my undivided attention wasn't on some guy who didn't love me the way I loved him, I started working on a side project.

I couldn't do it alone however, everybody heard the idea and helped in the little way they could. Mom, Giselle, Giselle's husband, Austin and Elle, they didn't judge me, they supported me!!

And like that a month passed, my side hustle making more profit than I expected. That wasn't only my source of income, did you forget I invested that huge amount of money, which by the way tripled.

Now, you might probably be wondering what the side hustle was that was such a blast!

I went into real estate, and the selling of building materials.

Of course, several chauvinists showeed their true nature, doubting my skill and establishment, some even refusing to work with me because they thought I wasn't capable.

How stupid!

I mean it was their loss though, I managed to get my agency started in just one month.

Ohh the work I put in, of course I had to quit my job. Mrs Van Dusen understood completely, as she wished me good luck.

Sometimes I just imagine the contrast, one day I was happy working as a manager in a clothes store, now I'm a proud owner of a small, but successful agency.

I bet dad would have been proud of me, he would have been really proud of me, i just knew it.

Now, mum should definitely go on that vacation to Seychelles, she tells me about it every time.

Elle's POV.

These past few weeks has been quite challenging for Trisha and her mom, most especially, Trisha.

She deserves everything she has worked for, nobody needs to tell me how hard she worked, I had a front row seat to that.

Now, as I sat on my chair as I had just come back from a quick patrol with the new rookie, my mind wandered to the night we found out Collin was cheating on Trisha.

Not like I wanted to remember the horrid memory, it's just that, that was the only day I had ever had a full conversation with my boss, Alex Martins.

Oh was he hot!

I sighed in my seat as I started to get hot. I shouldn't get hot.

Why was I hot and bothered thinking about my boss at work? Even I wasn't sure.

Did I want him to talk to me again, well, yes, definitely!! Affirmative, everything in between!!

Except for the regular nods, and general commands, that was the most communication we had since that night.

You know the night where we met at the club.

Now, in the general room, scrolling away, looking for nothing in particular, I suddenly heard clearing of throat behind me.

I guess I was immensely preoccupied with doing nothing that I didn't notice it was lunch, and I was the only one left in the general room!

What i didn't expect was Alex Martins, Our police captain behind me, a wide smile on his face as he took in my shocked expression.

I shifted in my seat as I took in his short sleeved t shirt, that hugged his body, very sexily.

I didn't even know when I cocked my head to the right, taking in his appearance.

He was so beautiful!

He cleared his throat again, snapping me out of my daze.

"I, I, uhm, hi..!", I stuttered scratching the back of my neck as I smiled shyly.

Did he just watch me ogle his body. Oh my God, hang me.

"Aren't you having lunch!?", he asked as he took a step closer.

I already did!!!

"Uhmm I was about to…!", I started, my words cut off by a junior cop!

"Robbery on 10th!", He screamed, all units arming themselves to tackle the situation!

"Well, how about we talk later!", He said as he ran out of the general room.


Hi guys, Im not that fluent in police terms, please bear with me.

Correct me in the comments guys

And don't forget to support the book.

Y'all think both of them have a chance?