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It all seemed right to Trisha, everything seemed really good to her, it was like the universe was paying her back for all the struggles she had to face alongside her mother. Her job seemed right, her love life was beautiful, her mood was everything she wanted, and her family was filled with so much love even if it wasn't the typical nuclear family… It all seemed right!! Well, that was what she thought till the series of events she found out next shook her to the core. She caught her fiance, soon to he husband sleeping with her step sister one day she decided to surprise him after he had denied her request multiple times  Leaving the scene brokenhearted, she was stabbed in the back yet again by her stepfather's sudden divorce papers. She loses her job soon after because of her inability to be productive It all seemed unreal to her until sometime after, when she begins to adjust to her new life. It takes a few trials and errors for her to fully get back on her feet… Eventually, she does and she ruins their wedding by just simply appearing. A huge shock when they thought she would never amount to anything again. It doesn't end there as her payback plan unfolds into the biggest scheme to completely criple them.

Simp4_Tomi · Urban
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40 Chs

Chapter Thirteen

The heart want what the heart wants and thats a fact Dave clearly knew. Like the coward he was, he had to scheme to get another man's property.

When he was done, he threw everything away, what Paula thought they had built together, it turned out it didn't matter to him.


Her teeth chattered as the remote control fell from her hands, her eye balls looked lifeless as it reflected the images that popped on the screen next.

Several pictures where Dave was coming out of a hotel with different women. She thought he only cheated with the maid, but she should have known..

Trisha woke up with a headache, 'this is worse than I expected!', she thought as she got out of bed to freshen up for the day, after all she had to set a good example for her surbodinates.

While she's in the shower, she starts to reflect on her life,a little reality check. 'Its probably the best decision to leave the house, she needs to spend quality time with her husband. Who knows, there might be a little Paula or a little Dave running around!'

Clad in a black suit and green heels, she walked towards the living room, searching through her bag for her phone, when she heard the next sentence said from the tv .

"The two have been sighted multiple times over the past two years, however, Miss Kareena confirmed their relationship in a recent Instagram post!"

Her hands paused as she looked up, the first thing that popped in her mind - 'guess there won't be any babies to be taking care of!'

She took slow steps as she approached her mother, who sat lifelessly, like a statue on the couch.

"Mom!" Trisha called out when she was just two steps away from the couch. The action seemed to jolt Paula out of the trance like state she found herself in.

She felt something wet on her lap, and so, the tears continued to flow as she turned to face Trisha.

"Mom!", Trisha called out again as she closed the distance and sat beside her mother before wrapping her in a tight hug.

Paula had cried the night before, however as she poured her soul out, she realized that the man she married didn't love her as much as she did him.

Silent sobs soon filled the room as Trisha comforted her mother and Paula cried even more.

She didn't do anything to stop her mother, nor did she intend to leave Paula, she was there for her mother till she fell asleep in her arms.

She just extended the couch in such a way that it could be used as a bed, then she got blankets and made sure Paula was tucked in.

She removed her heels and called in sick as she knew that her mom was going to need her company.

She switched off the tv and the lights and closed the blinds before she headed to her room to took of all she has worn in preparation for work that morning.

'Who would have thought that Dave would pull such a stupid card!', Trisha thought as she unplugged her phone to receive the incoming call.

"Typical Elle!", Trisha muttered as she saw the caller ID.


"Hi Elle, didn't think you would call!''

"Well, I heard what happened with Dave, I was worried and I couldn't hold it anymore!"

"Yeah, he's such a coward! Anyway, mom's fine, I guess. I just put her to sleep so Im not really sure how she's feeling!".

"How are you feeling, you okay!?", Elle asked, obviously bothered about how her best friend was doing.

She continued, "What I said in your office, I didn't mean to hurt you okay, it's just that the guy isn't the one for you!"

"I don't know Elle, I just really don't want to talk about it!"

"Okay I won't force it, but you have to beleive me, alright!?"

"I have to go Elle, we'll talk about this some other time !", Trisha did before cutting the call.

Elke sighed, she could only do so much.