
Best Of The Best Billionaire

Ethan Mo is the heir to the Diamond Group, World's largest company. But disappointed in his materialistic ex-girlfriend, Ethan runs away from his family to find his true love in J City. Ethan finds Lidya Watson, a young stockbroker girl with a bright future but, because Ethan remembers his past failures, Ethan decides to test Lidya's love for him. Ethan hides his identity despite being insulted by Lidya's family and friends. Can Lidya pass Ken's love sincerity test? Will their relationship survive the turmoil?

Righting_For · Urban
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34 Chs


"Yes? How about it, Gatot?" Gabriel asked while puffing a precious real Cuban cigar very expensive because it was shipped directly from Cuba.

"Look, Mr. Gabriel. I found a pearl that has not been honed in our company," Gatot replied with a face still beaming.

"What do you mean?"

"I found a stockbroker who may have been in this company for a long time, but he was never given the opportunity to be a broker in our company and it was only today that I tested his abilities and his abilities are very great. Far beyond the capabilities of all the brokers who have ever worked. I tested at this company, sir."

"Is it right?" Gabriel became very interested. Because for Gabriel, when it came to profits, then Gabriel would be very happy.

"Here are the proofs, sir," Gatot opened the two laptop and showed the results of the purchase shares carried by Ethan today in two his account.

While showing his two laptops, Gatot explained in detail what happened earlier, starting from when Ethan started buying shares, the time that passed, to the significant increase in the price of the shares purchased by Ethan.

Gatot also explained about the purchase of shares what Ethan did the second laptop dj and in the second account with the result of high rising prices which even more powerful than the previous one.

Gabriel was very surprised when he heard this statement from Gatot. "Wow... this is really really great. He really is an uncut pearl. Who is he? Is he a junior broker who hasn't had a chance before or what?"

"You won't believe it, Mr. Gabriel. When I tell you, where is this person's current job position, or where he has been in the last year."

"You mean he has this great ability, but in the space of this year, he has never been given the opportunity to become a stockbroker. Is that what you mean?" Gabriel asked curiously.

"Yes, Mr. Gabriel, for the past year this person has worked in a very low-key place and he has never been given the opportunity to show his abilities. Fortunately, with my keen sense of smell, I managed to find him." Gatot tried to raise himself in front of Gabriel.

"So you found it?"

"Yes, Mr. Gabriel. With my ability as a reliable talent scout, I have cultivated his talent for a long time, until today, I think he is ready to become a stockbroker." Gatot deliberately created the impression as if he was the one who shaped Ethan's abilities, even though it was only today that he found Ethan.

"You're great, Gatot. It's not for nothing that I trust you to test every new stockbroker. Even though when you work in the stock market, your work is not special and even tends to harm the company, but you are able to become a mentor for young stockbrokers. "

"Yes sir."

"And today, you proved your the best ability."

"Thank you, sir. We are very, very lucky because I managed to find him. He will bring huge profits to our company, sir," Gatot said.

"I'm still curious. Was he previously in administration or sales, looking for investors for brokers? Is he from there? How?"

"This is surprising, Mr. Gabriel. He does not come from the administration department nor does he come from the sales department. The position he is in is really far from being a stockbroker, sir."

"What do you mean, anyway? So where exactly was he in our company before you found him."

"This is really surprising, Mr. Gabriel, because before this, he was in a very low position and really low. So difficult to detect. Fortunately, unfortunately, my extraordinary sense of smell allowed me to find him." Gatot raised himself again.

"You are great, Gatot. You are great." Gabriel raised his thumb to Gatot.

"Therefore, sir, before it's too late, I suggest that we award him a contract as a stock trader before our rival company smells his talent."

Gabriel nodded. "Okay, then, with his abilities like that, immediately recruit him to be a stockbroker. Tomorrow morning, he is already working as a stockbroker in my company."

"Thank you, Mr. Gabriel. Thank you. I will immediately tell him this. I will immediately submit a contract to him because we really have to secure his signature so that his ability was not kissed by our rival company, so that our competitors can take it, because he is a pearl that has not been honed, when it is sharpened, it will become very large. It will be a very shiny one."

"Yes, you are right, Gatot."

"Oh, yeah. Without my keen observation, we wouldn't have found him. So... he he." Gatot tried to remind his service in order to get a reward from Gabriel.

Gatot's face continued to look at Gabriel expectantly, hoping that Gabriel would understand the meaning of his words. Gatot hopes to get at least a raise because of the services he renders.

"Okay. I'll increase your salary because you've done a good job. Immediately offer the contract to that person as soon as possible, so that like you said earlier, no other company will come to take it."

"Okay, sir, I'll do it right away." Gatot laughed happily because he was going to go on a pilgrimage. He immediately took his two laptops in front of Gabriel but Gabriel immediately held his hand.

"Leave this laptop here first, I want to analyze its greatness."

"Yes, Mr. Gabriel." Gatot immediately removed his hand from the laptop and headed straight for the exit from this room.

"Wait a minute, you haven't had time to say where he is from, because if he's not from the administration and sales department, then that means he's from the accounting, HR or promotion department. Is my guess right?"

"It is, Mr. Gabriel. He doesn't come from those sections, because he comes from a section that will only make you laugh if you find out."

"Where is he from? Come on, tell me quickly, don't make me curious."

Gatot laughed then he said, "He comes from the cleaning service, sir. Try to imagine that someone who has extraordinary trading talent actually comes from the cleaning service."

Gabriel had laughed along with Gatot, but then, his face changed. He seemed to check his cellphone and then asked, "Is that person named Ethan?"

"This person's name is Ethan, sir. How did you know?"

Gabriel's face, which was previously cheerful and laughing with Gatot, was now gloomy for a moment. Then he said, "I take back what I said earlier. He can't be a stockbroker in my company."

Gabriel's words made Gatot very surprised. "What happened, sir? Why can't he be a broker in our company when his abilities are so great like that?"