
Best Of The Best Billionaire

Ethan Mo is the heir to the Diamond Group, World's largest company. But disappointed in his materialistic ex-girlfriend, Ethan runs away from his family to find his true love in J City. Ethan finds Lidya Watson, a young stockbroker girl with a bright future but, because Ethan remembers his past failures, Ethan decides to test Lidya's love for him. Ethan hides his identity despite being insulted by Lidya's family and friends. Can Lidya pass Ken's love sincerity test? Will their relationship survive the turmoil?

Righting_For · Urban
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34 Chs


Suddenly Gatot's eyes went wide staring at the monitor screen in front of him. Then he seemed busy pressing the laptop keyboard.

Every now and then Gatot looked at Ethan, then he shook his head and looked back at the monitor screen direction.

Gatot wiped the sweat on his temples even though this room was an air-conditioned room, but still, there was sweat dripping down and soaking Gatot's head. Then Gatot appeared to make several phone calls, He asked about some stock increase and this made Ethan instantly looked at the laptop screen in front of him and turns out just as Ethan predicted, all Blue Chip stocks chip that Ethan chose earlier had increased very extraordinary.

Ethan was relieved that the ability he had before had now returned to him or at least, Ethan's ability to predict the stock market has never changed, never faded from Ethan, even though Ethan has not been working on the stock market for over a year.

Previously, when Gatot handed Ethan a laptop with an account that was owned by Gatot in it and was asked by Gatot to double the deposit that Gatot had in that account, Ethan had doubts.

Ethan had a little doubt that his instincts had still have him because for a year moreover, he was never again a stock trader but apparently, that ability was not disappear.

Previously, Ethan only needed to watch for a few seconds to be able to predict the stocks that would jump immediately in the next few moments and all the shares which amounted to 3 shares of companies with varying numbers of shares used by Ethan for this test all managed to jump insanely only in a short time.

Ethan was satisfied. He smiled in his heart. He deliberately didn't develop a smile because he didn't want to make Gatot suspicious, therefore, he pretended not to understand what was going on this happened.

Gatot called several times to several people. It seemed that he wanted to confirm about what happened because of what happened, he didn't really believe it.

Finally, Gatot approached Ethan and said, "Why did you choose those 3 stocks?"

Ethan pretended not to know that the stock he had chosen had experienced a tremendous price spike. Then he asked, "So what, Mr. Gatot? Did the stocks I chose experience a loss?" Ethan pretended to put on a worried face.

Gatot immediately shook his head. "No. The stock you chose went up drastically. Some were up 200 percent from the previous price, some were up 500 percent, some were even up 600 percent and that's something great for a beginner."

"Wow. I'm so happy. I thought I had make you lose, sir. I think I already lost your deposit, Mr. Gatot."

Gatot who was previously standing was now sitting staring probingly at Ethan and said, "Before this, Lidya never taught you how to play stocks directly, didn't you?"

Ethan shook his head. "Not yet, sir."

"Because it was so great. Even Lidya has never achieved such a great win, didn't you? You managed to predict the stock that would jump very precisely. Therefore, I want to do another experiment."

"Another experiment?" Ethan asked.

"Yes. I want you to go back to playing stocks, you can immediately sell the shares you won earlier, or if you don't want to, I will add a deposit to the account you are using so you can buy other stocks that are likely to rise. like before. How?"

Ethan looked back at the stock market for a moment. After 5 minutes later, he said, "The 3 stocks that I bought earlier, can't be sold because in about an hour they will increase quite rapidly. Some are up to 600 percent of the original price. The second one will go up about 800 percent again. Meanwhile the last one, which jumped the most, will increase by 1000 percent."

"Is it true what you say, because seems quite impossible."

"Nothing is impossible in the stock market, sir."

"Then, leave those stocks, because I want to know whether your prediction was correct or not. So, now it's just like this."

"Yes sir?"

"I want you to play with my other account, which has a much more deposit than my previous account, you play my account, take stocks that are likely to go up in the next few minutes. How? Can you?"

After saying that, without waiting for an answer from Ethan, Gatot gave the laptop in front of him to Ethan and took back the laptop that was previously in front of Ethan.

Because on this second laptop that was given, has an account that has far more deposits than the one Ethan used earlier.

Ethan returns to watching the stock market for 5 minute. After that, he wasn't like before, he was just chooses only two stocks, but he bought nominal shares which was much more than before.

After that, Ethan gave the laptop back to Gatot.

Gatot was immediately surprised because the amount spent by Ethan to buy shares in two large companies in the country was very large and he did not expect.

"What's the matter, sir?"

"You bought a lot of shares. What if the stock price falls? You probably can lose?"

"Hopefully don't, sir. Hopefully it can be like before. Take it easy, sir."

Gatot nodded. But, even so, there was a feeling of fear within him. He was afraid that Ethan's deposit would cost him a fortune.

Because Ethan spent a very large deposit and this deposit belongs to the company and Gatot must be responsible if this deposit suffers a loss due to Ethan's share purchase.

Gatot could only felt sorry for himself because he forgot to tell Ethan, the limit that Ethan can use was the amount of the deposit in the account on the laptop that Gatot gave to Ethan earlier. Now Gatot could only regret himself because he forgot about it.

"You're not going anywhere, okay? I want to know what happened," said Gatot to Ethan.

"Okay, I'm here, Mr. Gatot. I hope I don't make you lose."

Gatot was silent as he continued to watch the stock market through the laptop in front of him.

Meanwhile, Ethan received a WA chat from Lidya who asked about the progress of the Test that Ethan was undergoing in Gatot's room.

"Going pretty well, Lidya." That's all said by Ethan.

Lidya also only said that she was still busy in the stock market, in her room. But she'd be back with Ethan in about half an hour.

Ethan continued to wait until suddenly Gatot burst out laughing.

"Why, sir? Why are you laughing?"