
Best Of The Best Billionaire

Ethan Mo is the heir to the Diamond Group, World's largest company. But disappointed in his materialistic ex-girlfriend, Ethan runs away from his family to find his true love in J City. Ethan finds Lidya Watson, a young stockbroker girl with a bright future but, because Ethan remembers his past failures, Ethan decides to test Lidya's love for him. Ethan hides his identity despite being insulted by Lidya's family and friends. Can Lidya pass Ken's love sincerity test? Will their relationship survive the turmoil?

Righting_For · Urban
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34 Chs


Currently, Lidya had invited Ethan to acquainted with several of her siblings, Lidya was very happy when Ethan was praised by several of her siblings that Ethan, who was tall, athletic and handsome, was very compatible with Lidya and was the right partner for Lidya.

"It is, Lidya, the two of you are very compatible. One is beautiful and slim. One is tall and handsome. You guys are the best couple at this party," Tirza said, Lidya's cousin who was indeed close to Lidya.

Lidya stared at Ethan who was being praised by Tirza and the others. Lidya had to admit that her liking for Ethan from the start was because of his good looks, tall and athletic body and Ethan's charming smile, therefore, getting support from Tirza and his other cousins.

However, Ethan's kindness, which Lidya understands more when she was close in these last days with Ethan, made Lidya admire Ethan even more, Lidya loved Ethan even more.

After that, Lidya brought Ethan to meet her grandmother on a specially made stage for this birthday. 

"Grandma. This is Ethan." Lydia touched hands her grandmother.

"Happy birthday, Grandma, I'm sorry I didn't bring anything, because when I was here, Lidya said that it was Grandma's birthday." Ethan held out his hand.

Lidya's grandmother whose name was Mirriam, now shook Ethan's hand and asked Lidya.

"Is this your boyfriend you told me about?"

"Yes, Grandma," Lisya answered quickly.

Ethan felt flattered because Lidya immediately recognized hisself as a boyfriend and was not shy or hiding about it anymore. Ethan was also proud that Lidya had told Mirriam about hisself.

"Good. Grandma feels the sincerity in his voice. Grandma can't see clearly because of Grandma's disease but, by not being able to see clearly, Grandma has more ability in Grandma's ears and Grandma can hear your boyfriend's sincerity to you."

"Yes, grandma. I already knew about it. Grandma doesn't need to explain to me anymore."

"Grandma is not explaining this to you, Lidya. But, I am explaining this to your boyfriend."

Lidya and Ethan stared at each other and they were laugh.

"Do not laugh." Mirriam stared at Ethan while still holding Ethan's hand. "Listen to ne. You have to keep fighting for your love for Lidya. Don't give up easily. You have to fight for Lidya and for the love of both of you, understand?"

Ethan immediately fell silent hearing Mirriam's words.

"What do you mean, Grandma? Why do you seem so serious?" Lidya stared at Mirriam attentively.

"Nothing. Grandma just said nonsense. He he." Mirriam let go of Ethan's hand. "But, for Ethan, I hope he can remember Grandma's words." Mirriam stared at Ethan with a mysterious look.

"Ugh, grandma is acting like a fortune teller again. It's always like that. Grandma once predicted that the security going to our household. But, in the end, that he got married with our household next door!" Lidya protested.

"The fortune-telling doesn't always come true, the security picks someone else. But, if he sticks with our household and isn't tempted by the others, I'm sure he'll be happy."

"Is not the security happy?" Lidya aske curiously.

"The proof is, this month, he keeps calling our household. That's a sign he's not happy with his choice. That's why you two don't do anything wrong." Mirriam immediately moved her right hand to drove Ethan and Lidya away.

Lidya immediately invited Ethan down. That's when Ethan saw that in this room, things weren't the same as before. Previously, many pairs of eyes stared friendly at Ethan, now it's the other way around.

At this moment, there were many pairs of eyes staring at Ethan with contempt. Ethan was already familiar with this view, because during this year, since Ethan became an office cleaning service, he had received many views like this. That was a condescending view.

Ethan became aware of these kinds of views when he saw the presence of Ardy, Alex and Harry in each group of people. It seemed that the 3 people spread to spread the gossip virus about Ethan.

Ethan was even more convinced of that when he saw Ardy talking to some of the guests of this event and then Ardy with some of the guests, staring at Ethan and their gazed looked condescending to Ethan.

The guests at this event were actually Lidya's relatives and friends of Lidya's parents outside the Mulia Investment and Security stock office, where Lidya and her father worked. Only a few directors of Mulia Investment and Security were invited to this event and that included Ardy and his father.

Since Ardy was invited, then, he invited three 'squad' were Ardy, Alex and Haras to accompany him on this event.

Therefore, on average, the guests at this anniversary event did not know Ethan and because of that, they were very surprised when Ardy and two of his subordinates came with the information that Ethan was a cleaning service at Mulia Investment and Security

Moreover, the information brought by Ardy and his two subordinates was very complete because they complemented it with photos of Ethan who was wearing a cleaning service uniform and was sweeping and mopping the floor. The photos, they took from the office website, where there were profiles of almost all employees of Mulia Investment and Security

Because of that, the information brought by Ardy and his two subordinates was immediately swallowed up by the majority of the guests in the downstairs living room and also the upstairs living room, the house belonging to Lidya's family, so that contempt for Ethan began to occur.

"A cleaning service? How come Lidya wants it? Isn't there anything else?"

"Looks like Lidya is a pellet victim. How can you want to be with a guy who works like that."

"I guest so too."

That's some of the gossip that goes on in this room, especially when Ethan was near them.

Lidya was invited to took pictures by her high school friends, so there was a moment where Ethan was standing alone. That's when a loud buzzing sound whose contents continued to humiliate Ethan, swirled around Ethan's ears.

Ethan knew that they were deliberately raising their voices to reach Ethan's ears. But, Ethan tried to ignore it, During this year, he had been immune to ridicule and insulted like this and at this time, Ethan was still indifferent to their words.

For Ethan, what matters was Lidya's attitude. As long as Lidya didn't mind Ethan's job as a cleaning service, Ethan won't be disturbed. After all, Ethan really wanted to test Lidya's heart with this job status of Ethan, who was only a cleaning service.

Suddenly someone approached Ethan ....