
The Feed.

This is a poem that teaches us how to live with each other in hard times. This is very simple poem. Here we depist the love of a mother bird for her Young ones who are very small and only a few days old. They are in the nest. The mother sparrow goes out and brings a grain of millet in her beak to feed them. They are ten in number. It's moral is that we should devide equally the resources that we have in hard times it is very useful for students.👇

*The Feed*

Holding a grain of millet in her beak

The mother sparrow has come to feed

The young ones are so tiny and small

From head to toe they are beaks

When they cry.

One grain to be fed to the ten young ones

To whom the mother sparrow should feed?

Conjoining beak with beak

With whom should she solace?

Fissuring the atom,

You have learnt to weep and wail in a loud tone,

Splitting the grain

You have learnt to set life on foot

Could you split the grain?

One grain to be fed to the ten young ones.