
Best For The Beast

The 125th dislocation of the souls introduced two new men to the army of the secret society of knights, who fights with the monsters locked somewhere else. Gaurav Roy is one of them who has unparalleled strength, which he doesn't know. He overcomes barriers and understands his power by learning the truth and solving mysteries. When he thinks that something is his final form, he finds out that he needs to know more and continues his journey of saving the earth from the other race.

DarkBlaze · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The Portal

After an interval of fourteen years, Mrs.Roy came back to the place where everything started. The pond on anagdhana hill. Yesterday She asked Gaurav about the reason why he visited a pond. Before going to the university, he came to this pond thinking about how the present would be if his sister were with him.

The vehicles must be stopped at a distance of half a kilometer from that pond. Vehicles cannot move in that terrain, where the way will be full of small pebbles and pits. Vehicles must be stopped at a point, and they should walk into the forest to reach the pond. When they arrived at that point, they heard the sound of helicopters. Some soldiers were getting down of the aircraft using fast ropes.

There were about ten commandos. When they are ready, they started moving towards the pond. As they moved towards the pond, the scenery was getting more and more beautiful. Citizens don't know about the pond on this hill. It was deep inside the forest on the hill. Visitors and travelers go to the top of the hill to glance at how the whole city looks from that height. But, they don't know about this pond because no one went through that way. One day, when Mrs.Roy was on a mission, she and her team went inside the forest to hide. They parted their ways after entering the forest. At that time, when she was alone trying to hide, she discovered this pond.

The pond will be surrounded by boulders. It resembles an artificial pond. She kept that place a secret so that it can remain as it is now. If the visitors or any others come to know about this place, they will ruin the beautiful scenery. Only Mrs.Roy and her family know about this place.

After a short walk, they reached the pond. The last moment Mrs.Roy spent with her daughter flashed in her brain, and she started shedding tears. Gaurav tried to comfort her, but she took some time to get adjusted. Zoya tried to calm her down, after a while, Mrs.Roy got control over her. She wiped her tears and said, " We cannot change the past. At least we must do our best to make future brighter. " Gaurav was not significantly influenced, as he already came to this place yesterday. He was able to control himself.

" What should we do now Mrs.Roy? " asked Zoya

" According to what he said. There will be a space to place this ingot somewhere around this pond. We should find that. "

" A place where we can keep this…. "


" Mom, this is a forest. We can place it even here where we are standing. "

" He said you will understand when you find it. "

" Tsk.. Ok let's search. " and they started to search for a place where they can keep this ingot. Without knowing what is exactly they are searching for, they decided to search a cavity or a plot that is not normal and in which ingot can fit.

Gaurav searched here and there, and he started thinking something holding his chin.

" Mom! I have a doubt. "

" What is it. "

" Knight said, to search the place where she went missing. "

" Yes! "

" Does he mean, the pond and it's surroundings or where exactly she disappeared. "

" Let's do one thing. We will search here, You, Pratik, and Zoya search the place where she disappeared. "

" Ok mom we will search there. " said Gaurav and turned to his left.

" There is no need of that commander. Take a look here. " yelled one of the commandos.

We all moved to him on his call. He was standing on a rock.

" I think the place we are searching for is under this rock. " said that commando.

" What made you feel like that. "

" The clean ground at the edges of the rock where its bottom touches the ground. "

" I did not get it. " said Mrs.Roy.

" There is grass all over this place, even on the other boulders, we can only see the green-colored ground everywhere, even if any gap are left they has been occupied by algae, except under this rock. It is looking like a border that is protecting something under this rock. "

Then he rubbed his finger on that ground and said, " The algae present everywhere here make it clear that there is enough moisture around here for algae to form. But under this rock, it is only dry sand. It is acting like a boundary that is restricting the entry of moisture, grass, and even bugs. So, something might be under this. "

Mrs.Roy appreciated him and ordered them to break the rock. Then those commandos placed an explosive on that rock and moved away from it, hiding behind trees. One of them pressed the button, and it blasted.

When the smoke cleared they went to that rock. Not even a single crack was present on that rock.

" Impossible!! It can destroy the metal blocks twice the size of it. How does it fail in breaking a rock? " said the one who fixed the bomb.

" Try it again. Try to blast it again. " said Mrs.Roy. The commandos followed her orders and blasted another one. The situation was the same. They tried it two more times, yet they failed in breaking it. Then Pratik said, " May be the rock itself is that place. "

" What!! " said Gaurav.

" Remember what you said before we started searching… You said we can place it anywhere, we can place right here where we are standing. "

" Yes. "

" Then we can place ingot on top of that rock, instead of explosives. "

" Yeah!! He is right. " said the one who told them about that rock.

They agreed with him and placed the ingot on top of it. Ingot seeped into the rock, and the rock started floating.

Then it started emitting a dazzling light. The light was so bright that everyone closed their eye, and covered them by placing their hands on forehead. Slowly the light was fading, and when they opened their eyes. They could see a portal in place of that rock.

They saw each other's faces, nodded, and entered into that portal.

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