
Best For The Beast

The 125th dislocation of the souls introduced two new men to the army of the secret society of knights, who fights with the monsters locked somewhere else. Gaurav Roy is one of them who has unparalleled strength, which he doesn't know. He overcomes barriers and understands his power by learning the truth and solving mysteries. When he thinks that something is his final form, he finds out that he needs to know more and continues his journey of saving the earth from the other race.

DarkBlaze · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Mark On The Shoulder

When The First Guardian said that legend considered both equally. Zoya raised her voice and asked him, " How can he consider both the races equally. "

'' As I said, his way of thinking was unique compared to others. He said that when the positivity reached its limit. To maintain the balance beasts were created. Now, both positivity and negativity are present in humans. That doesn't mean that the beast race can be eradicated. That is why he built another planet and locked beasts there. He made the temples in such a terrain that is not connected to the earth. The place where the temples are created will uniformly change its location.

When the land on which temples are built, move one place to the other. The rumble caused during the movement sometimes disturbs the pedestal, resulting in the souls getting displaced from the pedestals.

When a soul gets displaced, the barrier set to the planet of beasts will be unlocked evenly with time. The beasts will search for the Beast soul to take it back and obtain their true powers. We will find the Beast temple before they could and will place the soul in its location. The barrier will be closed, and the beasts already inside the earth will be annihilated by us.

That legend said that we need to have fear about something. We need to have duties and responsibilities to fulfill. If we need to face another problem like that, we need to be prepared. In order to complete all these, beasts should be released sometimes. Humanity on earth should have fear towards beasts, and the community formed this place must accept the responsibility of protecting other society, and locking the beasts whenever the barrier is unlocked. We need to train daily and save humanity. We followed him and brought a day where the other humans don't even know about beasts. We will eliminate them before they reach you all with the help of Guardian Knight's unique ability. "

" Why does he say like that, it would be nice if he has killed all of them. " said Zoya.

" It is because, he knows that they cannot be erased entirely. Even if you kill all the beasts trying not to leave a single one, they will hide somewhere and show up again when they are ready to attack. He knows that when we try to kill them, they will first hide their young ones. That was the reason he did not kill, instead he locked them. If he tried to kill, then the situation would be different. "

" When you were able to take care of them till now. What happened this time, which made the situation worse. " asked Pratik.

" Unlike every time, this dislocation was different. This time instead of Beast soul… The Virtuous soul was dislocated. This is the 125th dislocation. 124 times, only the Beast soul was dislocated. But this is the first time ever since the creation of soul temples the Virtuous soul was dislocated. As we never searched for Virtuous soul, we only know that it exists. "

The atmosphere changed, and everyone remained calm. Then the First Guardian again said something which they did not expect.

" This time we need you both. Gaurav, and Pratik to help us with it. You are here, to be the next Guardian Knights. You are the knights who are going to return the soul to it's place and save the world. "

When they heard these words from the First Guardian, they were all shocked. Their mind went blank. Everyone who came with Gaurav was thinking, how can they do that.

( Gaurav maybe not be very surprised by this because he said he fought with them once. What about Pratik? ) Zoya was thinking.

And she is true. When Pratik thought about fighting with the beast alone, his forehead started sweating cold.

" If that is the case. Why didn't you move out for the search already? If you intend to stay at this kingdom and protect it's people. Why can't you send some other knight. You are the First Knight, then there must be the knights with other numbers why aren't they here? It is ok if you cannot send anyone from your kingdom. Why only me and Pratik. Is there any specific reasn fot that? " yelled Gaurav slamming the table with his fist 'Thud' questioning the First Guardian.

Then a broad male voice came from outside of that room saying, " Yes! There is a reason Gaurav. "

Saying those words, someone entered the room. He was wearing a royal mantle, with back hair top knot, and squared jaw. The First Guardian stood from his seat. The other two soldiers kneeled, offering him salvation. When he signaled them to relax, that soldiers returned to their positions, and the First Guardian changed his seat, requesting that person to sit on the chair at the center.

" Yes! There is a reason. "

That person clapped, and a servant brought a scroll to me. His servant handed me the scroll and went out of that room.

" Open that scroll and you will understand the reason. " said that person.

" Can I know who you are. " asked Pratik.

" Oh… I forgot completely. I am the present ruler of this kingdom Aniruddha Ro… " He did not complete his sentence, but First Guardian interrupted him and said, " He is our lord Aniruddha. "

Aniruddha looked tentative, but he cleared his throat and " The answer for choosing you, is in that scroll. "

Then Gaurav opened the scroll, and he could see a picture of five elements in layers in the form of a circle. He was astounded to see that picture in that scroll. He stood up and rushed towards Pratik and showed that scroll to Pratik.

" What!!! This is the same mark on my shoulder. " said Pratik.

" Same with me. Even I have this mark on my shoulder. " replied Gaurav.

" Mom said I was born with this mark on my shoulder. "

" Even me. "

" Only the people who born with that mark can become a Guardian Knight. This is the first time, someone other than our kingdom residents are born with this mark. " said the First Guardian.

Then the King said, " That is the reason for choosing you both as the next Gaurdian Knights. "