
best couple in the universe: the sweet life of the wealthy young lady

who could have know that Bei ruolan, the Bei family heiress suddenly follow her mother's footsteps? the story begins with Gu meili died in a car crash and led rong longwei found bei ruolan. both of them wasn't acquainted nor do they have pleasantries to each other. they only met several times but have never talk to each other willingfully. fate led Bei ruolan insisting to pursue her career to Cheng entertainment that was rong longwei company and also the leader of the industry. both sides were arrogant, polite but shameless. like other stories, the female lead and male lead have sweet moments and also a heart-wrenchig ones! stay tuned!

_cloverleaf · Urban
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55 Chs

Chapter 3 be my woman

the funeral came to its end and one by one the guests boarded their cars.

night falls and the bei family just finished dinner and was restingg in the living room.

the atmospehere was good as bei ruolan and bei rujian was playing game consoles with their curses coming through.

"Dad, I heard your talk with uncle and auntie. will you remarry?" bei rujian who lost to his little sister turned to his father that sat on a sofa with bei zhengyu.

both bei rujian and bei ruolan was sutting on the fur carpet, cross-legged.

"No I don't. it will be unfair for the three of you and your mother" bei zhuang answered gently as he took a sip of the herb tea.

the bei siblings exchanged glances. bei zhengyu spoke up. "its alright dad. we also don't want a step-mother"

Bei zhuang smiled at his words. the atmosphere become even more lively and they retured to their resspective rooms when the clock ticks 9 o'clock.

in bei ruolan room,

bei ruolan took a shower again as she want to soothe her mind.

wearing her black nightgown, bei ruolan sat up on her fluffy massive purple bed.

her cellphone rang when she sat and her brows raised when she saw the called id. its rong longwei.

she picked it up and a deep melodious voice came through,

"Did I disturb you?"

"no, I don't have anything to do anyway"

rong longwei on the other side of the line smiled. "you have stated your conditions and I agreed but in one condition"

bei ruolan was curious, "what is it?"

"be my woman and you will get whatever resources you want"

he thought that she was stunned but shortly after a scream almost destroyed his eardrums.

"ah ah ah ah! Is this a dream?!" bei ruolan can't believe it and screamed. thank god her room soundproofs was good and no one hear her.

rong longwei was making a phone call in the livng room, his parents and siblings is still there and when the loud scream was heard, all of them look at him with a frown.

"did I just heard xiao ruo's voice?" Rong qiuyue, the youngest child asked. she was bestfriends with bei ruolan so of course she could know that voice.

"since when longwei is close with xiao ruo?" its rong mingyu who asked in confusion. the loud scream they heard was an excited tone.

bei ruolan on the other hand covered her mouth in disbelief. "god! rong longwei are you serious?!"

"I am" rong longwei voice were gentle like water that even his family weres shocked.

"but I don't want to bei with a man who did not love me" bei ruolan excited voice turned dissapointed.

rong longwei chuckled. he went to his bedroom upstaird and shut the door. "who said that I didn't?"

bei ruolan again was stunned. what's with this sudden confession?! my poor heart can't handle it!

"ohh, are you giving back my confession?" when the reporters asked bei ruolan who did she have a crush on, she answered that she love rong longwei. ahhh, did he return back my feelings?!

"are you going to agree or not?" rong longwei couldn't help but smile. "we won't have a break up and the seat as 'madam rong' is yours"

bei ruolan blushed heavily. she can't believe it!!!

"my answer is yes! so are we together now?" bei ruolan was excited. he have the big boss on her back! isn't that amazing!

rong longwei held his laughter. "of course, we should change the way we address each other"

bei ruolan eyes lit up. "then from now on I will call you 'darling', 'baby', 'dear'! choose one!"

"you can call me anything" rong longwei didn't know since when he talk to someone for a long time and even laughed and smiled.

both of them continue to chat and rong longwei told her that she didn't need to go to her previous company,starting from tomorrow, she would be an artiste of cheng entertainment and she can report to work tomorrow morning. they bade goodbye when it almost reached midnight.

bei ruolan slept and fall to a very sweet dream.

the next day, she was awake at 7 o'clock and took a shower. she put on a grey dress and tied her hair into a bun. she wear a pair of silver heels and went out from her room.

she rushed downstairs and ate her breakfast.

"hey, did you have something with rong longwei?" bei rujian asked as he put on his cufflinks.

bei ruolan almost chocked. "what? no no no no" she can't tell anyone first as she want their relationship stable.

bei rujian look at her suspiciously. he shrugged and sat on the livng room.

while bei ruolan who finished breakfast, kiss her brothers' and father's cheek before she boarded her bugatti.