
Chapter 3

Rooney woke up early as always, did her morning routine and went downstairs, she found her mum in the kitchen making breakfast just like she did when she was younger.

" Good morning mum " " Good morning my little cupcake " her mum replied giving her a kiss on the cheek....." Mr. Jones will be coming with his son today, be of good behavior alright ? " before Rooney could reply they heard " ooh..... so someone's having a date.... nice, nice " Mia said while munching on the cookies in the cookie jar

Mia had always had a sweet tooth ever since she was young and since she and Rooney had spent most of their lives together. since Mia's mum was always busy. " ha ha " Rooney's mum laughed and sighed " Not a date for her, a date for me " " huh ? " the girls repeated " it's a work date " " ooh.... " " Go get dressed probably you'll find someone good " her mum teased

2 hours later.....

" Good morning Mr Jones " " hi Gina, nice meeting you again " Mr Jones said... Mr. Jones is a man in his late forties, he was a rich, influencial man and Gina's class mate.

" Good morning Sir " Rooney and Mia greeted at the same time " Good evening girls " he said " Gina, your daughter has really grown up " He said to Gina " yes, yes , she is really big now " Gina said proudly " Aunt G, I gotta go..... Hey Hugo nice to see you again, bye " Mia said and gave him air kisses " where are you going " Gina asked " I have a date, Travis wants us to meet up " she said blushing... Travis and Mia were supposed to get married two years ago but it was called off when her mum had an accident while coming to the party but they didn't give up and have been together.