
Berserk: Magic And Sword

Reincarnation into Berserk. upload schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.

LaskoSleeps · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 3 A Place To Live

[938 words]

(A/N: if it's a little dragged out that's because I wanted to make it longer, I want each chapter to be between 900 to 1,000 words. Let me know if that good.)

As I began to wake up of a well  deserved sleep, I felt the sun's Ray hitting my face beckoning me to wake up this was going to be a day of training to see how far I can push my body to its limit. But before all of that I had to get ready for the day walking out of my makeshift tent I headed towards the lake. Kneeling down on the edge of the lake I began to Splash my face with the ice cold water taking away any sleepiness I had left.

Still feeling hungry from the previous day I want to go grab my katana then I went to go find a sturdy stick sharpening the point of the stick into a makeshift spear.

I went to the shallow end of the lake to find some fish.

As I got in the water I spotted two medium size fish near me. With that I threw my makeshift spear at one of the fishes piercing it. Making my way back to the camp I lit the fire and started cooking the fish once it was done I ate the fish.

Now that my stomach had some food in it I began to think about the training sure I had to train but I didn't want to overexert my body resting is also part of the training.

I began to do all the exercises I can think of push-ups, squats, sit-ups I even began swinging my katana for as many times as I could, my arms eventually gave out. I lay there in a puddle of my own sweat. Even still my body had to be much stronger if I wanted to use Sun breathing, as I got up all of my muscles were sore maybe going to the extreme on the first day wasn't the right move. I began to think to myself I should probably train on the mountain seeing as it has a higher altitude and it has a rougher Terrain.

I began to make my way back to the makeshift camp, I was so sweaty I needed a bath so with that I took off my clothes and jumped into the icy cold water of the lake.

"Man, that cold ass fuck."

The icy cold water jolted me awake, as I swam back up to the surface of the lake I looked at the sky it was beginning to turn dark, so with that I wrapped up my bath.

Putting my clothes back on I begin to think to myself," I should probably move to one of the mountain rounding the lake maybe one of them has a cave?".

Once I got to camp I laid down my makeshift tent finally getting a moment to relax my sore body.

"Man, this is going to be a long two years."

Sin said to himself I see drifted off to sleep fairly quickly.

The next day he did the same thing going to the shallow part of the lake getting a fish and having breakfast, but this day he wasn't going to train he was going to find a cave to live in it will be a much more better place to live than his makeshift tent that out in the open.

" I still don't know if there's any Predators here so I have to be careful."

Sin carefully began to make his way to one of the mountains in the south of the mountain range he kept on walking among an Endless Sea of forest trees until he made it to the base of the Mountain. "I'm so out breath, that took like 2 hours to get here." This only gave Sin even more motivation to get stronger seeing how weak his body was, he began to look around the base of the mountain it took another hour but he found something, a cave with a small entrance and the inside of the cave was huge, it was a perfect spot to live.

Sin roughly estimated that the inside of the cave was about 14 m in length in 20 m in width.

" JackPot, This is the perfect place."

Now that I'll found a place to live for the next 2 years I can focus on training.

Now that I Found a perfect place to live I began heading back to the camp beside the lake.

Another two hours later

As Sin got to the camp beside the lake he was exhausted from all the walking.

"Tomorrow I'll move the makeshift tent to the cave." Now that I'm back I needed to rest because tomorrow I had to move everything so with that I hit it inside the makeshift tent and fell straight to sleep.

The Next Day

As Sin woke up and did his usual routine of getting breakfast then he packed up everything that he could and threw it over his shoulder with his Katana in the other hand he began making his way through the Sea of forest trees this took a lot longer because I had to rest a little but eventually I made it to the base of the mountain and with a little bit of struggle I put all the materials into the cave and made the makeshift tent again.

"Nice it all done."

This is where Sin truly began his training to master the sun breathing and all of its forms.