
Beneath The Treeline

Mrs_Artizcool · Fantasy
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4 Chs

background information

In the woods, two powerful brothers have been fighting for power. They've been fighting for years and years, until they decided to bring people in to help. They take in people with powers, odd features and if they are normal people, they are trained ×10 of the average member. Each person has a weapon but they have to get it on their own The teams don't provide materials including food and medicine. The teams are strict and talking to anybody that is outside of their team, including the outside world. If you break one of the rules you are going to be punished with cruel torture. Each person is given a walkie talkie to talk to one another and figure out important things like who is patrolling and who need to get supplies. each person is given another person to be partners to be more efficient on what they are assigned. But one really important thing is that there are different types of categories, the team leaders, the warriors/fighters, the scouts and the scavengers.