
Beneath the Shadow of Madness

KochavAvraham · Sci-fi
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20 Chs

Loyal Old Friend

After a long conversation, Edward then determined to use the Space-Time Devourer to go to the future and prevent the possibility of Arhadroth appearing in the future and endangering the remaining human civilization there.

Edward tried to use the speed of light multiplied to six to seven times faster, about 2,100,000 kilometers per second in his walk, but there was a problem: How could Athena keep up with this speed and how could Edward use such a fast speed?

Edward began to think about one thing, he recalled that for light to move that fast it must have no mass at all, thus, Edward intended to break himself into even nothingness, he also had to make his energy infinite, as such a speed could not possibly require only a small amount of energy.

Edward before doing that tried to use the Space-Time Devourer to test how far he could travel into the future, Edward then activated his skill, which was only a few seconds he could only travel approximately only two hundred years in the future, which meant he had to go to the future again to see the situation, because in the 1900s there were no strange events that had been recorded.

Edward then returned to the starting place, he began to think about how to make himself into nothingness, but not nothingness about the form that was absent, but his mass became nothing, aka having no mass, he did not want to use the System because the System could not deliver something after one day of use, meaning, the System had a construction that was required to limit its use.

Edward now had to make his body completely massless to achieve such a fast speed, Edward now had to do experiments on his own, he tried to create an artificial nuke from his body using—methods from any experiment, he accidentally brought a piece of paper about the "Manhattan Project" which made him wonder.

After being traced using the System, the Manhattan Project was a project to create an atomic bomb, which resulted in 3 atomic bombs in 1945, here Edward with his more endowed knowledge, he created some radioactive things that he would use to create strange experiments: a combination of explosions and light speed obtained by Edward absorbing some light.

Unexpectedly, the radioactivity became more and more, and caused extreme radiation to Edward, on the other hand, Athena did not know what experiments were carried out by Edward, Athena only guarded the debris and stayed there, relying on food stocks in the form of animals hunted by Athena herself.

Edward then completely transformed into a strange creature where he was half human and half God-knows-what, like fire but blue, with strange body features, where his mouth was wider and his nose was also irregular, possibly due to the effects of radiation caused by radioactive which continued to increase and made Edward mutate quickly.

Edward then rushed away, trying to "time dilation" whether it really worked with that, because Edward's actual goal was to be exposed to extreme radiation that made his body mutate, in such a state, Edward then tried to rearrange his atoms, and strangely, it worked, Edward used his mind to change the atoms composed of his body one by one, after which he left trying how fast he could go.

He tried to run as fast as he could, strangely he actually felt his surroundings slowing down, hundreds of times maybe even thousands of times slower, he then penetrated the physical—aspect, he crossed it and it was as if time no longer mattered to him, even now he might have crossed hundreds of years, he then penetrated the solar system, waited for a few seconds and then he returned to see if the time traveled was enough to go to the next three hundred years.

"This is so much fun, I swear." Edward said in that incredible speed, he seemed to enjoy it so much, that unexpectedly, he went and returned from earth to the outside of the solar system, for him it only took a relatively very short time, he only spent four to five seconds on the trip.

Arriving on earth, Edward saw that the earth was even more advanced than he thought, even the System detected this in the year 2031, but he did not forget about Athena, it turned out that Athena had been locked in a vacuum in the System to reduce the risk, Athena was then removed from the System and saw Edward's drastic changes.

Athena asked to find out what happened. "What happened to you, Edward? I don't even recognize you anymore, but I still remember your voice."

"A little thing, well I will go to check if there is a portal that leads to this world now, you should hide in a cave or whatever you feel is safe, Athena." Edward replied as he advised Athena to leave immediately and find a safe place.

Athena smiled, she kissed Edward's cheek and then left him, Edward—was a little surprised but he didn't really care about it, because this mission was a mission to prevent the emergence of primal entities that had existed before the concept of age was forged and had existed before the two fundamental entities had arrived.

Edward saw some strange anomalies in the area known today as Egypt, there were the same signs that Edward saw in the 1700s, which turned out to be true, Arhadroth managed to penetrate the earth portal to see the whole earth (most likely), Edward didn't know for sure but there must be an underlying reason why he was here.

Edward then tried to see if it was a star or really Arhadroth, he then said. "I understand now. . ." then he continued what he meant. "It's all over."

It turned out that after Edward said that, several stars seemed to disappear because they had been physically "ended" or "erased" by Edward, which turned out to be signs that it was really Arhadroth who was monitoring the earth, there Edward heard a strange singing that he had never even heard before, it couldn't be the sound of musical instruments but definitely Arhadroth.

Some people there seemed to be experiencing strange things where it seemed like they were experiencing a sudden mental attack, which caused all the systems in their bodies to be shocked because they had not had time to adapt to the situation.

Among the many people, only Edward did not feel anything, even he after finding out what happened, he found an answer: it turned out that there was a light that was very disturbing to humans which was even accompanied by strange sounds, causing a series of events that triggered sudden madness to some people, such a thing—capable of making people suddenly also die suddenly because they did not have time to realize.

This event happened since a few years ago which, as it turns out, Arhadroth appeared right on Edward's prediction, in 2024, since that year, Egypt became the country with the smallest population, declining dramatically, even leaving only approximately nine hundred people left, and even then they had to be and live underground because they could not possibly survive if they got out of there.

Way after way has been done but it seems that for this matter humans really can't handle it, and it turns out that some creatures shaped like cuttlefish usually roam with humanoid bodies, their heads are about octopuses or cuttlefish but with bodies that are very similar to humans. These creatures are known to have first appeared in 2025, when all humans were inattentive, they appeared using their wings like birds, coming to earth with a foul smell and sticky bodies.

Some records say that people who have encountered these creatures have never been found at all, the last time the victim was Mike Houtman, a middle-aged man of approximately sixty-three years old-disappeared when he went into the remote Amazon, allegedly because of something sinister and gigantic, it is known that these creatures have made a very disturbing sound a few months after their appearance.

Edward now had to really rack his brains, because he could not possibly win if he fought Arhadroth, because Arhadroth itself was an entity that could not be defeated by normal humans, especially—since Arhadroth could not be identified as good or evil because it exceeded the classification, at that time he looked at the sea and saw a giant whale that seemed to greet Edward.

Inadvertently, Edward was able to hear the whale speaking to him, the whale said. "Do you remember me? Right, I'm Leviathan, I know you do, right?"

Edward then recalled the whale he had seen, it was indeed Leviathan, a conceptual whale that could have lived for a very long time, it may have even existed since the time when Megalodons still existed and they were probably the apex predators of that time, but who knows, Edward nodded indicating that he still remembered the whale in all his memories.

Leviathan's length was approximately seven hundred meters or about two thousand two hundred and ninety-seven feet, but with its artificial illusion, it was able to be seen as a middle-class creature, but originally it was seven hundred meters long and weighed about one billion tons. With that fantastic weight and fantastic size, it was able to sail the ocean quickly even though it was everywhere.

"Do you know, this story is mine, hohoho. . ." Leviathan said, revealing what actually happened, but who knows what it was.

Edward tried to digest, he saw an oddity, it turned out that the place where the ship was based was called a pure concept area, which Leviathan was able to dive deeper into, but no one knew what was inside there, because Leviathan's residence was probably about sixty thousand deep in the sea, which was very unlikely if humans tried to explore it.

After that brief conversation, Leviathan suddenly disappeared and several creatures with the form of octopuses appeared, but with a messed up form, in the sea, Leviathan could be seen as if hinting that the creatures had been weakened by him, which after Edward hit them with his left hand, the creatures immediately became worthless dust.

"It's a gift from me, man, if you need it you can call me, by calling my name, I'm everywhere . . ." said Leviathan, after which he dived into the depths of the sea again at an unreasonable speed but he was still a whale, despite his own intelligence."

Edward forgot that he had not checked Athena whether she was really hiding or wandering around as she pleased, Edward then left again using that super speed, which even penetrated any material that tried—to block it without damaging it at all, arriving at the starting point where they landed, Edward tried to find Athena in the cave, it turned out that there was only one cave, which when checked in there, Athena was not there.

Edward was still calm, he tried to go deeper and found Athena already unconscious with a bloody body, maybe she fainted and was attacked by those alien creatures, which accidentally, his brain thought about Leviathan and some aspects in the cave turned into a giant puddle that had enough depth, Leviathan greeted again. "Hey buddy. . . what did you call me?"

"I didn't intend to call you actually, but my brain was thinking about your name, maybe you were called by it." Edward said, then he continued. "Can you fix what happened to Athena?"

"Alright, I understand, now you shut up and I'll turn the story around, I won't help you one hundred percent but I'll help you fifty percent, so that you can also try, Edward . . ." replied Leviathan, who then dived back into the water and disappeared.

After that, time seemed to go backwards, the scenario returned to the moment when Athena was about to be attacked, Edward swiftly then rained down on the creature with multiple attacks that Edward did not even know how to release, yet none of them hit Athena at all, very magical, but this was not magic, Edward was sure.

Athena was shocked, unable to believe what was happening, she asked. "Edward, didn't you just tell me you were leaving?"

Edward answered in a concise yet clear manner. "Yes, I was going to leave but I realized that you would be attacked by alien creatures from nowhere, so I came back to check."

Athena did not suspect anything, but she then hugged Edward and she stated one thing. "You are the only person who still cares for me, I don't know what would happen if you weren't around at times like this."

Edward only smiled slightly with a very cold expression, the fire that was in Edward could not be dangerous if Edward did not consider the thing in front of him a threat, Edward really showed a big change, even bigger than the story dictated by the angels before he was really here.

Edward then let go of the hug from Athena and then he took out the remaining cigarettes and went to find rocks and wood to light a fire and light the cigarettes, but Edward just remembered that his hands were capable of producing fire, Edward then put the cigarette out thinking that the cigarette was a little dangerous—the trick worked, with a little fire burning, Edward then smoked his homemade cigarette and tried to enjoy the scenery even though it was very terrible.

Edward then tried to find something new, he tried to make coffee by asking the System to make him ground coffee, which turned out to be possible, Edward then took the water from the cave that was dripping and put it in an old can that humans had thrown in there, he then warmed the aid until the germs were completely gone.

Edward then found four glasses that were still usable and washed them and then eradicated the germs by burning them in his body fire, after that Edward started brewing the coffee, which was very, very lucky for Edward when he saw stevia leaves there, he brewed the coffee in two glasses.

He stirred it with the bare minimum there, using the hand stirring method, but he had cleaned everything very thoroughly, which after everything was ready, he brought the coffee to Athena and served it for Athena to drink...

Athena took the glass and blew on the coffee to make it cool, Athena then took a sip, which miraculously, all the coffee grounds had completely gone down without being able to go up, Athena then enjoyed the coffee even more by chatting with Edward about several topics.

On the other hand, Edward thought why there were so many good possibilities for him, he thought this was not an ordinary possibility, but a deliberate possibility, Edward thought that this—must be the work of Leviathan who had considered Edward as his own friend, but regardless, Edward thanked Leviathan for his help.

To be continued...