
Beneath the sea

I always go to the sea anytime I am angry or bored. I sat there and talked to myself as if somebody else. My parents continued to warn me but I never listened. One scorchy afternoon, mom scolded me for cooking by myself. I got pissed off as usual. As I sat down and threw stones into the sea with tears in my eyes, suddenly, there was a huge splash. something snatched me away. There, I could hear people laughing and singing. "who are you?" There stood a young beautiful boy

Queen_Bjei · Urban
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83 Chs

Chapter 2

Gradually my eyes were released from it's heaviness and was widely opening even though could not see properly. "Where am I! Mom! mom!"

My continuous shouting made me lost my voice.

"Heyy heyy come-on no need to be shouting. Its me, your friend"

I could only hear voices through the transparent glasses and beautiful flowers. As I struggled to clear the blurrners, the closer the voice approaches me. I became more scared and began to shout even more louder.

And why are all of them staring at me as if that's the only work they've got.."I said show yourself before my friend comes here because he's not going to spare you"

I threatened but yet nothing showed up.

"Since you are not going to mind me, you leave me with no choice then...ahhhhahh ahhhh orrhh orrrhhahh..."

I began to sing her favorite song to summoned her.

"... ahhhh ahhhh orrhh orrrhh orrrhhahh..."

A reply came faster than I expected.

"I warned you all to stay away but you rather decided to push me to the walls of the sea, now face the consequences yourself"

I said with much pride then muttered..

"She's the one singing but why is her voice coming from that same place? Why..did they kidnap her to?"

Suddenly there was a loud and a heavy sea wave which made me realized I was in the sea. But how would I have known? How on Earth will the sea be having such beautiful creature?

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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