
Beneath the Con: The Rise of an Exorcist

"The once inviting living room was now bathed in an unnatural, eerie glow, the darkness seeming to pulsate with a life of its own. And then, it appeared. The banshee was as terrifying as the stories painted it to be. Its long, matted hair framed a face that was grotesquely distorted, the mouth pulled wide in a silent scream. Its eyes glowed an eerie green, full of malevolence and hatred. Its long, bony fingers ended in razor-sharp claws, and it wore a tattered, dirt-stained dress." ...... Synopsis: Ren Higurashi was just an ordinary guy - an ordinary guy who could see ghosts. Befriended by spirits and guided by the supreme demon Baal, Ren stumbled into a world veiled to most, a world brimming with supernatural forces and relentless phantoms. "Under the guise of a quirky exorcist, Ren forges an unconventional path as an exorcist. Each chapter of his life unravels an unpredictable saga, as he encounters everything from vengeful spirits to dark witches, and from skeptical officials to love-struck admirers. His life isn't all gloomy encounters though, as it's laced with moments of warmth, humor, and human connections. He shares food with his childhood friend Jiro at bustling ramen stands, rescues stray animals, and navigates through unexpected flirts and marriage proposals! Yet, in a world teetering between the normal and paranormal, not everyone sees Ren as their savior. Accusations of being a fraud, threats from black magicians, and repeated attacks by stronger entities keep him on his toes. "Beneath the Con: The Rise of an Exorcist" is a thrilling journey, teetering on the edge of horror and comedy, set in a world just like ours - only a little more haunted. Join Ren as he balances the scales between good and evil, all the while grappling with the realities of his own unique destiny. This is not just a story of an exorcist - it's the rise of an unlikely hero in an unseen world, all tucked away beneath the veneer of a simple con. Step into Ren's shoes, embrace the chill running down your spine, and immerse yourself in the world of spirits - are you ready to face what lies beneath?

CreamOfSroom · Horror
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18 Chs

Chapter 13: Awakening

The first rays of the sun peeked through the curtains, painting a warm glow on the room's walls. Ren stirred from his slumber, feeling a strange sort of clarity, like he'd slept for a hundred years and woken up anew. He blinked against the brightness, rubbed his eyes, and sat up. His senses seemed heightened somehow. The usual chirping of the birds outside his window felt louder, clearer, as if he was sitting right there among them. The rustle of the sheets sounded distinct, almost deafening in its loudness. Ren shook his head, trying to clear the cobwebs of sleep, but the heightened sensitivity persisted.

He stepped out of bed, the coolness of the floor hitting his bare feet like a jolt of electricity. The aroma of brewing coffee reached him all the way from the kitchen, and he realized it was a scent he'd never noticed before.

"A good night's sleep, or is it something else?" he mumbled, stretching and yawning, his mind occupied with the uncanny senses.

His cell phone buzzed on the nightstand, jolting him from his thoughts. A text message from Jiro flashed on the screen, "Oi, lazybones, don't be late to the office today!" It was followed by an array of emojis that Ren barely noticed before.

"Yeah, yeah," Ren muttered, typing out a quick response. His thumb paused over the send button as he considered telling Jiro about his strange experience. But he shook his head, deciding against it. It was probably nothing, just a by-product of an unusually good night's sleep.

After a quick shower and breakfast, he left for the office, his senses still hyper-aware. The city's bustle felt louder, the colors brighter, and the spirits? They felt closer, almost tangible. His heart pounded in his chest as he realized this might not be just a bout of heightened senses. It was something more, something related to his powers as an exorcist.

It was a strange feeling, like a veil had been lifted from his eyes. The world was the same, but how he experienced it was different, and he knew he had to figure out what was happening.

But not today, he thought, a wry smile on his face, today, he had to go to the office, where another day of bantering with Jiro awaited him. Little did he know that this day was going to be far from just another day at the office. His awakening was just beginning.

Ren walked into the office, the familiar aroma of Jiro's particularly strong coffee embracing him. The scent was usually comforting, yet today it assaulted his heightened senses.

"Good morning, Ren," Jiro chimed, his eyes glued to his computer screen, fingers furiously typing. "Care for a cup of coffee?"

"No thanks, Jiro," Ren replied, dropping his bag and settling into his chair. The office was a picture of comfortable disarray, a testament to their busy lives, though today everything felt a little too vivid for Ren.

Throughout the day, Ren found himself wrestling with his feelings of disquiet. His newfound sensitivity wasn't a power surge from Baal; it was inherently different – a source within him, almost like a purple flame flickering in his soul.

Caught up in the peculiar sensation, Ren didn't notice when Jiro stopped typing and turned to look at him. "Everything alright, buddy?" Jiro asked, a note of concern in his voice. "You've been zoning out."

Ren shrugged, managing a weak smile. "Just one of those days, I guess."

Not entirely convinced, Jiro got up from his seat, stretching. "I think we need a change of scenery. Let's grab a coffee from that café down the road."

Ren didn't protest, simply followed Jiro out into the sunny street. The vibrant city around him was suddenly too much, making his head spin.

Jiro, noticing Ren's discomfort, asked, "Hey, you sure you're okay? You look a bit off."

With a sigh, Ren decided to share his predicament. "Jiro, there's something weird going on..."

As he started to explain his unfamiliar sensitivity, Jiro's playful demeanor faded, replaced by genuine concern for his friend.

Jiro listened attentively as Ren described his inexplicable new power. The usual lightheartedness in Jiro's eyes had been replaced by an unusual seriousness. Ren's predicament was confusing.

"Jiro," Ren said, breaking the silence between them. "I've been having strange feelings, like there's this...this purple energy inside me. It's not like Baal's influence. This is something different."

Jiro leaned back against the café chair, frowning. He was no stranger to Ren's supernatural abilities, but this was entirely new territory. "Purple energy, you say? And you're certain it's not Baal?"

Ren nodded. "It's like an entity within itself, not dark and oppressive like Baal, but something else. It's hard to explain, but it feels like...like it's been a part of me all along."

Silence fell between them again, only broken by the occasional clinking of coffee cups and the hum of the bustling city around them. Ren looked expectantly at Jiro, hoping he would have some insight, some advice.

Jiro was no spiritual expert, but he was Ren's closest confidant, his right hand, and his friend. He took a deep breath, readying himself to offer the best advice he could. "Well, Ren," he began, "this...entity, it might not be a bad thing. It could be a part of you, something that's been dormant until now. Maybe it's finally awakening because it's time."

Jiro paused, giving Ren a reassuring smile. "Just remember, Ren, you're not alone in this. You've got me, and we can seek advice from others too. What about Chiyo? She might be able to help."

Ren pondered over Jiro's words, feeling a hint of relief. This strange purple energy within him might be unfamiliar territory, but at least he wasn't walking it alone.

As they left the café, Ren couldn't help but continue to mull over the strange sensation he'd been experiencing. This was unlike anything he'd dealt with before, a swirling energy deep inside him that pulsed with a gentle, purple glow. He wasn't sure if Jiro understood the full extent of it, but his friend's support was comforting nonetheless.

"Hey, Ren," Jiro suddenly spoke up, breaking Ren's train of thought. "I've been thinking, maybe we need a break. How about we do something fun tonight, take our minds off things?"

Ren turned to look at Jiro, surprised. He hadn't expected him to suggest something like that, especially at a time like this. But the more he thought about it, the more appealing it seemed. Maybe a distraction was precisely what he needed.

"That... actually sounds great, Jiro," Ren replied, mustering a small smile. "Did you have something in mind?"

"Well, there's that new bar in town," Jiro suggested, a gleam of excitement in his eyes. "I've heard they have a great selection of food and drinks."

Ren chuckled at Jiro's choice of words, raising an eyebrow at his friend. "Drinks, huh? You do realize we deal with enough spirits at work, right?"

Jiro guffawed at that, slapping Ren on the back. "Not those spirits, Ren. I'm talking about the liquid kind."

"Alright, let's do it then," Ren agreed, the prospect of a lighthearted night out helping to lift his spirits. "Let's go face some 'liquid spirits' tonight."

Their laughter filled the street, momentarily pushing away the worries that were beginning to weigh on Ren's mind. He could already feel the strange, purple energy pulsating within him, hinting at an unfamiliar territory waiting to be explored. But that would be a battle for another day. For now, he could enjoy a moment of respite with his best friend.

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