
Beneath Astoria's Veil

Trapped within the enchanting pages of her novel titled "Persona," Ellie's journey takes a surreal turn when she awakens in the body of the villainess, Eleanor Ashford. Determined to rewrite the novel's fate, Ellie steers away from the prescribed love story of Ava Sinclaire and Crown Prince Lucas. As Ellie navigates the difficulties of her new life, an unexpected marriage to the mysterious Grand Duke Cassius Caspian further complicates her existence. Beneath Cassius's perfect facade lies a turmoil mirroring Ellie's inner struggles, leading to a cascade of misunderstandings in their relationship. Yet, a cruel revelation surfaces... As truths unravel, Ellie and Cassius must confront the complexities of love, destiny, and the consequences of a tragic history that binds them. Will their newfound understanding strengthen the bonds of love, or will it untangle the delicate threads holding their relationship together? In the realm where fiction intertwines with reality, "Persona" paints a tale of love, sacrifice, and the transformative power found in second chances.

FANIR · Fantasy
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80 Chs

27. The Plot Keeps Changing

When Ellie arrived at her mansion, a young man rushed down from the second floor, wearing a discontented expression.

He stopped in front of Ellie and spoke with a stern tone, "Are you getting married? You!? Why didn't you and Father inform me? Why do I have to find out through an invitation like a stranger?"

The very handsome young man with white hair and crimson eyes stared at Ellie as if she had two horns growing on her head.

'Who is he?'

Perplexed, Ellie glanced at the two maids behind her.

However, Sera and Lyra merely tilted their heads, as if nothing was wrong.

Ellie couldn't find this man's face in Eleanor's memories, and it wasn't mentioned in the novel either.

It was as if he had some connection with Eleanor, but Ellie couldn't recall it.

She observed the man from head to toe, studying him.