
Benders slice of life

It Will be updated when I can legend of korra fanfic. Ocxkuriva/lin beifong/maybe p’li

MikeyAgoat04 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Ch.4 As If It Was Fate

[Mc POV - Above The Northern water tribe]

"Thanks for everything old man"

I looked at the rift close as I free fell far above, thinking about the past I forgot about the fact I was rushing towards the ice below at frightening speed. Only when Mimi popped out and used her little hands to gentle slap me did I come back.

"Holy fucking shit! Fly fly"

Yelling at myself I manipulated gravity around me catching myself for a second and as if it was fate. I heard yells turning my head all I saw was a giant bison ram straight into me.

"Uh? Dad, I think you just hit someone?!"

A brown-haired girl with a side ponytail on the back of the bison leaning over the edge seeing me spinning while falling.

"Tenzin what are you doing! We hit someone again how?!"

A brown-haired pregnant women's eyes went wide and moved towards Tenzin yelling at him with wide eyes.

"Jinora! Pema! I can see I hit someone, dear how was I suppose to know?! Someone free-falling out of the sky! Will you be quiet meelo!"

Tenzin yelled back moving the bison down at speed, hearing meelo yelling about it being cool and he was happy that he was here to see this one.

"Go go go, dad! We can get him! We can get him! Right! Right! Right!"

The always overly excited and overly active Ikki said moving around the bison as they dived trying to catch me.

"Enough! I need to focus please just let me! Pema it wasn't my fault. Oh my god, the compound go Oogi!"

Tenzin yelled at everyone while his face turned red from his children's constant yelling Holding Pema slightly because she was fragile right now.

"Fuck how the hell did I spawn right here at this moment? Hold the fuck on was that Tenzin?"

Falling towards an enclosed ice camp, having wasted time I had no room to think. Pushing out In a 360 degree as I land on the ground the gravity expanded outwards making ice and snow blow everywhere.

Korra along with Katara who was standing close saw a figure hit the ground, seeing the ice being pushed out as snow was pushed. Korra reacted making an ice wall to stop It only for it to be pushed and Katara having to make another to shield themselves.

"What is happening?!" korra said seeing it was over.

"I don't know, huh Tenzin?!" Katara said looking up to the bison that was flying down.

"Mother! Korra?! You ok?" Tenzin who was worried yelled seeing katara bring ice walls up.

"We are fine what is happening Tenzin?"

Katara dropped the ice wall down standing next to korra waiting for the snow to clear. Watching tenzin get down, about to bend only to have the snow blow outward by me.

"God, that actually kind of hurt, I don't care how strong, I, am."

The snow cleared while I stood there my hand at the back of my neck moving it back and forth. 6'8 with a faded bald head, my white turtle neck along with my grey horai blew, turning around to see Tenzin and the rest just standing there making me talk slowly.

"What the hell man?! No cool you could have hurt someone!" the bull-headed korra Walked over confused but angry.

"Ok first please stop yelling while I don't usually mind pretty women, your yelling is annoying," I said moving my hands a little send wind blowing the pouting katara back.

"Dad! Dad! He's an air bender?! Do you know him? Do you? Do you?" Ikki talked fast like always annoying Tenzin.

"I don't know, uh, sorry about earlier" tenzin walked forward apologizing.

"You mean where you hit with that bison tenzin?" I said turning around and looking at him.

"Yeah, but how was I going to know someone. Wait how do you know my name?" Tenzin was confused giving me a strange look.

"You grew up tenzin, you look just like aang with a better bread, looks like you and Pema finally stopped sneaking around and had kids" looking at Pema belly and the kids I smiled. Moving my hands around wind and snow lifted meelo into the air while he giggled.

"How do you know me and my wife? Who are you?" Tenzin watched the snow lift meelo up his face even more confused.

"It hurts that you forgot me tenten, did you forget me to scary mother?" Gently putting meelo down I looked back at katara who smiled and walked up to me.

"I would never forget that name, so it turns out you are alive huh Jin thank god," katara said coming up and hugging me.

"It's been a long time mom I'm so glad to see you again," I said hugging her back while tenzin, Pema, Korra, and the rest looked with wide eyes.

"Uh, tenzin what is going on here?" Korra who had somehow scooted next to tenzin leaned over to him and spoke.

"Tenzin that name, is that?" Pema looked at the two of us hug and asked tenzin.

"Jin?!" tenzin yelled with his arms out, looking at me.

Letting go of katara who smiled looking at me walk over to tenzin and Pema with a smile.

"It's been a long time tenten? You to Pema? I didn't think we would meet like this but yeah I'm back" I said looking at tenzin face shake a little while he had a single tear fall. Pema's eyes grew wider see my smile looking at the both of us next to each other memories came back like waves.

"Jin how? When? I thought you were gone? Wh.." tenzin questions came flying as I gave him a hug going over to Pema and placing my hand on her stomach.

"It's a long story but will get to that, Pema looks like the child is strong I'm happy for the both of you" letting go of her belly I smiled.

"Id like to hear this story to jin and why you're in that state" katara walked over to us, pushing korra jaw back up.

"Ok, will someone tell me what the heck is going on?! Master katara? Tenzin?? Who is this person?!" korra who came out of her shock yelled and pointed at me.

"So she doesn't remember? Well she was young, hello avatar korra I'm jin it's nice to meet you again" putting my hand in my pocket I looked over at her and used my other hand to pat her head while the rest looked at the confused face of Korra.

"Korra he is the one who saved you," katara and tenzin said at the same time.

"Saved me?" korra looked up at my bright smile and felt warmth from the place I was patting.

"Yeah looks like you grew up strong, your not that brat from so long ago" laughing I looked up into the sky remembering times passed.