
Bender Island (A Avatar: The Last Airbender Inspired/Based Fanfiction)

He awoke up on a deserted island, but if that wasn't weird enough, then this is one weird day.

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3 Chs

3-Somethings We Pick Up Easier Then Others

"You will need to push and pull the current like how the moon does. Match its pace. To fight its pull, you will first need to submit to it" Kuwahara says as I stand on the beach, feeling the water hit my feet as I try and time the rhythm of the water.

I begin to push and pull my arms in the motions of the waves. I do it for several moments, but not feeling anything.

"Come on big fella, you can do it!" Terry whispers to himself while encouraging Jackson in his own strange way.

A/N: good song for this moment

I tried my hardest for an hour or two, feeling more at peace with myself than I have for a long time. I was tired and my muscles even more so.

"Jackson, what do you feel guilty about," Kuwahara asks, not allowing myself to lose concentration.

"What?" I ask her after a moment in confusion.

"Never mind what I mean, what do you feel guilty the most about?"

"*gasp* she is opening his chak..." Chloe tries to speak but is tapped on the arm and signified to be quiet.

Feeling exhausted after doing this for a few hours. My constitution began to wane as all the saddening thoughts of me leaving them, and then having to live a life without me race through my mind.

"I...I left them all behind. I'm no better than dead to them" Jackson says as tears begin to well up in his eyes.

"And you need to know that they will forever love and care about you, even if you are gone. They will need to heal the same as you do. But once you can conquer your guilt, you will be a whole new person" Kuwahara says as she makes a strong gesture of hitting her left hand-chopping her right.

As Kuwahara's words sunk in, I felt a powerful tingling feeling at the base of my spine, or more commonly known as my tail bone. Chloe gasps, Terry gains a shocked look on his face, and Alexi along with Kuwahara gain smirks on their faces as they witness Jackson holding a large pillar of water in place.

"YES, WOO!!" Chloe cheers as Jackson proves that he is now a Water Bender as Terry begins to laugh and Alexi just claps.

I open my eyes to see what I am now able to do, taking jagged breathes in amazement in knowing that I could do something I had wanted to do since I was 5 years old.

*Early morning, the next day*

Chloe walks out of the compound, walking down the path that is a few dozen meters long and out onto the beach. She is surprised when she is met with Jackson using a thin and sharp sphere of water to orbit and slice the husk of a coconut, easily removing it and getting to the actual shell.

"It's so cool having another water bender!" Chloe says as she walks over and then sits next to Jackson.

"I know...though, I always loved the idea of Earth the best, standing strong and hurling rocks many times my size," Jackson says, surprising Chloe, the Earthbeder of the group.

Suddenly, a thought entered Chloe's mind, a thought that she had held onto for a long time.

"Have you tried Earthbending?" Chloe asks, getting Jackson's attention enough to drop the small amount of water he is lifting at that moment.

"What, like the Avatar?" Jackson asks with a chuckle as an expression of an exciting thought crossing his mind.

"Exactly!. Think about it, there were four of his who can bend each element, but you arriving just mean..."

"I'm the Avatar...Alright, you're a Master Earthbender, let's try it out!" Jackson says as he claps his hand twice in quick succession out of a form of excitement. He is seemingly able to deny his tired and aching body in favour of his excitement.

"Alright, the beginning of Earthbending will be very similar to Waterbending, this is because you will be starting with Sand instead of Rock, which comes later," Chloe says.

"Hold, on there, let's see if I can even do it first," Jackson says, keeping things to a low expectation in case.

"Alright, do you remember in that one episode where all those Earthbenders were running at Toph, so she raised her arms and looked like she was trying to hold up heavy grocery bags?" Chloe asks.

A/N: the motion she is referring to

"Yeah, she was charing up that shockwave."

"That's what I want you to do. Ground yourself, concentrate on lifting even a few specs, that way we will know for su..." Chloe says, but is cut off due to something she sees, an entire fist full of sand being lifted, a fact that is unknown even to Jackson who has his eyes closed due to concentration.