

this is alternate reality of ben 10, with my own twist of events. this is my first book i ever wrote, so please support me and I'm open to criticism. just don't go overboard with the criticisms.

dramatic_reader69 · TV
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21 Chs


After realizing that the alien had escaped, Ben and Rook began planning their next course of action.

Suddenly, Rook remembered something and immediately conveyed it to Ben. "Ben, while following your advice, I came across some valuable intel regarding the extortion gang. It appears there are more of them, than those previous three thugs. Perhaps there will be information related to the alien dog chasing you."

Good job, Rook. You're learning from the master. We will put an end to their crimes. Let's pay them a visit, shall we?

-------------------- A Few Minutes Later --------------------------------

Ben and Rook reached the place where the big baddie resides. They made a blasting entry (quite literally), which in turn alerted all the enemies present.

The one who is most surprised is Psyphon. He panics for a second but instantly calms down. While Ben Tennyson is a formidable foe, Psyphon himself is strong, with plenty of lackeys and lots of explosives at his disposal. He even has a nerve disruption beam. What could go wrong, he thought smugly.

"Ben Tennyson, you've come to seek your doom, and I shall grant it to you. But I'm feeling a bit generous today. Become my underling, and I will spare you," Psyphon declared arrogantly. (A.N: Young master style)

Ben looks at Psyphon and cringes, "Psyphon, you must be delusional if you think I'd ever consider becoming your underling. I'm here to put an end to your villainous schemes once and for all. So, prepare yourself for defeat, because there's no way I'm joining forces with the likes of you. You're nothing more than a lackey yourself, groveling at the feet of Vilgax like a spineless worm. If he were to appear right now, you'd be pissing your pants faster than you could say 'supreme overlord.' So, save your empty threats and face your fate like the coward you truly are." 

Psyphon's face flushed with embarrassment as even his lackeys couldn't contain their laughter. Gritting his teeth in anger, he shouted at them, "Silence, you imbeciles! Do you want to die so bad? If you don't attack Ben Tennyson, I'll personally ensure it's the end for each of you!" His voice echoed with a mixture of frustration and desperation, his attempt to assert authority falling flat in the face of his own humiliation.

The threat worked, and his goons began blasting towards Ben and Rook like stormtroopers, their attacks raining down in vain as ben and rook dodges them with cool reflexes. (acrobatics and sh*t)

This, in turn, infuriates Psyphon even more, "You're all useless! Years of Training wasted. Just activate those bombs, we will blow up this city."

After hearing their boss's order, the goons scramble to grab the bombs and make a run for it, intending to detonate them outside the city in multiple locations. But Ben and Rook aren't about to let that happen. Ben swiftly touches his Omnitrix and transforms randomly, morphing into a Lego block creature.

Looking at his new form, Ben nods in approval. "Alright, Bloxx guy, I can work with this." Meanwhile Rook takes on the remaining goons while blasting the bombs before they got activated.

Ben springs into action, firing Lego blocks at the goons. Most of them are caught off guard and get hit by the blocks, sending them flying, while others are pummeled by the Lego-shaped fists.

After dealing with the goons, Ben takes charge, using his Bloxx transformation to create makeshift cuffs and encasing the captured goons in them. Meanwhile, Rook handles his share of the goons, capturing them with an electrical net by using his Proto-Tool. Together, they secure the villains, ensuring they won't cause any more trouble.

Immediately after securing the captured goons, Ben and Rook turn their attention to the bombs. With quick reflexes, they blast the bombs before they can be activated, rendering them harmless. Within minutes, the threat is neutralized, and both of our heroes dust off their hands, satisfied with a job well done.

As this event unfolds, Psyphon, who had been biding his time, sees his opportunity and charges at Ben like an angry Chikorita. With a furious blast, he sends Ben crashing through the wall, hurling him far from his hideout. The impact sends Ben tumbling across the ground, leaving him disoriented and separated from Rook.

Psyphon glides through and lands near ben and proceeds to blast him with a nerve disrupting beam, Which in turn can make one's body disoriented. the said person who got hit by that attack cannot control their bodies for a certain period of time. 

Ben already anticipates the attack and dodges it easily by morphing his body part's to avoid the beam (A.N: Katakuri Style). The beam misses ben and strikes a random wall and dissipates. 

Psyphon stares in disbelief. "So, what if you can dodge one beam? I have many more incoming," he sneers, unleashing a barrage of beams at Ben. However, Ben's agility and skill allow him to dodge each beam effortlessly.

Taunting Psyphon, Ben says, "You know what, Psyphon? With this kind of aim, you should stick to bootlicking Vilgax!" His words land like a punch, provoking a flicker of rage in Psyphon's eyes.

"Ben Tennyyyyyyyyyyyyson! Arghh! I'm going to kill you!" Psyphon bellows with rage as he flies towards Ben, fury blazing in his eyes. But before he can reach him, Rook appears out of nowhere and blasts Psyphon, sending him hurtling into an underground construction site.

As Psyphon crashes to the ground, Ben quickly orders Rook to capture him. Just as they prepare to secure Psyphon, an overgrown doggy, apparently undeterred by previous encounters, arrives for a third round of smackdown.

As the stalker keeps stalking from a long as* distance, Ben glances at Rook and nods decisively. "Go on, Rook. I can take care of myself. You go catch that mini-boss,". Rook Acknowledges the order and run off to have a showdown with Psyphon.

Just as ben clenches his fists to fight the Buglizard, the omnitrix times out at the worst possible time. 

Ben curses out instantly. "mother fu*ker".

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

dramatic_reader69creators' thoughts