
Chapter 7

The Omnitrix made some noise as it turned on and showed me a hologram of a hooded figure. It had wings circling its body like a hooded cloak.

"Interesting..." I said as I slammed my hand on the hologram.

I felt my feet getting longer and slimmer. I gained wings on my back, that formed a cloak and a hood when they folded. My eyes widened and became green and I felt my blood freeze in place. This was a feeling unlike any other. I felt... empty... cold... but powerful.

"Freeze! Put your hands up in the air!"

"Oh, no... Please don't hurt me. I'm a defenseless alien. Bring it on, bitches!" I said as I dashed towards the policemen.

They started shooting at me but I formed a fist and made myself transparent. The bullets went right through me as I made my way past two of the policemen.

I reappeared and hit the third one with an uppercut, dislocating his mandible.

"Peekaboo, bitch!". I said and dashed towards a fat sheriff. 

"Freeze!" He screamed out.

"As you wish," I said and breathed out my cold breath, trapping the sheriff in a block of ice.

"You pregnant Bigfoot." I said and ran towards my final target.

He was shivering, trembling. He wasn't even able to hold his pistol right.

Cloaking myself, I dropkicked that motherfucker, making him cough up some of his teeth.

"Look at you... Pathetic." I said as I punched him in the face, making him fall unconscious.

"I like this alien. This powerset is amazing." I said and tapped my hand on my chest, making the Omnitrix make some sound as I changed my form back into a human.

"Now you... Magma-guy. What are you? Who are you?"

"Why'd you help me?"

"To be honest, I don't know. I just felt like it."

"Are you a monster too?"

"First of all, an alien, not a monster. Second of all, I am technically a whole unit of aliens. I enjoy it though."

"Well, there's nothing enjoyable about... this." He said as his hands sparkled and a small flame landed on the grass below him.

He stepped on the fire, putting it away. "I am part alien. I mean my powers emerged a couple of weeks ago. My mom's a human and I thought I was too. Until... I woke up one day and saw my bed being on fire."

Skill issue.

"My dad put it away and then explained everything to me. He's a "Plumber"." He said as he changed his form back into a human.

"Interesting..." I said with a smirk on my face.

I put my hand on my hair and slicked It back while looking at the right side of mine. That's when I noticed two flashing lights approaching us.

"Please be that emo boy's car." I said as I narrowed my eyes, trying to figure out what was approaching us.

Fortunately for us, it was a green Dodge that Kevin owned.

Redhead an Emo boy stepped out of the vehicle and walked towards our direction.

"So, who's this little guy?" Kevin asked with a smile on his face.

The kid changed his form back into the alien and walked to Kevin.

"Mhmm... Understood.' Kevin said as he nodded his head.

"Scared, pretty boy?" I asked with sarcasm in my tone.

"Haha... Scared? Of him? Hell nah!"

"Yeah, yeah... Whatever. Got to tell you something. When I was fighting this blazing young man, I flew over the field and noticed some unusual markings on it."

"Markings? Like symbols?" Gwen asked with an actual interest in it.

"Yes, it was like in that movie where aliens were leaving some clues on the cornfields."

"I think I know what you're talking about. But... We'll need to have a look over that." Gwen said and started thinking.

"Seriously? Use your damn magic. You can create steps and shit... Create some kind of stairs so we'll be able to go up." I was annoyed already. Just how stupid can she be?

"Oh... Right!" Gwen said and started developing a step after step, one after another.

All of us stepped on the stairs and started walking. After some time, we were at a height that was perfect to see the markings.

"See? There they are..." I said and pointed at the symbol-like things.

"The-They're marking this spot for something specific... Maybe a base?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah, no shit, Sherlock!" I said, looking at the giant alien symbols.

That was when the symbols started glowing and something straight out of a Sci-fi movie started happening.

The weather was starting to change and the symbols started going up from the ground. In several minutes there was a giant, pointy tower standing right in front of us. It was like a metal skyscraper. 

Lightning cracked out of its top as it formed dark clouds around itself.

Something cold landed on my face... Rain? No. It was snowing.

"Let's go down and check what's happening." Gwen said as we moved towards the direction of the tower.

Several minutes later all four of us were standing in front of the skyscraper. 

"What the hell is this shit for? Some guys are standing there in hazmat suits... " 

A police car honked at us.

I looked back and saw the three police officers, whose asses I beat earlier, stepping out of the vehicle.

"Didn't get enough?" I asked the Sheriff.

"You're all under arrest!" The Sheriff commanded, hinting at his cowardly officers to cuff us.

"I don't think so..." Kevin said as he took control of one of the policeman's shotguns, absorbing its texture. He broke the shotgun in half and readied his fists.

However, this situation was short-lived as some guys in Hazmat suits approached us from behind, shooting some kind of beams at us.

One of the police officers was hit by the beam and he started to change his skin texture into a metal-like substance. Soon after he was just standing there, unable to move.

"Daaaamn!!!" I said in amusement. "Suits you right!"

The Hazmat dudes pointed their weapons at me, but Gwen was fast enough to put up a shield, covering us all.

I tapped my hand on the watch, turning it on. The first hologram was... Swampfire? I love that guy.

With excitement on my face, I slammed my hand on the Omnitrix, activating the chosen alien.

I went through a usual transformation, elongating my hands and legs, giving me a triangle-shaped head. Vines started surrounding my limbs and after that, they covered my whole body.

The Hazmat guys started shooting their weapon's beams at Gwen's shield. It was going to hold for long. But I was here for a reason right?

The moment I finished my transformation, I readied some fireballs for them.

"Haha... Power, bitches!" I screamed and shot the fireballs at them while dashing towards their direction.

They started shooting at all of us, but Kevin and Gwen were good and experienced enough to defend themselves well.

I can't say the same about the cops though. The got stoned immediately.

"Sucks to be you!" I said and punched one of the Hazmats, taking his helmet off of him. However, I was left with a surprise. These were not people, they were the same aliens, whose asses I kicked regularly. 

"Just how many of you are here?" I asked and covered it in flames, burning it to a crisp. "Fucking invader!"

Another Hazmat alien shot his weapon's beam at me, but I was not planning to get hit by that "Medusa's gazing" shit. 

I dodged out of the way and planted my fist in the ground. Half a second later, vines came out of the ground, wrapping around the aliens and slamming them on each other and then on the ground. Pressing the vines on them, they pierced the aliens bodies, making their purple blood spill out of them.

"Delightful..." I said and looked at the magma guy. "I need you to fly up and bomb the aliens on the top floor of this skyscraper shit... You can develop fireballs, right?"

He nodded.

"Then go and fly, birdie. I'll melt this skyscraper from below and maybe I'll destroy it."

The magma guy nodded and flew up. He was struggling but still managed to go to the necessary height.

"No time to waste." I said as I fisted the ground and made the vines come out again. They surrounded the bottom of the construction.

I developed smaller vines on my feet, making them go deeper underground so I could have some steady feet while pushing this shitty construction.

I started pushing the construction with my hands as well as with the vines surrounding it. It was a struggle, but I managed to dig that shit up and push it on its left side.

The blazing youngster flew down. "They're all crisps."

"Well done kid." I said as I started approaching the stoned cops.

Looking at their hopeless faces, I created a fireball and shot it at one of them. The metal texture started to melt away, as he started moving his limbs again.

After witnessing this, I de-stoned the other cops, making them feel alive yet again.

"Now you know who not to mess with, officer!" I said with a smirk on my face as I tapped my chest, shapeshifting back into Ben's... I mean, my body.

The Sheriff looked at me with an annoyed expression as he said hesitantly: "Right... Don't cross the path with us then, kid."

"OH... Scary. Don't make me laugh."

I turned back to the Magma guy. "I might need your help someday. Don't lose that badge of yours."

"Just give me a call!" He said, as me, Gwen and Kevin walked to Kevin's car. We waved at that Magma kid and sat in the car, leaving the place.

Sorry for not upploading for a while.

Thank you for patiently waiting for the new chapter.

Take care.

THEARACHNIDcreators' thoughts