
Ben 10: marvel heroes

The story speaks of a man who did a very heroic act before his death, and the next moment he opened his eyes he found himself in the Marvel universe and with him the alien watch known as the Omnitrix, what would he do in his new life? And what adventures are waiting for him?

Purplezhz · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Peter's diaries

For Peter, this was the best week of his life.

It started when he was bitten by a radiologically modified spider in Osborne laboratories.

The transition was rough, he experienced nausea and exhaustion from the mutation process.

The spider's venom, inter-mixed with Oz, imbued Peter with the proportionate powers of a spider.

He gained superhuman strength, extra-sensory perception of immediate danger (spider sense), increased speed, increased agility, increased stamina, a healing factor, and the ability to stick / crawl on surfaces. In many ways, Peter became the next generation super soldier with additional attributes of a spider.

One day after the bite break, Peter already began showing signs of the boom.Keny, a flash friend and a basketball team member, tried to kick him, but he anticipated the attack thanks to the spider's sense of avoidance and was able to push and throw Kenny on the ground, but The boom process is not over yet and he fainted.

Uncle Ben and Aunt May met with Peter at a local Queens ER for tests to see if he was fine. Unknown to the Parker family, Norman Osborn had already dispatched an agent to trail Peter and monitor his mutation progress.

To fool the hospital that he's healthy, his agent swapped his blood work for private analysis.

Osborn had his scientist (s) analyze Peter's true blood sample and everything suggested that he's going to die.

Fearing that Peter might become a legal liability, he sent his agent to kill him.

The following morning, Peter was on his way to school. The agent drove a black car and intended to make Peter's death look like a hit-and-run accident, but Peter's spider powers saved him again.

His spider sense once again kicked in and he unconsciously jumped over the car, not once realizing he was a target for murder.

After Osborn's agent reported what had happened, Osborn decided to let Peter live for extended observation; Peter shortly caught onto his own abilities.

After nearly getting killed by running car and performing a death-defying Olympic somersault over a high-speed car, he strongly suspected something is wrong with himself. As a prodigy biochemist, he had a simple lab in the basement of his home (remnants of his father's research tools). After researching about spiders and his own blood under a microscope, he developed a fair understanding what was happening to him; however he missed school for that day.

Because he kept his mutation a secret, his aunt and uncle had a fight with him as he unsuccessfully defended his reasons for skipping school. It was while in the middle of that heated argument that he discovered his fingers had stuck to the wall so tight that he ripped the paint out of the wall. After being sent to his room, Peter was curious about his hands and realized he can climb on walls.

Peter's boom was still going on, and the next day at school, he was frustrated that his friend Ben and Harry were absent (Ben was installing a wiretap at Peter's house) and because of this he had only one day, not even a physical education class where they were playing basketball Frustrated by Flash Thompson resorting to Mary Jane Watson, one of his childhood friends, Peter threw basketball on the head of Flash, making the latter angry.

Later that day, Flash and a group of friends took Peter behind the school in an attempt to bully him, but Peter easily avoided all their attacks and tried to grab the flash arm and twist it a little to cause a little pain, he did not intend any harm.

Unfortunately, he did not recognize his new power properly and caused the flash shoulder to be removed.

Flash's parents were unhappy, and they demanded medical expenses from the Parker family as well as some compensation.

Uncle Ben and Aunt May weren't happy for what Peter had done; they expressed their disappointment at Peter for raising his hand against another person. To Peter's dismay, he felt he was wrongly accused of an incident he didn't start and only rightfully acted in self-defense.

That very night, he woke up again from one of his spastic reactions due to his mutation. Curious to the extent of his own abilities, he snuck out of the house that very night and tested his abilities in an abandoned lot. Peter was pleased as he discovered his new-found gymnastic abilities and strength, great enough to effortlessly lift and throw an old car with ease.

Some time later, Peter, MJ, Flash, and Kenny all attended a wrestling circuit. The announcer promised money to whoever defeats The Invincible Crusher. Desiring the money to pay back his aunt and uncle, Peter decides to put on a wrestler's mask to challenge Crusher Hogan the following night. Peter jumped into the ring and quickly body slammed Crusher Hogan. He easily won the money and left the scene in a matter of minutes. He then faked a letter to his uncle and aunt, as an "anonymous" donation from the school, to pay back their expenses due to the Thompsons. Aunt May and Uncle Ben completely bought the ruse and accepted the money.

The following day, after showing some caliber against Thompson, Peter's coach had him join the basketball team as their new star player. Peter quickly rose to acclaim as he effortlessly out-scored the visiting team. After winning the game, Peter went straight to his secret wrestling gig. The ring announcer/manager was not pleased at Peter because he kept his identity a secret. Hating Peter's mask and simple outfit of a sweater and jeans, the manager gave Peter a brand new wrestler costume (the spider suit before peter meets tony) and labeled him The Amazing Spider-Man.

Then, when he returned home, Aunt Mai and Uncle Ben confronted him with the fact of his low ratings, after a small feud Peter realized that he should not go too far in his rebellious state, so he went to his room.

The next day, not only that Flash and his group did not approach him, he also had a wonderful day with his German friend Ben and his friend Harry.When he decided that the day would not be better, Mary Jane asked him to go out with her, which he easily agreed and determined Saturday evening.

That evening, he had a family conversation with his uncle Ben, Peter got upset a bit and decided to go out for the wrestling ring.

Uncle Ben asked him about his destination, knowing that he could not disclose the fact that he was involved in illegal wrestling, he said that he was going to the library, causing Uncle Ben to deliver it.

Luckily the wrestling ring was close to the library, so Peter agreed, when Uncle Ben delivered it, before leaving the car he told him.

"your father believed that if there were things in this world that you had to offer, things that you did well - better than anyone else ... things that you could do that helped people or made people feel better about themselves ... well, he believed it wasn't just a good idea to do those things ... Don't try to be something else. Don't try to be less. Great things. And with that will come great responsibility. Do you understand? Great responsibility "

Upset, Peter said, "my father, since he knows a lot, where the hell is he?"

Uncle Ben said that he would wait for him if he wanted, Peter replied that he would not be too late.

Peter went to the wrestling ring and beat his opponent very quickly, but when he wanted to receive his money the shepherd refused to give it to him, causing his anger.

A few minutes later, Peter saw someone run away while the ringleader followed him. Peter realized that the thief often stole the money but did not intervene, when the owner asked him why he had not been arrested, Peter said sarcastically.

"It is not my business."


Ben Parker was waiting in his car, looking at his watch and realized that it had been about 15 minutes since Peter went.

Sigh, Peter has been a miracle child from a young age, he was very clever, fidgeting like his father and mother, it was nice since he and Mai have no children, but Peter recently showed some rebellion which made Ben form in it as adolescence, all that He has to do is guide Peter properly at this point in his age.

As he was thinking, a man with a bag under his armpit and a pistol in his left hand stood on him.

The thief pointed the gun at Uncle Ben and said, "Get out of the car and give me the keys or I will open a hole in your skull !!!"

Uncle Ben panicked but noticed that the thief seemed nervous and anxious, he decided to execute the thief's orders in order not to harm him.

Uncle Ben got out of the car and tried to put his hand in his jacket to take out the keys, but the thief shouted, "Stop, what are you doing?"

Uncle Ben said, "I'm just trying to take out the keys, I swear!"

The thief's hand began to tremble, and the fear of Uncle Ben grew.

Suddenly Uncle Ben saw a flash of blue light from the corner of his eye, and he was not the only one who saw him, even the thief.

The thief was so nervous that he directed his pistol to the quick blue flash and fired.


After shooting once, the thief tried to shoot again, but after being hit by something in his hand, the gun disappeared.

The thief dropped the bag and panicked, "Where are you, show yourself?"

Someone touched him in his shoulder, he turned the thief to see an inhuman creature, he said "Hey buddy, I'm famous how you don't know me" before you thief causing loss of consciousness "

About Fasttark's attention to Uncle Ben, he said, "Old master, are you okay?"

"Yes, thank you, I swear he would have fired if you hadn't intervened," Uncle Ben said.

"Yes, that's great, right?" He answered with a smile. "Anyway, I'm glad you're fine. Try saying what happened to you to your family, okay? Just be careful."

"Yes, of course, thank you again"

He turned around and saw people starting to gather due to the shooting, and even saw Peter coming from afar so he used his super speed to escape, and on his way he stopped the bullying and attempted rape.

Peter, who arrived after hearing the shooting, looked at the unconscious thief and realized he was the one who left him running away, turned to his uncle and asked him what had happened.

Upon hearing the tale, Peter remembered his uncle's words, with great power comes great responsibility, and the words remained stuck in his mind all night.

Spiderman origin inspired from Earth 1610، 1818 word.

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