
Ben 10: Branching The Omniverse

A young man who died never knowing what it felt like to truly be alive gets a second chance at life. And, he refuses to ever by held down by fate again, as he takes on this new life in a version of the Ben 10 world. Though, not as Ben, no, instead he chooses to become the punk Osmosian, Kevin E. Levin, who was not left to the streets, but instead adopted by the Tennyson's with his name changed. How will he live this new chance, how will he use his abilities, found out here on- Nico: Dude, stop treating my life like an episode of DBZ, and let's get to it. I want to turn octopus head into Takoyaki. Fine, fine, geez, you are just like your sister I swear. Well, you guys heard it, let's get on to the story. __________________ A/N: The cover art, as well as any art that I use is created by me. And, for those who haven't realized it yet, this story is placed in an AU of the Ben 10 world, as well as the story of the second apostle of Seria. Now, let's finally get to this thing, Fae signing off.

The_Fae_Child · TV
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And Then There Were 10 Part 2

We finally made it to the camp site, where the Omnitrix was most likely going to crash near. At the moment I'm bringing out dinner for all five of us, I managed to convince Grandpa Max to let me cook during the summer, all it took was telling him that I wanted to try improving my cooking skills over the summer. So, we won't have to worry about having to eat his cooking, and tonight we'll be having salisbury steak with a side of mashed potatoes, instead of marinated worms.

"Chow time, everyone!" I say while I put down the two big plates that I put the meat and mashed potatoes on, just in case anyone wanted seconds.

"Hell yeah! Nico, you're the best!" Penn practically yelled when she saw the mound of food, she was actually there when I asked Max if I could cook, and since I rarely get chances to cook at home, other than Sandra teaching me, she was excited to finally eat my cooking.

"I still think making this summer an adventure for everyone's taste buds would be nice, but I do have to admit, I am curious about your skills in the kitchen, Nico." Fun fact, Max was still trying to convince me on the way here to add something more 'interesting' in tonight's meal, but like hell am I going to put bugs anywhere near my food that I put my heart and soul into making for everyone!

"You know, you'd make a great husband for a lucky girl one day, Nico!" Hm? Would I really be a good husband to someone? I'm pretty sure everything I've done is the bare minimum, except for power training, though compared to some of those guys that I've seen harass girls at school at one point, I guess I'm doing pretty alright?

"That's if a girl even wants to marry me, Gwen. I'd also have to eventually tell them about the whole, half alien thing, if I did marry them." I'd also have to tell them about me being a demigod too, so basically I'd have to tell them that I'm the farthest thing from human.

"Wouldn't be a problem if they already knew about it!" Well, you have a point there Lucy, but the only girls that already know that I'm part Osmosian are you three, and Sandra. Though, maybe if it's like, another demigod, or another alien it might work? Meh, I'll think about that stuff later, for now I just want to focus on eating!


(Small Time Skip to After Dinner)


Currently, we were all sitting outside the Rust Bucket relaxing. Penn was playing on her mobile console, Gwen was writing something on her computer while smiling, Lucy was reading a book, and I was looking at the sky waiting for the Omnitrix. You might be thinking, 'Where's Grandpa Max in all this?', and to that I say, he's doing the dishes. Because I've become our designated cook for the summer, he decided that he might as well do the dishes to show he likes my cooking.

"Who wants to roast marshmallows?" Max said as he walked out of the RV, I guess this is a good a signal as any that it's almost time.

"Okay... How about we tell scary stories?" Shit! I forgot to reply to him, and the others are too absorbed in what they're doing to notice him. "Ah, actually, I think I'll go on a bit of a walk! After all, it's my first time in the woods, so might as well enjoy it while we're still here!"

I got up from where I was sitting, and slowly started to walk towards the woods, where I think Ben originally went in the direction of. Hopefully they don't think my sudden interest in going into the forest is odd.

"Oh! Nico, let me join you! I was on a pretty boring level anyways!" Good, Penn's coming along, the watch will surely home in on her DNA. "Sure, Penn! I don't mind if you join."

You'd think the other two girls might want to join in too, since we all stay together whenever we can, but it seems they were still too focused on what they were doing. What book was Lucy even reading that got her so absorbed? Looking at the cover I saw the words, 'How to get him to notice you.', huh, why would she need a book like that?

"Well, okay you two. Just make sure that you both don't stray off too far!" Max instructed while we walked into the woods. I only plan on going as far as the landing point of the strongest weapon in the galaxy, though, for all I know it could land in a minute, or half an hour from now.

While we walked through the woods in a comfortable silence it felt like Penn was slowly walking closer to me, though that could just be my imagination. Hm, the Omnitrix should arrive soon, so I guess until it gets here I'll update on what my training has accomplished in the last few years.

With my ice I've managed to get pretty far in it, now I can make a piece of ice double the size of a large swimming pool before my body gets too cold to make more. I even created an easy construct that I can use as a weapon whenever needed, which is surprisingly a war hammer. I don't know why it's so easy to make a war hammer for me, maybe that's just what weapon my body is the most accustomed to?

Anyway, with my Osmosian abilities, I think I managed to surpass Alien Force Kevin, because I can absorb other materials to turn myself into, but I can also choose to not take certain types of energy while ignoring other energy sources. I managed to figure it out by trying to absorb the life force from different plants, while trying to keep myself absorbing the life force of one of the plants, and ignoring the energy from the rest of them.

I might be able to absorb only certain alien DNA's from the Omnitrix, while ignoring the rest, so I don't mutate like Kevin did. After all we don't have one of those ID Mask to hide whatever the hell I would mutate into without doing this.

"Nico, look! A shooting star!" Wait, what?! I quickly looked up to the night sky, and sure enough there was an object soaring through the night sky that looked like a shooting star, until it suddenly changed directions heading directly towards me, and Penn.

"Penn, run!" I grabbed her hand and started to run in the opposite direction of the falling object that was most definitely the capsule that held the Omnitrix.

We managed to get out of the area where the capsule made impact, but not without having to jump a bit further, just for good measure, 'cause like hell am I going to die to a fucking ball that holds the most powerful weapon in the galaxy.

Penn was the first of the two of us to get up off the ground, she did help me up too, as that would just be rude to leave me in the dirt. We both walked towards the crater that the capsule made when it landed, Penn looked down into the crater, while I subtly looked around, wondering if I would find Professor Paradox and another Ben nearby.

"Nico, it looks like a satellite, or something." She said while looking at the metal ball. This was followed by the ground we were both standing on to crumble beneath us, 'causing us to fall into the crater, right by the capsule.

As we both got up, for the second time, the capsule opened up, showing the Omnitrix in all its glory, though it looked like the recalibrated one, rather than the original. Hopefully the aliens are the same, because some of my plans require the DNA of a Galvan (Grey Matter's Species), and a Galvanic Mechamorph (Upgrades 'Species').

"A watch? What's a watch doing in outer space?" Ah, those lines, I honestly didn't expect that I would hear these exact words when the time came, it feels kind of nostalgic to hear them again after the last couple of years that I've been here. 

Penn went to grab the Omnitrix, most likely to get a closer look at it, but it suddenly jumped onto her left arm. She tried to get it off her wrist, but all attempts were rendered moot. 

A couple of minutes later we were outside the crater, and she was trying to get it off with a random stick that she found. That was until, she managed to get the dial to pop up, showing the outline of the alien that I recognized as Heatblast. She pressed down on the dial, and began to turn into the alien that was selected.

Let me tell you this, seeing the transformation in real life, feels so weird in comparison to seeing it in the show. Soon it ended, and what I saw was definitely different from what I expected a female Pyronite (Heatblast Species) to look like, even from what I saw of that version of Gwen with the watch.

Her body looked more similar to what a human girl looks like, well other than the flames and rock. The rocks formed breast on her chest that were bigger than Penn's original ones, and her thighs were thicker. And, to this sight I have one thing to say... WHAT THE FUCK?! WHY IS SHE ATTRACTIVE SHE SHOULDN'T LOOK ATTRACTIVE!! AND SHOULDN'T A PYRONITE BE A CREATURE OF PURE FIRE, WHY DOES SHE FEEL ONLY SLIGHTLY WARMER THAN USUAL INSTEAD OF A RAGING INFERNO?!?! WHAT KIND OF WORLD DID MOM SEND ME TO?!?!

Penn started to scream and run around at the sight that she was now on fire, all while I was having an existential crisis about my current situation, just staring at the ground. Should I have been more specific with my request, or was this the only world that had a version of Kevin that was adopted by the Tennyson's?

"Hey, I'm on fire, and I'm okay. Nico, check it out, I'm totally hot!" Looks like she finally figured out that the fire isn't hurting her, but dammit why did she have to say that. I will admit that I do know the girls are attractive, but seeing an alien, that I linked to me growing up, as an attractive woman, is just too much.

"Nico, hey! Are you okay?" She walked towards me, and asked me worriedly. I guess my lack of a response, or a reaction in general worried her. I should probably say something before I worry her even more.

"Hm? Yeah, I'm fine, Penn." Fucking hell, I can't look her in the eyes right now, not because of the fire that's encapsulating her head, but because I still have mixed feelings about all this.

"Wait, how are you not freaking out about this? I'm literally made of fire right now!" Why should I bother acting shocked? I'm literally not even a human.

"Penn, you know that Lucy, and I have alien family. So, why would a watch that turns you into a hot lady shock-" I should have phrased that better, 'cause now we're both blushing messes, or at least I think she's blushing, judging by the flame on her head flaring up a lot.

"I- Um, let's just go back to the Rust Bucket, maybe Grandpa Max knows something about that thing." I just started walking back in the direction of the RV, the sooner I can change this subject, the better. But, fucking hell, this summer is going to be an odd one, even by Ben 10 standards.