
Ben 10 Altered DNA

MasterrThinker2003 · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Luck and Magic (3)

The three continued their journey after everything was settled. After travelling for a while they stopped at a restaurant for lunch.

"Grandpa Max, do you know what this is?" Ben asked as he handed the charm to Max.

"Let me see." However, before Ben could hand the charm to Max, Gwen grabbed the charm from Ben's hand.

"Gwen," Max said as he handed out his hand towards Gwen.

"Sorry Grandpa," Gwen said as she handed the charm to Grandpa Max.

"Hmm. I don't remember seeing this kind of thing while working as a Plumber." Grandpa Max said as he examined the charm for a few seconds.

"Then can I have it, Grandpa?" Gwen asked Max.

"Grandpa, Don't give it to her. It probably is not safe, it glows when the magician started to chant a spell," Ben said to Grandpa Max.

"Kill joy," Gwen said as she pouted. Although she was supposed to be a child that is smarter than her age, she is still a child inside at the end of the day.

"Well, why not give this to Gwen? After all, Hex is already locked up and won't cause us problems for a while." Max said to Ben.

Ben is not very happy as he thinks Grandpa Max is too easygoing and Gwen is still very childish.

Of course, although he is right to a certain extent he is still too strict on both himself and the others and not enjoying his life as a regular ten-year-old like Gwen.

"Relax Ben. If you are overly serious and worry about every bad thing you might not be able to enjoy your life to the fullest." Max said.

"Yeah. Doofus. You were so carefree just before you got that watch. Stop acting like that. It's creepy." Gwen said as she remembers that a while ago Ben was someone that fell asleep during lectures.

The two were starting to get worried because all Ben does now is check the Extranet to check the information about aliens and the most wanted criminal in space and use their remaining time to use the Omnitrix for combat training.

It is not a child-like behaviour. It is more like a strict war survivor with mental scars that was always paranoid about when he is going to get attacked.

He did not even pick up a remote or a comic book since he got the Omnitrix.

"Yeah. You two might be right. I might be overreacting. It's not like my life will be constantly targeted because I have the Omnitrix." Ben said.

But unfortunately for him, it was bad timing. As the Bounty hunters that Vilgax sent broke through the roof of the restaurant.

"Come on. This is the second one today already," Ben said in a disappointing tone.

"Grandpa. Gwen takes cover. I am going alien." Ben said as he transformed.

"We can help too," Gwen said.

"Out now," Ben yelled at Gwen.

"Gwen. I know you want to help Ben but Let's get out for now." Max said as he holds Gwen's hand and forcefully as they get out of the restaurant.

The charm that Gwen was holding started to Glow in that instant before Gwen was dragged out.

Ben's body transformed into what appeared to be a white and black liquid-like body as green lines started to appear from his upper body part. Before one of the lines eventually forms a circle that Ben can use as his eyes.

"Upgrade," Ben said as he looked at the three bounty hunters that are flying in the air with the use of hoverboards and jetpacks.

The three bounty hunters started to fire lasers at Ben.

All the people in the restaurant have already run out so Ben as Upgrade attached himself to the cashier as he morphed a simple cash-counting machine into a small sanctuary that shoot out coins.



Species name- Galvanic Machamorph

Homeworld- Galvan B

Body- Technological humanoid

Abilities- Technological Possession(S), Technological Alteration(S), Technological Manipulation(S), Body Alteration(D), Self liquefaction(S), Regeneration(B), Shape Shifting(A), Optic laser(E), Superhuman Strength(E).

Weakness- The control over machines is not absolute as advanced technology and technology that possess high intelligence can resist the possession. Sensitive to electricity and electromagnetic forces. It is weak against acid and intense heat such as lava. It is vulnerable to highly advanced vires. It is not a physically strong alien so it can be useless for the offence if there is no technology to possess. Unlike the true machamorph that can transform into any technology that they previously possess by imprinting the blueprint into their brain Upgrade needs technology to use his powers.

Summary- An artificial alien created by the first thinker accidentally during one of his research. The first thinker considered this alien to be one of his proudest accidents.