
Ben 10: A Forgotten Hero

Here I am chained up…left alone. Humanity’s last line of defense, a hero that never fails no matter how bad it got. All of that was in the past, a ghost of what I used to be, what I stood for. I’ve already given up…. This is a Ben 10 AU..... I've had this idea for a while so I thought why not try and write it and see where it leads. This is my first time trying to write a story so I am by no means experienced, but I thought it would be fun so, here I am.

IAmFish · TV
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23 Chs

Chapter 19: Confrontation (Part 1)

'Should I attack first, or should I try and talk to them? Although I'm confident in defeating them even when lacking the element of surprise… Should I waste this opportunity? If I just jump straight into battle, then I may not get the chance to figure out what they're planning. I also have no guarantee that they'll humor me and tell me their plans just like that.

I could take advantage of their arrogance to get them to talk, but I doubt that'll work with Malware present. All right then, the plan is simple. Take out malware first then incapacitate Khyber and Dr. Psychobos and finally, get answers out of them.'

I crack a smile as I mutter, "It's hero time… Sigh, it just doesn't feel the same…Anyways…"

I then position myself behind Malware and I transform into Diamondhead. I quickly encase Malware in a crystal layer, rendering him immobile. Without wasting any time, I transform into Arctiguana and freeze malware over his crystal encasement.

While I did that, Khyber acted quickly in grabbing his knife and hanging the Nemetrix over his chest. He then lunged toward me while I was freezing Malware. Dr. Psychobos grabbed a piece of technology that was nearby and retreated some distance away from his position.

I quickly react to Khyber by Knocking his knife away with my hand and then transforming into Rath. I then grab Khyber, throw him away and speak, "RAHHH, LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING KYBER THE HUNTER. RATH IS GOING TO MAKE YOU PAY FOR THE SLAUGHTER IN GALVAN PRIME. RATH IS ANGRY AND RATH IS GOING TO MAKE YOU EXPERIENCE WHAT RATH'S ANGER FEELS LIKE THROUGH YOUR BODY."

I then take advantage of the surroundings by jumping onto the wall and jumping again, positioning myself to fall straight on Khyber. I body slam into him with my elbow falling straight on his head. I don't let up, I sit on top of Khyber, and deliver strong punches to his dome.

I then get off him, grab his leg, and slam him into the ground multiple times until it seems that he's had enough. What happens next though wasn't expected. Dr. Psychobos who was fiddling with a piece of technology that looks like a small remote suddenly stops and presses a button on it. It releases a small sound and Khyber begins to transform.

'That remote that he's been working on must have been a device that can control the Nemetrix. Now, he can control Khyber's transformations.'

Khyber transforms into a giant worm-like alien with 6 red eyes, a wide mouth that has a similar shape to a beak, and a tail ending with spikes. Its back is an orange and brown color, and its belly is a white-brown color.

'This creature looks similar to the aliens I fought with Reiny that one time we got stuck together on that desert planet. If I remember correctly, they are vulnerable to attacks inside of their mouth. It's at a disadvantage here since it can't Dive into the ground.'

I then transform into Heatblast and shoot flames out of my hands and feet to propel me forward and higher to get close to its mouth. It suddenly starts swinging its tail and gets ready to attack me with its upper body.

I dodge the attempt and get close to its mouth. Before it could defend itself, I send a stream of fire from my hands to the inside of its mouth and jump off propelling myself away from the creature. It roars in pain before spitting out the fire and falling to the ground.

Dr. Psychobos, however, presses another button on his device and Khyber transforms again. This time he transforms into a fat, grey, and rock-skinned alien. It has purplish-pink spheres all over its body and has a huge size, even bigger than Humungousaur.

I send a huge fireball toward the alien, and it has no effect as It seems to be immune to fire. I then transform into Humungousur and slam the symbol on my chest to transform into Ultimate Humungousaur. I run towards it and send a massive punch to its side, sending it flying through a nearby wall.

I then turn my hands into four-barreled missile launchers and send a couple of missiles to Dr. Psychobos to stop him from transforming Khyber again. I then transform my hands into normal and go to the creature and start beating it until it falls unconscious. I then transform into Diamondhead and slice the thing around its neck that is holding the Nemetrix. After I do that, Khyber transforms back into normal, still unconscious. I also cover him in a layer of crystal to stop him from being able to move. I go to Dr. Psychobos and do the same to him. I then proceed to transform back into a human.

'That's the end of that situation. I'll just wait for them to wake up so I could probe them for information. Honestly, I wish I had an alien that could infiltrate someone's mind right about now. Interrogation is gonna be boring. I hope they just straight-up give me the info instead of me needing to threaten them for it. It's not my thing…'