
Railway Station

Prince hold his tears back and unwilling said goodbye to her, with a wish to stop her back.

After reaching to the station she was too happy as she loved to visit places and be out like a free bird. Never did she knew what Prince felt about her. Not even Prince everyone had her in their always favourite list. She was queen of everyone's heart .

So the moment she was enjoying the travel and was waiting for the train on the station, some noice came from behind. When she turned they were none other than her friend group. She thought as Aanchal was her bestest friend she would had planned all this but later she found everyone was called up there with the efforts and pleading of Prince so she straight forwardly went to him and said "Thanks ya buddy" as a sweet friend. Who would have thought he did this all just to see her once last time as he would see her now after 30 40 days. Prince tried to assemble his heart ,trembling with feelings and hugged her. At the moment noise of siren came, the train had arrived.Everyone said her goodbye and she sat in the train, waving her hand saying goodbye to them