

Days passed and vacations came to an end,sooner Payal(real name of prushthi) came back to her home town and didn't informed her friends that she was back ,so she could arrange a surprise for them.

When she reached home she took all gifts she bought for everyone and visited their home to greet them. Everyone was happy with their gifts because she knew exactly what everyone liked but unfortunately there was no gift for Prince. Though he was member of that group but still he was just friend to her and not being a special one.

But Prince was not sad for not getting a gift from her, but was either happy as Payal was back to the town and now he can see her and play with her. Seemed like his love has arrived from overseas and now he can greet his love to her and he just can wait to love her and admires to be with her and protect her. Who could have thought that little kid was a container of such stronger feelings and knew what he wanted in his life, nor even Payal would had thought something of this kind.

As he saw she was back he gathered all his courage and assembled his trembling heart pumping out with all the hidden feelings he had and tried to confess that he loved her..