



At 8:55, Lilith wondered why Bella had not returned home from work. She wasn't scared or worried about her getting hurt, she was a grown woman, The person she'd rather be sorry for is any person who would try robbing her.

She glanced at her phone that was vibrating on her bed and cursed.

"I've told you, Rowen! She'll be back soon, she's working overtime!" She stressed, the voice on the other end didn't sound convinced.

"I'm just worried about my girl, Lilith, keep me posted about her whereabouts, tell her to be careful," he said worriedly.

"Sure, or haven't I been doing that huh?" Lilith frowned " Besides you never ask to how I'm surviving here with that..." He dropped the call.

"Urgh!" She groaned dropping the phone on her bed, just then Bella tiredly walked in.

"Why did you return so late today, your Amore has been on my neck for hours" Lilith complained.

"My what?...Oh! Please do not start Lilith" She sat tiredly on her bed and began pulling her shoes.

"He called you 22 times today and you switched off your phone" Lilith jumped onto her cozy bed with her eyes fixed on Bella as she took off her clothes revealing her bare shoulders that had a long scar that ran to the middle of her back. "Why are you so cruel to him? He's a nice person".

"I'm cruel to Everyone, remember" She reminded me. "Let's talk about something else"

"Yah! Like how the hell are our soldiers going to pull that thing off?" Lilith asked, Bella was confused for a second.

"You mean the swapping of Supply Trucks in the sugar factory with trucks of cocaine?" She replied, " He plans to ruin Santiago's image first, and he chose an industry further away from us so we would not be caught".

"How did you even get information from there? Did your crush tell you all about the sugar industry" Lilith bared her teeth mischievously.

"I have a wingman there, He's in charge of maintaining the trucks so, he has lots of information plus He's been there for a year. I've visited once and I was lucky to witness them sending out the trucks for supplies" Bella explained.

"You never stop surprising me Bella, I guess you're the most capable for a reason".

"The Sugar industry's biggest customers are Beverage companies and Some chocolate factories. once the company's trucks send in the wrong sugar, the other companies will sue them and Voila! The news spreads all over the net, Once a drug dealer, always a drug dealer would be the caption everywhere" Bella explained grinning.

"That's sick man! He'd never know what hit him" Lilith said blown away by the revelation. "When will this plan be carried out?"

"Tomorrow, My men are working on it as we speak. The first batch of Buses leave by 10 am tomorrow and the other batch by 2 pm, we're only working on the first batch to avoid getting caught" Bella rose from the bed and walked into the bathroom, Lilith was in awe, she had everything brilliantly laid out.

"I just hope it goes well" Lilith hugged her pillow and shut her eyes.

Wednesday mornings were usually jampacked, they got to work early. Bella sat on her desk staring at her laptop in frustration, the files just kept coming, she had a lot of work to do and as she did them it didn't look like they were reducing.

She packed the few files on her desk and moved to Mr. Ethan's office, she knocked twice and let herself in.

"Good morning" She greeted coldly standing in front of his desk, Ethan looked so tired Bella could see dark circles around his eyes, He must have stayed out very late working yesterday.

"Good morning Bella, place them here" He yawned tiredly with his hands over his mouth, Bella placed the files where he had pointed. Ethan's cell phone rang and he picked it up.

"Hello, Dad!" He said and Bella's ears stood alert like that of a fox. It was Him!, "What? How's that possible, I'm coming there right now!".

Ethan looked alarmed, He grabbed his coat and without looking twice at Bella He stormed out of the office. Bella followed, she got to her desk, grabbed her phone, and rushed into the bathroom, she checked cautiously for signs of any CCTV camera, the coast was clear so she locked it from the inside, she checked her phone and discovered she had 8 missed calls, 5 from Rowen and two from Brad, her wingman. She dialed with shaky hands and his line went through.

"Brad, What happened, Did...did you get caught?" She hissed into the phone, Brad shuddered at her crisp no-nonsense tone, He was fvcked up.

" I didn't know that the Don would Visit so early or would order for inspection before we moved out, no bus even got to leave the premises..." He whimpered.

"Slow down, I hope none of you got caught, because if you were, you know what follows, I can't risk the gang for your stupid mistake and incompetence"

"No, we didn't get caught... They didn't sack anyone in the packaging team, the only person held in custody is the manager" His voice cracked.

" Just make sure evidence does not point to you because if it does, I will get rid of you and after that, I'll make sure your family meets you in hell" Bella warned, she straightened her yellow blouse and her pants and left the bathroom.