

Asfi Al Andromeda sighed as she stared at yet another failed experiment of hers. People always praised her as one of the best magical item makers in Orario, if not the world. But even she stumbled once or twice when creating her various magical items. She needed to go through trials and errors, coupled with in-depth research, before managing to achieve working results.

As she wrote a note for today's experiment report, she lowly hummed, reminiscing. She noticed her collection of notes growing thicker, filled with various ideas, sketches, and research notes. It had been years since she had decided to pursue the path of a Magic Items maker. It also had been years since the last time she had seen him.

"Errr, can you keep this a secret between us, lil'princess?"

"Can't do, lil' princess, sorry. Need to lay low, y'know."

"Hmmm, while I can't let you borrow it, how about making one yourself?"

"Wait, you actually made it? Let me see... Holy sh—this is amazing, lil' princess! A bit crude, not gonna lie, but it's honestly awesome that you could make one. Even I couldn't do that, you know."

"You want to take a look for inspiration? Sure, but remember it's a secret between us, hehe."

Asfi couldn't help but crack a small smile as she recalled those memories. She then took a deep breath and stretched her mildly stiff body. Maybe she should take some time off from experimenting and rest for a while. Incidentally, the city would be hosting its annual Monsterphilia soon, a perfect opportunity to relax.


In one corner of Orario, a seemingly young girl walked while carrying a massive backpack twice her size. She wore a white hooded robe that covered her whole body. Two small bumps protruded from the fabric atop her hood, clear indicators of her Chienthrope ears. Meanwhile, beneath the folds of her robe, a gentle commotion hinted at something stirring.

"Dora!" A little voice piped up, announcing the emergence of a Mini-Dora.

The confined space beneath Lili's robes left the Mini-Dora feeling slightly stuffy, and it expressed its displeasure with an airy huff.

"You're the one who insisted on coming with Lili," Lili sighed, her voice tinged with a hint of exasperation.. "The first time Lili brought you, so many people freaked out."

In hindsight, Lili should have known that bringing a strange small... something with her was not a good idea. Not only did it draw attention, which she always tried to avoid at any cost, but the Guild also pulled her in for questioning. They suspected she had smuggled a Dungeon monster into the city.

"Dorara..." Mini-Dora whined.

"Deal with it. It's either this, in my bag, or don't come at all."

Confronted with a lack of alternatives, Mini-Dora emitted another huff. It wanted to follow Lili around and definitely didn't want to stay in the bag... again; once was enough. Mini-Dora shuddered, remembering the time it spent inside Lili's bag.

So cramped.

So many pointy things.

So many... horrors.

As Lili approached the bustling of the Guild and Dungeon, Mini-Dora retreated back under the robe, its inquisitive glances occasionally peeking out. The vicinity bustled with adventurers along with fellow supporters like Lili offering their aid around.

Supporters, those who received falna but didn't cut out to be proper adventurers. They were relegated to more support positions, working for other adventurers and helping them with menial tasks in the Dungeon, such as picking and gathering monster stones.

In theory, this should be a mutually beneficial relationship, with supporters able to work in the Dungeon while adventurers focused on monster , reality was bleaker, as supporters were often disregarded by most adventurers. They were often seen as parasites, too weak to stand on their own.

Lili took a deep breath; it was time to work.

She stepped forward, searching for any adventurers to offer her services.

...she found none.

Some whom she asked already had their supporter, while others outright sneered at her. With a defeated sigh, Lili braced herself for yet another challenging day in the world of business..

"Dora?" Mini-Dora's head appeared, seemingly noticing her struggle, and stared at her questioningly.

"Hm? What is it?"


"Yes..." Lili's voice held a tinge of resignation, "just another rough day. " She smiled sadly at Mini-Dora.

Kind of weird, but after spending some quiet time with Mini-Dora, she could now understand the little creature in a way.

"Dora... Dora," Mini-Dora tried to cheer her up.

Lili's smile broadened. "Thank you..."

Seeing Lili's current predicament, Mini-Dora racked its tiny processor unit for a way to help her. Unfortunately, Mini-Dora came up with nothing.

Mini-Dora thought even harder while simultaneously peeking out at the surroundings, searching for someone who might need Lili's supporter services. Mini-Dora's eyes then fell on one person, and it grinned widely. Mini-Dora tugged gently at Lili's robe, urgently drawing her attention.

"Dorara! Dorara!"

"Uh, what is it?"

"Dora!" Mini-Dora pointed at one adventurer.

Lili tilted her head slightly. "You want Lili to ask him?"

"Dora Dora," Mini-Dora nodded.


Following Mini-Dora's suggestion, Lili walked over to the adventurer to offer her services. She saw that the adventurer was a young white-haired boy in newbie gear. While Lili usually didn't offer her services to new adventurers, well... Supporters couldn't be choosers.

Unbeknownst to Lili, Mini-Dora was familiar with that adventurer. He was, after all, Bell Cranel.

"Hello there," Lili greeted Bell with her usual business smile. "Are you an adventurer?" she asked, stating the obvious.

"Uh, hello. Yes, I am," Bell replied, a hint of shyness coloring his response. "Though I'm still relatively new."

Lili paused momentarily, as if weighing her options, before clasping her hands together. "Would you be interested in hiring Lili as a supporter for the day? Oh, and Lili's name is Liliruca Arde."

"A supporter? What does that mean?" Bell inquired.

"A supporter is someone who assists adventurers in the dungeon," A supporter is someone who aids adventurers in the Dungeon. We handle tasks like extracting monster stones, gathering materials, and sharing our insights to assist your endeavors. "

"That does sound rather helpful. " Bell nodded.

"Right? So, would you like to hire Lili?" she asked with a hopeful smile.

Bell pondered for a moment, his gaze meeting Lili's hopeful eyes.

"Sure, I would love to," Bell responded, a warm smile gracing his features.

"Thank you, Master... uh, Lili still don't know your name," Lili realized.

Bell chuckled sheepishly. "Bell. Bell Cranel. Nice to meet you, Ms. Liliruca."

"You can just call me Lili, Master Bell."

"Is that so? In that case, you can also simply call me Bell, Lili."

Despite Bell's offer, Lili gently shook her head.. "Can't do, Master Bell. Lili need to maintain professionalism while working."

"Ah, I understand," Bell acknowledged.

In the midst of their exchange, a rustling beneath Lili's robes sent a wave of panic through her. She made a futile attempt to stifle the sound, but it was already too late.

"Dora!" Mini-Dora exclaimed as it popped its head out from under Lili's robes.

Bell looked surprised, and Lili worried he might get freaked out and run away. However, his surprise wasn't quite what Lili had expected.

"Mini-Dora? What are you doing here?" Bell asked.

Lili's eyes slightly widened. "...Eh? M-Master Bell knows him?" She gestured towards Mini-Dora.

"Yes," Bell replied. "You could say that Mini-Dora is my friend."

"Dora Dora!" Mini-Dora chimed in, enthusiastically affirming Bell's statement.


Lili's jaw slightly dropped as she watched Bell effortlessly take down a group of Kobolds with remarkable ease, showing little difficulty or hesitation. Given that he was merely a level 1 adventurer, his movements were surprisingly swifter compared to the average at his level. If this continued, Bell could amass an entire level 1 party's worth of monster stones all by himself.

To Lili's surprise, he proceeded to do just that. Currently both of them were taking a minute-long break to catch their breath on the fifth floor.

"Master Bell, you're truly amazing," Lili praised while skillfully extracting a monster stone from a slain monster.

"Thank you, Lili. Your contribution is no less amazing too," Bell graciously returned the compliment. "Having you alongside allows me to focus more on battling monsters."

"Master Bell, your words are too generous. Lili merely performs the duties of any supporter. It's not particularly extraordinary..." Lili replied, her tone reflecting a touch of surprise. This marked the first time an adventurer had acknowledged her work with such praise.

"Dora!" Mini-Dora interjected, approaching with a monster stone held aloft, which it then handed to Lili.

"Thanks," Lili responded, placing the stone into her bag among the others. Mini-Dora proceeded to another slain monster, diligently assisting Lili with her task.

Turning to Lili, Bell inquired, "Do you feel up to continuing, Lili? If you'd prefer to conclude for the day, that's perfectly fine."

"Lili is up for it, Master Bell. Lili can certainly match your pace," she affirmed, pumping her fists with determination.

A warm smile adorned Bell's face. "Very well, let's aim to push through to the sixth or seventh floor today."

The trio, consisting of Bell, Lili, and Mini-Dora, resumed their dungeon diving, venturing deeper until they reached the vicinity of the seventh floor entrance before they decided it was enough for today and head to the surface. As usual, Bell used his Anywhere Door, swiftly transporting them directly to the Guild reception area. Meanwhile, Lili, like any normal person would, stood in shocked as Bell effortlessly pulled an entire door from his seemingly small pouch.

An involuntary gasp escaped Lili's lips as a sudden realization washed over her. The rabbit with a pouch – she had heard that rumor before. Two versions of the rumor circulate, one depicted the rabbit as a benevolent helper to those who had committed no wrong, while the other cautioned against the rabbit's potentially destructive nature.

Her gaze fixed on Bell, she couldn't help but see the resemblance – he did resemble an Al Miraj, a rabbit, in a way and he did carry a pouch. She had initially believed this rabbit to be a first-class adventurer who loved to do some charitable endeavors, apparently she was wrong.

Lili's eyes rested on Bell's pouch, curiosity stirring. If the rumors held true, it might contain an array of magical items suited for various situations and needs. Under different circumstances, she might have been tempted to try stealing the pouch for herself. However, the lingering doubt stemming from the second rumor held her back.

Additionally, the fact that Mini-Dora seemed familiar with Bell and shared a somewhat friendly relationship added another layer of complexity to the situation.

After contemplating the matter for a moment, Lili nodded to herself before firmly resolving to trust Bell, at least for the time being.

Unbeknownst to Lili, Mini-Dora gazed at her in silence, then shifted its attention to Bell and back to her once more. A mischievous grin formed on its face as it began concocting a plan for both of them.


"You've earned quite a bit more today, Bell," Eina remarked, handing over a higher than usual amount of Valis to Bell in exchange for the monster stones he and Lili had obtained earlier that day.

"Hahaha, well, I had someone to help me today," Bell chuckled, nudging Lili who stood behind him.

Eina narrowed her eyes before smiling. "Ah, you're that supporter from before."

Lili, upon hearing Eina's words, weakly nodded and offered an awkward smile. "Y-Yes, umm, Lili is thankful for your help before," she said with a slight bow.

"You're welcome," Eina replied.

Bell raised an eyebrow. "You know Lili, Ms. Eina?"

"Yes, we've talked before," Eina informed Bell.

Lili confirmed with a nod. "Ms. Tulle helped Lili with some... problems a couple of days ago. Lili is really grateful for that."

Eina giggled. "Well, I couldn't just leave a helpless girl like her alone, could I? Anyway..." Eina shifted her gaze to Bell and placed her hands on her hips. "I have a feeling you're also indirectly involved, Bell. Does... um, a small creature that could only say 'Dora' sound familiar to you?"

"You mean Mini-Dora, Ms. Eina?"

Eina sighed, muttering, "I knew it."

Bell tilted his head, a puzzled expression on his face.

Eina waved her hand dismissively. "Well, it's in the past now, so you don't need to worry too much about it."


Internally, Eina sighed. She didn't even have the energy to explain to Bell that one of his... many things, gadgets, as he called them, had caused quite a commotion.

After bidding farewell to Eina, Bell and Lili left the Guild. They divided their earnings for the day into a pouch, sharing it equally. Lili held her portion of the Valis in her hands, looking somewhat uncertain.

"Is Master Bell sure that Lili can take all of this?" she asked, her grip on her share of the Valis tightening.

Normally, Lili would feel grateful if she was allowed to keep even thirty percent, a generous offer that was quite rare. But to receive fifty percent, half of the total, was almost unbelievable. Still, she sensed no ulterior motives or ill intentions behind Bell's sincere smile.

"We worked together, and you helped me a lot. It's only fair to share half," Bell explained simply.

"Um... thank you, Master Bell."

"I also want to thank you, you really helped me today."

A rare, genuine smile spread across Lili's face. "Master Bell... is weird," she giggled.

"I... you know, I can't really argue with that," Bell admitted with a chuckle and a nod.

"Master Bell, would you mind if we... um, formed a party again tomorrow?" Lili inquired. Bell's ability to earn Valis on his own was impressive, but the fact that he was willing to split the earnings equally with her was genuinely kind.

She wanted to work with Bell more. While it might seem like she was using him for her own gain, her need to earn Valis as quickly as possible was driven by her desire to free herself from her current familia. She didn't have many choices.

"I'd love to," Bell agreed. "Let's meet at the Guild tomorrow morning, does that sound good to you?"

Lili's eyes widened, followed by a wide smile. "Yes, thank you, Master Bell. I'll be waiting for you."

The two of them bid each other farewell and went their separate ways. As Bell was about to continue, he felt a slight tug on his pants. He looked down to find Mini-Dora. It appeared that Mini-Dora had slipped out from under Lili's robe during their conversation.

"Dora, Dora!"

"Hmm? What is it?"

Mini-Dora took a few steps forward, gesturing for Bell to follow. "Dorara, Dora!"

"You want me to follow you?"


"Alright, lead the way."

Mini-Dora flashed its signature smile. "Dorara!"


"You know... when you want me to follow you, I... I didn't expect this," Bell massaged his forehead.


"Mini-Dora, this... this is stalking!" He indignantly stated.

"Dorara..." Mini-Dora gestured for Bell to lower his voice down.

Bell let out a defeated sigh. He and Mini-Dora were... following Lili, to say the least. They quietly trailed her while maintaining a good distance away. This bothered Bell... a lot.

"Dorara!" Again, Mini-Dora gestured for Bell to follow it while staying quiet.

With another sigh, Bell half-heartedly followed Mini-Dora. After a while, he was immediately pulled into hiding by Mini-Dora.

"Dora Dora! Dorara!" Mini-Dora whispered to him while pointing forward.

Bell followed the direction Mini-Dora pointed and saw Lili with three men. They looked like they were in a heated argument, as he saw a scowl on Lili's face while she talked to the men. One of the men stepped forward and forcefully grabbed Lili's hand. He saw how Lili's expression changed into one of fear.

Bell had seen enough; he immediately bolted towards Lili with no hesitation. He pulled a cylindrical grey gadget from his pouch.

"Air Cannon!" he exclaimed.

He inserted his hand inside the Air Cannon and aimed at the three men around Lili. Then, he pulled the trigger inside the Air Cannon.



A condensed pressurized air shot from the gadget, hitting one of the three men and throwing him a good couple of meters back into the air. Before the other two could respond, Bell pulled the trigger again.





The other two men followed suit and were thrown back. Bell immediately positioned himself between the three men and Lili.

"M-Master Bell?!" Lili exclaimed in surprise.

"Are you okay, Lili?" Bell asked her while still aiming the Air Cannon at the three men, who were slowly getting back up.

"A-Ah yes," Lili nodded.

"Who the hell are you?!" one of the men shouted at Bell. "Screw off, boy! This is our familia's personal matter!"

Bell narrowed his eyes. "Familia? You...you're in the same Familia as Lili?" he asked in disbelief.

"Yes, we are," another man spat.

Bell glanced at Lili, who was standing behind him. "...is that true, Lili?"

Lili cast a downward gaze before slowly nodding. "...Yes."

The last man scoffed. "See? Now get the hell out of here."

It was an unwritten rule for outsiders to not interfere with another Familia's matters. Yet, Bell didn't relent. He still took aim at the men and didn't even show any sign of backing down.

"That's..." Bell began, his voice slightly quavering. "That's even worse! A Familia is your family, and you...you don't bully your own family!"

Lili bit her lower lip lightly. While what Bell said should be the truth, her own Familia never felt like a family to her. Not now, nor ever. It was always a dog-eat-dog situation there, and her God didn't even care about his Familia.

"What a bunch of nonsense," one man sneered, followed by laughter from his two peers. "Just a friendly reminder, boy: interfering with other Familia's business could get you in trouble," he smirked.

And he was right, as much as Lili wanted to deny it. Her Familia could send a formal complaint to the Guild about Bell. Normally, they would need the approval of their God to do this, but knowing their God didn't even care, they could take advantage of this and send the complaint themselves.

At best, Bell would only receive a warning. At worst, Bell would be fined, and he could potentially face a restraining order from everyone in her Familia, including her.

"Then..." Bell slipped his free hand into his pouch, "...I just need to make you forget all of this," he grinned.

If those three guys had known better, they would've realized it wasn't a good idea to mess with Bell, the rabbit with a pouch. But, well, they didn't really know much about him, or, to put it bluntly, they didn't care. Their addiction pushed them to chase after as much valis as they could, and they didn't give a damn about any rumors. Addiction and a simple mind, quite the pair.

Well, that was their loss.

"Infinity Lasso!" Bell pulled what seemed to be a simple rope.

The three men paused and exchanged puzzling looks with each other. Ignoring them, Bell immediately threw the Infinity Lasso.

"Get them!" Bell commanded the lasso, which instantly rushed towards the three men.

Caught off guard, the men watched in horror as the lasso moved by itself towards them. The lasso twisted and bent, quickly tying them up. They attempted to free themselves forcefully, but the lasso tightened its grip more and more. Their screams were muffled by the lasso, which also gagged their mouths. Only muted muffled sounds were audible from the men as they were bound and squirmed on the ground.

"Now, I just need... this, the Forgotten Stick!" Bell walked forward, pulling out another one of his gadgets, a medium-sized sword-like gadget. "Let's forget what happened, okay?"

Bell smiled down at the three men on the ground, and they responded by panicking in horror, desperately trying to squirm away from Bell. Forget the stupid-looking boy from before; to these three men, Bell's current smile was absolutely terrifying. They glanced back and, through their muted muffled screams, saw Bell standing over them with his hand raised, holding the gadget.

The gadget swung down, and...


Silly grins crept onto their faces, followed by bumps to their heads.


Today had been one hell of a rollercoaster for Lili. It started off rough, struggling to find any adventurers willing to team up with her. Then she crossed paths with Bell, and she could confidently say that working with him had been the best working experience she'd ever had. Bell not only treated her kindly but also split their earnings right down the middle.

That alone pretty much cemented Bell as a kind person... maybe even too kind for his own good.

But of course, just when things started looking up, life had to throw a lemon straight to her face. On her way back from the Dungeon, she bumped into three fellow members of her Familia. As usual, they tried to shake her down for her hard-earned Valis. Normally, Mini-Dora would swoop in and scare them off, but this time, Mini-Dora had some other plan – or at least that was what she assumed.

She was on her own this time.

A spark of fire ignited inside Lili as she stood her ground, hissing, "No, I won't give you my Valis! Go to the Dungeon yourselves!"

She wasn't backing down, no way.

One of the guys shot her an amused and mocking grin. "Look who's got some guts now – our little supporter's suddenly barking back."

"Does she actually think she's intimidating?" another guy chimed in with a snort.

"Pretty big words for such a small girl," the last one added.

Despite their taunts, Lili clenched her teeth, shooting them death glares. The thought of shooting them with her crossbow crossed her mind. She could probably take down one, but what about the other two? No way they'd just stand there and let her shoot them one after the other.

So, she considered another option. Hidden beneath her robes were small bombs she'd typically use in the Dungeon if needed. They wouldn't cause any lethal harm, but they were designed for stalling and disorienting. She could use one to distract them and make a quick escape.

It seemed like the best choice at the moment.

Carefully, she reached for one of her small bombs, but her stealthy move was caught by one of the guys. He grabbed her hand before she could even get to her stash.

"Sneaky little girl, huh? You're not as clever as you think," the guy sneered, his grip tightening. "At first, we just wanted some Valis, but now... you've really pissed me off."

Lili winced as he squeezed her hand, his other fist pulled back, ready to strike. Just as he was about to throw a punch, a strange hissing sound cut through the air. The guy in front of her was hit by an invisible force and went flying. Before she could make sense of it, two more hisses followed, and the other two men were launched into the air, crashing hard to the ground.

Lili's eyes widened.

What the hell just happened?

Her question was answered when she spotted Bell Cranel, the white-haired boy she'd met earlier that day. He stood there with a strange item in his hand, aimed at the three men.

But what really surprised her was Bell's expression. A mix of a frown and barely hidden anger. Not something she expected from the seemingly kindest adventurer she'd met.

She watched as Bell defended her and seemingly offended by the implication that her Familia wasn't a proper "family" as it should be. Even more surprising, Bell insisted on helping her despite the potential consequences.

A small smile bloomed on her face.


She wanted to help, but it turned out Bell didn't need it. He pulled out another strange object, a rope that moved on its own and proved inescapable once it tied you up. Then came another odd item, a stick of some sort, which he used to bonk the living daylights out of the three men.

Now, she was just left baffled as the guys knelt before Bell.

"So, that's the story. Basically you three were heading home after a hard day's work, and you had a little accident," Bell explained.

"We did?" one of the guys questioned, sounding unsure.

His buddy scratched his head. "And you're saying we slipped, hit our heads, and blacked out on the way back, then you and Arde found us?" He nudged Lili.

The last guy nodded slowly. "Sounds... right. My head does kinda hurt."

They exchanged nods, seemingly convinced by Bell's tale. Then, picking themselves up, they left Lili and Bell, carrying a headache here, a bruise there, and a weird gut feeling that something wasn't quite right.

Bell turned to Lili, but before he could say anything, she beat him to it. "Master Bell... w-what did you just do?"

Bell raised the Forgotten Stick and showed it to Lili. "This gadget makes whoever gets hit by it lose some of their memories and become more easily manipulated," he said nonchalantly.

Lili blinked, then blinked again, and once more for good measure. She silently thanked whoever had raised Bell to be the good, kind guy he was. Because holy shit, that thing was seriously unsettling if it fell to the wrong hands.


Peeking from around a nearby corner, not too far from Bell and Lili, was Mini-Dora, quietly chuckling to itself. Its plan had worked perfectly; Bell was now aware of Lili's situation. Onward to the next phase, Mini-Dora reached out to its fellow Mini-Doras with a mischievous grin.

The BelLili project was officially in motion!

On top of a building, a blue-haired woman with glasses stood. The captain of the Hermes Familia, Asfi Al Andromeda, narrowed her eyes, focusing them on Bell. She had coincidentally stumbled upon a situation where a girl was being cornered, and although she intended to help, Bell beat her to it. She observed as Bell used an unusual item to take action against the men.

Quickly, she analyzed the scene below.

The men appeared as though they had been struck by something, an unseen force. Was it elemental magic? Perhaps air manipulation?

Adding to her surprise, she watched as Bell pulled a rope from a small pouch and it moved on its own, effortlessly binding the men. Shortly after, he pulled another item, this time a stick, which he promptly used to strike the tied-up men on their heads. A change came over the men after the blows.

Asfi could see their expressions shift to ones of confusion.

It was almost as if they had suddenly forgotten everything that had just transpired.

A boy with peculiar items seemingly pulled out of nowhere, these items had unique functions. Asfi scrutinized Bell, who was now departing with Lili. She murmured slowly and wings appeared on her sandals. With a hop, she took flight through the evening sky of Orario with a sense of complexity in her emotions

Unusual, maybe even magical, items.

A small pouch that somehow could be filled with items larger than its size.

That boy... he reminded her all too much of him.


Lili savored a cup of hot chocolate, courtesy of Bell. She had never expected that beneath the unassuming facade of the church, there lay a vast underground residence for Bell's Familia. Initially skeptical when Bell invited her, she eventually agreed after seeing how worried he was. Upon arriving at the Church of Hearth, as Bell had called it, she was immediately welcomed by an army of Mini-Dora, including the one who often accompanied her.

It didn't take her long to connect the dots – these Mini-Doras were more than just Bell's friends; they seemed to share a living space with him. She almost snorted as she imagined Bell's Familia consisting mainly of him and a troop of Mini-Doras. The Mini-Doras kindly offered to carry her bag and robes before guiding her to a dining room deep underground.

As she sipped her hot chocolate, Mini-Dora settled onto her lap, enjoying its own smaller cup of the steaming chocolate.

"I had wanted to use Gourmet Cloth, but I forgot to ask for it back from my Goddess," Bell explained, arriving with a tray holding two bowls of chicken soup. He offered a sheepish smile. "I hope you don't mind my cooking."

Lili expressed her gratitude, "No worries, Master Bell. Thank you." She sampled a spoonful of the soup, blowing gently to cool it before tasting. While not a culinary masterpiece, it was surprisingly decent, especially considering Bell's limited cooking experience.

"It's quite delicious, Master Bell," she complimented as she took another spoonful.

Bell let out a relieved breath. "I'm glad I didn't mess it up."

"Then what are you going to do now, Master Bell?" Lili asked as she slowly ate the soup. "You brought a young girl like Lili to your house... alone, without anyone else." She gave Bell a teasing smile.

Bell's cheeks brightened red. "T-That's not it! And we're not alone, Mini-Dora is here!"

Mini-Dora raised its gaze. "Dora?"

Lili chuckled at seeing Bell's flushed face. "Then where's your Goddess, Master Bell?" She inquired.

"M-My Goddess said that she has some work to do for a couple of days, she's staying with her friend until it's done," Bell replied. "Anyway, I'm just... you know, worried about you. Why—no, what's going on in your Familia?"

Lili's smile dimmed until it left her face. Taking a deep breath, she then answered, "Soma Familia, that's Lili's Familia." A bitter undertone could be heard as she said those words.

She continued, "To get started, Soma Familia doesn't work like any other Familia. While other Familia are led by or even worship their God, in Soma Familia... we don't do that. Lord Soma doesn't even care about his own Familia; his hobby is the only important thing to him, winemaking."

Lili took another deep breath. "Lord Soma needs Valis... a lot of it to fund his hobby. Thus, he created a rule that whoever brings him Valis would get to have his Soma Wine, a wine said to be so good it would make everyone who drinks it fall into addiction. The wine isn't sold anywhere, at least not the proper one; the failed wines are occasionally sold to outsiders. Only the Soma Familia members get to taste the perfect Soma Wine."

Bell narrowed his eyes as he could guess what went wrong. Lili seemingly noticed this and slowly nodded her head.

"Those who tasted the Soma Wine once would long to taste it again. They would even do anything they could to get as much Valis as possible. They would trample each other just for a drop of Soma Wine," Lili gripped the spoon in her hand hard. "This is why Lili wants—no, will leave this Familia someday."

"...How will you do it?" Bell asked, breaking his silence.

"...Lili needs to pay Lord Soma first," she muttered weakly.

Bell grimaced. "So, you give your God the valis needed and you could leave?"

"Umm... actually, Lili needs to give the valis to Soma's captain, and he would then arrange a meeting with Lord Soma for Lili."

"Lili... that—"

Lili weakly smiled. "Lili knows, Master Bell. Soma's captain could just take Lili's Valis away and say it's... gone, and Lili couldn't do anything about it. But Lili doesn't have any other choice. He's a level 2, and Lili is just... a lowly supporter."

"Okay, that's enough for me. I'll help you, Lili," Bell said with conviction.


Bell continued. "Tomorrow we will meet Lord Soma and ask him to let you leave his Familia no matter what!"

Lili's confusion was clear to see. "B-But... why? We just met today?! W-what's your end goal here, Master Bell?" She asked, feeling conflicted.

She already knew that Bell was kind, but this... this was on a whole other level! Who on earth would be willing to go that far for someone they just met?

"You're my supporter, because of that I wouldn't let anyone hurt you," Bell said as if it was something normal to do and gave Lili a warm smile full of certainty.


Lili felt... her heart skip a beat there and immediately averted her eyes away from Bell.

Meanwhile, still on top of Lili's lap was Mini-Dora with its head looking down, hiding a wide grin from Bell and Lili.


It was quite early in the morning, and the sun had barely risen in the sky. Inside the Church of Hearth, Bell was already dressed in his usual adventurer gear, with Lili by his side.

"Are you ready, Lili?" Bell asked.

"Yes, Master Bell."

"Dorara!" Mini-Dora chimed in, comfortably perched on top of Lili's shoulder.

"Hmmm, oh, wait a minute, Master Bell. Better be safe than sorry, Your Scar Is Mine, My Scar Is Mine," Lili chanted, and her appearance shifted from that of a chienthrope to that of a young elf girl with blonde hair.

"You have magic? That's so cool, Lili," Bell remarked.

Lili, now resembling an elf, smiled. "Ehehe, this is one of Lili's tricks to hide her identity. Master Bell knows that Lili is actually a pallum and not a chienthrope, right?"

"Wait, really?"

"Yes, it seems Lili's disguise works wonders for Master Bell," she giggled.

Bell scratched his cheek. "Hahaha,...wait." He then realized something. "If you've always been in disguise all this time, then why did the men from yesterday recognize you?"

Lili's shoulders slumped a bit. "That was an oversight on Lili's part. There are only slight differences between Lili's chienthrope disguise and Lili's real appearance. It's basically Lili's own appearance with dog ears and a tail after all."

Both of them, along with Mini-Dora, headed to the Soma Familia house. They used Bell's Anywhere Door to reach straight to the front door of the Soma Familia house. Lili turned the doorknob slowly and opened the door. The strong scent of alcohol and wine immediately assaulted their senses.

With a nod, Lili gestured for Bell to follow her inside. The interior was... messy, to say the least. It was evident that no one had bothered to clean the place. They spotted some Soma Familia members drunk and scattered everywhere. These members were so inebriated that they barely registered Bell and Lili passing by.

Lili paused in a corner, peering forward. "That's Lord Soma's personal room and cellar," she whispered to Bell. "I don't see the captain here, good."

They continued to advance toward Soma's room. Lili knocked three times before slowly turning the doorknob. Upon entering the room, they spotted a lone God engrossed in his work, seemingly indifferent to Bell and Lili's presence.

"Echoing Message of Midnight," Lili chanted, and her appearance reverted to its original state. She walked closer to Soma, with Mini-Dora already moved and settled on Bell's shoulder, and a bag of Valis, borrowed from Bell, held in her hand.

"Lord Soma, Lili—I am Liliruca Arde, and I request your permission to leave your familia," she said, bowing respectfully as she extended the bag of Valis.

Soma merely cast a brief glance at Lili before resuming his work. Lili clenched her teeth. "Lord Soma, please let Lili leave," her voice quivered.

"It's no use," Soma muttered, briefly pausing to retrieve a bottle of wine and a cup. He poured the wine and handed it to Lili. "Drink this."

Lili stared at the cup in horror. It was undoubtedly a proper Soma Wine, not a failed batch. She glanced at Soma, who remained impassive. She knew the fate of those who tasted this wine. She didn't want to become one of those addicts, but...

She accepted the cup and took an immediate sip.

If it meant attaining her freedom, she would endure and remain resolute.

As the wine touched her taste buds, an intense, euphoric pleasure washed over her. The taste, the aroma, the sensation—it was an unparalleled experience. A grin crept onto her face, her cheeks flushing. Then, suddenly, she collapsed to the ground. Amidst the pleasure, she barely heard Bell's scream and Soma's sigh as he returned to his work.


This couldn't be the end.

Summoning all her remaining strength, she clung to Soma's leg. Tears streamed down her face as she struggled to speak through the wine's aftereffects.

"Please... please allow Lili to leave," she begged.

Soma couldn't conceal his surprise. He knelt down and gently rolled Lili onto her stomach, lifting her robe and shirt to access her back. Carefully, he traced his finger over Lili's status before covering her back as he finished.

"It is done," Soma said.

Lili weakly raised her head to gaze at Soma, managing a faint smile. She addressed her former god, her voice weak yet sincere. "Thank you... Lord Soma... for everything."

A pang of guilt flashed across Soma's face at Lili's parting words as he handed the bag of Valis she had brought back into her hands.

Bell scooped Lili up, a small smile gracing his lips as he gazed down at her unconscious form. With a final glance at Soma, he turned and walked away.

"I... have wronged her," Soma muttered to Bell's retreating back.

Bell halted, his usual warm expression replaced by an unusual coldness. Without turning, he responded, "Yes, Lord Soma, you have."

"Please take care of her, young one."

Bell nodded and continued walking. The Anywhere Door awaited him, with Mini-Dora standing nearby.

Lili slowly opened her eyes, finding Bell's face close to hers. "Master... Bell?"

"Let's go back home, Lili."

"Home...?" Lili furrowed her brow before snuggling closer to Bell. "Yes... Master Bell."

Soma observed as Bell and Lili entered the Anywhere Door. The door closed and vanished into thin air. Soma stood in silence for a moment before doing something he had never contemplated in years. He abandoned his work and left his room.

He needed to make amends.


Hermes Familia, despite being an exploration-oriented Familia, was almost always willing to undertake any task that could earn them Valis. They were best known for their delivery business and their readiness to accept odd jobs as long as they received compensation. Behind the scenes, Hermes Familia delved into various areas, specializing primarily in information gathering and espionage.

Their expertise was so renowned that the Guild often enlisted their services to investigate and track goods within the black market. Those in the know wisely avoided crossing paths with Hermes Familia. It wasn't due to their combat prowess but rather a unique form of power they possessed—one capable of tarnishing a Familia with mere words.

In her office within the Hermes Familia residence, Asfi's eyes widened as her hands clutched a stack of papers. While attempting to gather information about the white-haired boy she had seen the previous day, she was surprised to discover that her Familia had already compiled a profile on him.

Bell Cranel, aged fifteen, had arrived in Orario a couple of weeks ago from a countryside village, making him the sole member of Hestia Familia. That was the essence of the information on the first page—nothing out of the ordinary.

However, as she turned the page, her eyes twitched. The words had been deliberately obscured, redacted to prevent further reading. Normally, access to such personal details required permission either from her or Hermes. Given that she had no memory of authorizing the redaction, it must have been Hermes or someone granted permission by him.

"Hello there, my beautiful and lovable captain!" A sudden voice jolted Asfi, startling her. She turned to see Hermes standing at the door, grinning.

"Next time, please knock before startling me like that, Lord Hermes," Asfi sighed.

"Nah, where's the fun in that... hmm?" Hermes noticed the papers in Asfi's hands. "Looking for something?"

"Yes, and I'm also curious about..." Asfi turned to the page with redacted words and showed it to Hermes. "This—did you do this, Lord Hermes?"

"Hmmm," Hermes glanced at the paper for a moment before nodding. "If you're asking about the redacted part, then yes."

"Why?" Asfi inquired.

Hermes walked into the room, his gaze fixed on the paper. He reached for it, holding the first page containing information about Bell. A knowing smile crossed his face.

"Let's just say that... somebody found out I had been holding onto certain information about this boy, and she wasn't pleased," Hermes explained, waving the paper casually.

"Hehe, I still remember how she even threatened to send me back to Tenkai if I refused," Hermes continued, visibly shuddering. "Still gives me chills to this day."

Asfi's mind raced, processing the revelation that the boy, Bell Cranel, had someone in his corner. Based on Hermes's words, it was a woman wielding either significant influence or possessing enough power and audacity to threaten a god.

"Well, this is unfortunate," Asfi muttered, crossing her arms.

Her plan to gather information about the boy had been thwarted before it could truly begin.

Hermes clapped his hands. "Not quite unfortunate, my dear Asfi," he said with a mischievous grin while holding the paper. "While she insisted on erasing that specific piece of information I had about Bell, she never stated that my Familia members couldn't carry out their own inquiries," he added, winking at Asfi.

The implication wasn't lost on her. If she wished to learn more about Bell, she would need to pursue it independently. Whatever information she acquired and any risks she encountered would be her responsibility alone, separate from her Familia. In essence, Hermes would not provide assistance in the worst-case scenario.

"So, what do you say?" Hermes inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"I'll do it," Asfi replied, her decision swift and resolute.

If her hunch was accurate, she had finally found someone who might be connected to him. She couldn't afford to let this lead slip away.


A couple days later, in the living room of the Church of Hearth, Hestia was staring at her first child and the girl he had apparently "saved" while she was away.

"I leave you for... what, three days, and you already bring home a girl!" Hestia huffed, placing her hands on her hips.

"When you put it like that... that does sound bad, Goddess," Bell sheepishly said.

"Haaah, Bell, sometimes you should at least tell me in advance or something," Hestia massaged her forehead. She then turned to Lili, who wasn't far from Bell. "Um, you can introduce yourself now."

Lili weakly nodded. "U-Um, Lili's name is Liliruca Arde, a level 1 supporter. Lili used to be in the Soma Familia and now wishes to convert into your Familia, Goddess Hestia."

"Okay, welcome aboard, Miss Supporter," Hestia swiftly replied with a smile.

"Eh?" Lili tilted her head. "That... um, fast?"

"My Familia needs as many members as we can get," Hestia explained. "There's no way we would turn away someone who wants to join, unless they're a vile person. Based on the fact that Bell went so far as to... save you, you're surely not a bad person, Liliruca."

"Just Lili is fine, Lady Hestia, and also thank you for accepting Lili into your Familia," Lili bowed to Hestia.

"Uwaaah, I'm not used to this kind of attitude. Just be yourself, Lili. Come on, let's make it official. Lie on your stomach and show your back," Hestia said to Lili, gesturing for her to lay on the couch. "Oh, and Bell, turn around and no peeking."

"Y-Yes, of course!"

Hestia's fingers carefully traced Lili's back. "This is the first time I'm doing this, but it should work... there, done." Hestia then grabbed a piece of paper and copied Lili's status from her back onto it.

"You never update your status often, huh?" Hestia said as she handed the paper with Lili's status back to her.

"Yes, Lili thinks it was around half a year ago, maybe when Lili got a status update. Hmmmm, no new skills or magic, shame."

Hestia opened a small pink purse and retrieved a neatly tied-up black box. "Here, Bell, a gift from me," she gave it to Bell.

"What is this?"

Hestia smiled. "Your new weapon."

Bell widened his eyes and immediately opened the box. Inside, he found a medium-sized black dagger with inscriptions on its blade. "Whoa..." Bell stared at the dagger in awe.

Hestia couldn't help but smile at seeing how Bell reacted, like a kid with a new toy. "Initially, Hephaistos and I considered making a knife for you, but after some more consideration, we decided on a dagger instead. It has a longer reach and wouldn't hinder your agile style of fighting," Hestia told Bell.

Lili's head perked up as she heard it. "Wait... do you mean Master Bell's dagger was personally made by Goddess Hephaistos, Lady Hestia?"

Bell's jaw dropped. "...no way, I couldn't believe it."

"That must have cost... a lot," Lili winced. "Umm... are we now in debt, Lady Hestia?" she asked, slightly worried.

Hestia waved her hand, smiling. "No, no, don't worry. That dagger has basically already been paid off with no debt involved."

Bell and Lili breathed a sigh of relief.

Hestia stretched her arms. "Ugh, I think... I want to rest until lunch. What are you going to do today, Bell? Back to the dungeon like usual?"

"No, today is Monsterphilia. Lili and I want to walk around the city and see the main event in the coliseum later."

Lili had already explained the gist of Monsterphilia to Bell. Suffice it to say, he was interested in witnessing how others could tame a monster. Monsterphilia was also essentially a grand event for the whole city. Many merchants would come to the city and set up stalls and shops, offering an array of wares ranging from food to rare items that could only be obtained during this time.

Bell thought it would be better to enjoy this once-a-year event if he could.

"Hold up, mister," Hestia pointed at Bell. "Isn't that just a date?"

Bell smiled awkwardly, his cheeks reddening. "Uh, I don't thi—"

But Lili cut him off. "And what if it's indeed a date?" She then moved closer to Bell and pulled his arm, hugging his left arm with her body. "Lili sees there's nothing wrong with it," she gave Hestia a smirk.

"U-Uhm, L-Lili, I can feel your... umm..."

Lili cheekily grinned at Bell. "Hmm, Lili's what, Master Bell?" She pressed her body even more onto his left arm.

"I-It's..." Bell, in his flustered state, couldn't form proper words.

Somewhere in a secret room meant for Mini-Doras only, a chorus of happy "Dora"s was heard as a monitor screen showed the scene of Lili hugging Bell's arm. They continued their cheers for Lili as they watched the scene closely.

Back to Hestia, who was slowly fuming. "Nuh uh, no no no." She moved to Bell's right and did the same thing Lili did with his right arm. "Screw rest, I will be the one to go with Bell today."

"Oh, you don't need to worry, Lady Hestia. Lili will take care of Master Bell while you rest for today. You must be really tired."

"I saw him first, Lili!" Hestia huffed. "Get in line—wait no, don't even stand in line in the first place! Bell is mine."

The two of them were locked in a staring battle, with a very flustered Bell stuck between them. Hestia's gifted chest pressed against his right arm, while Lili's modest chest rested on his left arm. Neither of them showed any signs of stopping soon.

It was... too much stimulation for the poor rabbit.


Honestly, Ais didn't particularly enjoy Monsterphilia. To be precise, she felt a bit irked seeing monsters being tamed. In her eyes, taming a monster was... wrong. Monsters should be slain on sight, no exceptions. Of course, she didn't share this sentiment aloud with others as she didn't want to ruin their enjoyment.

On the bright side, there were many Jamagaru-kun stalls that sold unique Monsterphilia special Jagamaru-kun.

"Hehehe, a date with my lovely Ais, hehehe," Loki giggled in front of her.

Inside, Ais sighed at Loki's behavior. She had been pulled and dragged out by Loki earlier in the morning. Loki said she needed her to act as her bodyguard while she strolled around the city. Of course, Ais knew better; this was one of Loki's many attempts to have a "date" with her.

Thus, she followed and stood in silence for most of the time, just like any proper bodyguard would.

Loki pouted when Ais ignored her. She grabbed Ais's shoulders and gave her a little shake. "Booo, don't ignore me, Aiiiss."

Ais responded with a deadpan stare.

Loki crossed her arms, still pouting, and muttered, "Y'know, I'd totally confiscate that weird yellow windmill thing you brought back ho—Hieeek?!"

Loki stopped short as she saw Ais giving her a cold stare, a serious glare.

"You better not do that," Ais said firmly.

"I'm the Goddess here, y'know? You should listen to me..." Loki tried to use her authority as a Goddess.

"If you do such a thing..." Ais closed her eyes for a moment. "…I will avoid you like the plague later."

"Right! I'm sorry, Ais!" Loki swiftly replied, coupled with a bow. She then tried to lunge at Ais, arms opened wide, ready for a hug.

But Ais simply turned around, letting Loki miss her and stumble to the ground.

A couple of days ago, Ais shocked her Familia...by returning home from up in the sky with a weird item on top of her head. She told her familia that the item was called a gadget by Bell, and this particular one was named the Take-copter. Bell informed her that she could keep one for herself, but she needed to bring it to him periodically for regular maintenance. He also explained that he would need to charge something called a "Battery" that powered the Take-Copter during said maintenance.

Suffice it to say, her Familia was in awe, especially a certain Amazoness. Tiona immediately asked to borrow the Take-copter. At first, Ais denied her request, but after Tiona kept bothering her non-stop, she finally relented.

She gave Tiona a simplified explanation of how to use the Take-copter, which may or may not have been heard by the overeager Amazoness. Tiona placed the Take-copter on top of her head and immediately shot up into the sky. She went so fast, zipping all over the place.

All members of the Loki Familia who were present immediately panicked at the thought of Tiona losing control. Their worries were unnecessary, as they soon heard loud laughter from Tiona, who was performing air acrobatics. She flipped around, did loops, and generally had fun by herself. She seemed to have a good grasp on controlling the Take-copter in a short period of time.

Then came the next problem, finding a way to get Tiona to stop as she showed no sign of slowing down. They tried to give chase and shouted at her, but she ignored them. Tiona was only brought to a halt after Ais herself used her magic to leap high and essentially tackled Tiona mid-air, forcing her to land.

Tiona pouted and begrudgingly complied.

Ais immediately took the Take-copter away from Tiona and told her she wouldn't let her borrow it ever again. Not even the comical scene of Tiona practically holding onto her legs and begging would change her mind.

Ais huffed, she certainly didn't feel even the slightest bit envious of how quickly Tiona had learned to fly with the Take-copter compared to her.

Nuh uh, not at all.

The very next day after she got Take-copter, Finn asked if she could use Take-copter in combat. She told him she willings to try. Then Bete was called as her sparring partner. Bete mentioned how ridiculous she looked with Take-copter on top of her head and laughed.

He stopped laughing after Ais chased her around with murderous intents.

She learned that if she control the elevation of Take-copter to make her just float above the ground slightly and applied her own magic, she could move way faster. So fast it looked like she was teleporting to even the trained eyes of the Loki's executives watching. In conclusion, she could use Take-copter in combat.

But she wouldn't...well at least until it was really necessary.

She could tell that Take-copter wasn't designed with combat in mind as one good hit would totally wrecked the small gadget.

Back in the present day, she was now in a cafe, standing behind Loki who was sitting with an obviously poorly disguised Goddess of Love, Freya.

Seriously, was that even supposed to be a disguise? Because it certainly did a poor job, as it looked way out of the ordinary for people to wear and even attracted some attention to her. Loki and Freya were chatting about Freya's new interest or something; she honestly didn't bother to tune into the Goddesses' conversation.

Freya left... without paying for her orders. Loki grumbled as she stared at the bill she needed to pay. Then something caught Ais attention. She turned her head to look outside.

"What's the matter?" Loki asked, noticing Ais's ever so slight change in expression.

"I heard... screams and monster roars."

"Eh? Wait, seriously?" Ais's words surprised Loki.

Ais put her hand inside her pocket and pulled out her Take-copter, which she always brought with her after Tiona attempted to "borrow" it without her permission.

"I'll go and check it," Ais said to Loki as she wore the Take-copter and flew outside.

Loki, left by Ais, furrowed her eyebrows in a rare show of seriousness. She recalled her chat with Freya. The timing... was just too coincidental.

She muttered, "…if this is one of your pranks, it ain't funny, Freya."

From up in the air, Ais could see monsters prowling the streets. They chased and attacked everyone in their path, creating chaos as people desperately tried to escape. Her attention was drawn to a Hellhound that was chasing after two young girls.

She sprang into action, positioning her body and rocketing towards the Hellhound at full speed. In a fraction of a second, she unsheathed her sword and executed a swift spin. The Hellhound stood no chance against Ais's assault as her blade sliced through its body, including its monster stone. The Hellhound's form disintegrated into nothingness once its monster stone was destroyed.

"Are you okay?" Ais turned to the two young girls and asked.

"A-Awawa, you're the Sword Princess!"


Several more Hellhounds appeared, growling at Ais and the two young girls. Flames flickered from their mouths, lighting up the surroundings.

"Get away from here quickly," Ais instructed the young girls as they nodded and hurriedly ran off.

Ais readied her sword, her Take-copter's blades spinning as it levitated her above the ground. The Hellhounds charged at her, some unleashing torrents of flames.

"...Tempest," Ais chanted, and a surge of wind enveloped her before she rushed towards the Hellhounds at breakneck speed.

In a matter of seconds, she skillfully dodged all of the flames and swiftly dispatched the Hellhounds, turning them into a messy red mist. She sheathed her sword and took to the air once again, scouring the surroundings for more rampaging monsters to defeat.


"Why meeeee?!" Hestia's scream echoed as she frantically ran away from a Silverback chasing her. In front of her, Lili was also running for dear life while tightly holding Hestia's hand.

"R-Run first, think later!" Lili retorted.

Earlier, Hestia refused to let Bell go with Lili alone, insisting on joining them. So, the three of them set out to enjoy the day and spend some quality time together. However, fate had other plans, as a monster suddenly appeared out of nowhere, wreaking havoc in the city.

To make matters worse, Bell excused himself to use the restroom just before the chaos ensued, leaving the Goddess and Pallum separated from the rabbit. This Silverback was also strangely relentless in chasing them, ignoring all other people and solely focused on them.

"Haahh haaah, p-please slow down, Lili," Hestia panted.

"Are you crazy?! We have a giant killer monkey chasing us, Lady Hestia!"

"Aaaahh, wwhhhyyy," Hestia whined between breaths.

Lili's eyes darted around, searching for a way to lose the pursuing Silverback. Spotting a wooden sign, she immediately pulled Hestia along.

"This way, hurry!"


The wooden sign read "Daedalus Street."

Despite spending her entire life in Orario, Lili still couldn't comprehend the maze-like complexity of Daedalus Street. Its confusing layout had earned it the moniker "Other Dungeon." Lili hoped that by navigating through the confusing streets, they could shake off the Silverback and find a hiding place until help arrived.

However, putting this plan into action was proving more difficult than anticipated.


The Silverback leaped toward Lili and Hestia. Lili reacted quickly, pushing Hestia away and leaping in the opposite direction as the Silverback's fist slammed the ground. The impact sent a shockwave that threw both Lili and Hestia aside. The Silverback slowly advanced toward Hestia, raising its massive fists into the air. Hestia and Lili watched in horror as the Silverback's fists descended towards Hestia.

But just in the nick of time, a pink Anywhere Door materialized in front of Hestia and opened, revealing Bell holding a Reflecting Cloth. With a swift motion, Bell waved the cloth in the path of the Silverback's attack.



The force of the blow was reflected back, sending the Silverback tumbling several meters away.

Tears of relief welled up in Hestia's eyes as she saw Bell come to their rescue. Lili, not wasting any time, ran toward Bell and leaped into his arms.


They both hugged Bell, who appeared slightly surprised by the display of affection.

"I'm sorry it took me so long to arrive, Goddess, Lili."

"Don't worry about that!" Hestia shook her head. "Let's get out of here!"

"Lili agrees with Lady Hestia! It's too dangerous here."

While they spoke, Bell had a different plan in mind.

"You two can leave now," Bell pointed at the Anywhere Door. "But I'll stay."

"What?!" Hestia and Lili exclaimed in unison.

"Bell, no!"

"M-Master Bell, that's a bad idea. Really, really bad idea!"

"I can't let the monster roam around, can I?" Bell scratched his cheek. "Don't worry, Goddess, Lili. I have a plan."

A growl interrupted their conversation. The Silverback slowly rose to its feet and then emitted a curious roar. But something unexpected happened.



A small object entered the Silverback's mouth, which it swallowed immediately. The growling ceased, and its tense posture relaxed. The Silverback stared at Bell, Hestia, and Lili with a curious expression before moving closer...


...and giving them a rather disturbing smile, showcasing its teeth and fangs. Nevertheless, it was still a smile, albeit an eerie one.

Lili was taken aback, turning her gaze slowly to Bell. "What...?"

Hestia, more accustomed to Bell's knack for unexpected gadgets, raised an eyebrow in puzzlement.

In Bell's hand was a small bag adorned with a peach image. "Momotaro's Dango. When animals eat it, they become tamed and friendly, right, Gori?" Bell explained with a smile before diverting his gaze to the Silverback.


To the astonishment of both Lili and Hestia, the Silverback responded with an unexpected thumbs-up.

"You named it already?" Hestia gawked.

"Lili knows Master Bell is amazing, but this...this" Lili rubbed her temples. "...Lili thinks Lili should just learn not to be surprised by Master Bell anymore."

"Dora Dora!"

Suddenly, Mini-Doras emerged from all corners of the surroundings. Among them, a Mini-Dora sporting a military hat strode up to Bell and executed a salute.

"Dora! Dorara, Dora Dora!"

Bell nodded. "Yes, I leave it to you guys. Scatter and help those who might be trapped, and assist with the evacuation."

"Dora Dora?"

"No, prioritize rescuing people first."


The Mini-Dora in the military hat saluted again and then turned to the other Mini-Doras.

"Dora Dorara! Doraa!"

A chorus of "Dora" filled the air as all the Mini-Doras organized themselves into groups and dispersed throughout the city.

Bell turned to Hestia and smiled at her. "Goddess, you really should leave. It's not safe here."


"Lili agrees with Master Bell here. If something happens to you, Lady Hestia, it will affect both Lili and Master Bell," Lili added.

Hestia couldn't argue with that.

"However, with that said..." Lili continued, "Lili will stay and help Master Bell here."



"Lili is Master Bell's supporter. Where Master Bell goes, Lili will follow," she declared.

Bell initially wanted to refuse, but he sighed, seeing the determination in Lili's eyes. He then relented.


Hestia reluctantly left through the Anywhere Door, but not before giving Bell and Lili one order.

"Come back home soon."

After Hestia's departure, Bell and Lili prepared to venture out. Before doing so, Bell handed Lili some of his gadgets to use.

In Lili's hands were the Reflecting Cloth and a Shock Gun, and atop her head was a Take-copter. "What are these, Master Bell?"

"That is a Shock Gun. If you aim and pull the trigger... here," Bell pointed at the Shock Gun's trigger, "it will shoot...lightning that can incapacitate anyone hit by it."

"You've seen how the cloth works," Bell continued. "But to explain further, the Reflecting Cloth can return all kinds of attacks, protecting you from harm. And the small windmill on your head is the Take-copter, which will allow you to fly."

Lili nodded slowly, her expression somewhat blank. She felt the weight of the items in her hands, realizing that they might worth several times her entire life's savings.

"So, here's the plan. I'll go with Gori and try to hold the monsters back and maybe even defeat them," Bell said. "I want you to go with the Mini-Doras and help with the evacuation, Lili."

Lili felt a bit disappointed at the thought of being separated from Bell, but she quickly pushed those feelings aside. This wasn't the time for such sentiments.

"Yes, Master Bell."

"Also, people might be frightened by the Mini-Doras, so please reassure them that they're not monsters, okay?"

"Yes, Lili will do her best."

Bell then leaped toward the Silverback, or Gori as he called it. He waved to Lili before Gori began to run, carrying Bell on its shoulder.

"Dorara!" One Mini-Dora, the one that was usually with Lili, settled on her shoulder.

"Yes, let's go."

This Mini-Dora was there to help Lili coordinate with the rest of the Mini-Doras while also serving as a contingency plan in case things went awry.

"Umm, how do I use this again?" Lili poked at the Take-copter on her head.

"Dorara," Mini-Dora chuckled.

Mini-Dora was also tasked with guiding Lili on how to use Bell's gadgets, including the Take-copter.

"Dora," Mini-Dora gestured for Lili to press the button on the Take-copter.

Lili followed Mini-Dora's guidance, pressing the button. The blades of the Take-copter started to rotate, lifting her off the ground.

"W-Whoah... this is a bit scary."

"Dora?" Mini-Dora tilted its head.

"No, Lili is fine. Lili thinks... Lili is getting the hang of it," she nodded.

While still a little awkward, Lili was learning quickly, and it didn't take long for her to become proficient enough to fly around the city.

Fortunately, Ais wasn't present, sparing her from another shock of witnessing someone learn to fly the Take-copter faster and more effortlessly than her.


Today certainly was a scary and weird day for the common people of Orario. Monsters prowling and roaming free were one thing, but seeing a boy riding on top of a monster that was smashing other monsters was... mind-boggling. The duo was tag teaming the rest of the monsters, taking on every monster in their way.

"KIIIIEEEEKKK!" Gori, the Silverback, let out a piercing screech as it flung a Hellhound into the air, followed by Bell leaping up and expertly cleaving the creature in two with his newly acquired Hestia Dagger.

"Gori! In front, launch me!" Bell shouted, to which Gori nodded in reply.

Gori leaped up, caught Bell in its hand, and then winded up before hurling Bell at high speed. In a blur of motion, Bell rocketed towards a Hard Armored monster. With a calculated move, Bell spun his body along with the Hestia Dagger, slicing through the Hard Armored monster's shell. He then landed with a skid.

"Nice job, Gori!" Bell flashed a thumbs-up.

"GUHII," Gori responded, mirroring the gesture with its massive hand.

Meanwhile, on the other side of Orario, an army of Mini-Doras was guiding people to evacuate. Some Mini-Doras were also working to rescue people who were stuck under rubble. Surprisingly, the appearance of Mini-Doras was taken quite well for the most part. Those who had lived in the city long enough were apparently familiar with the sight of the small, stubby Mini-Doras. Only few people panicked over the Mini-Doras, mostly being merchants from outside the city.

"Quick, this way!" Lili shouted while waving her hands and flying through the air using Take-copter.

With the assistance of available adventurers, primarily from Ganesha Familia, the evacuation progressed at a steady pace. Lili's attention was drawn to an Orc that managed to breach the defenses of the Ganesha adventurers and headed toward the vulnerable crowd. Upon noticing this, Lili swiftly dashed toward the Orc.

Lili positioned the Reflecting Cloth in front of her and rammed into the Orc. Like a feather, the Orc was thrown away easily. Wasting no more time, Lili immediately aimed the Shock Gun and shot at the Orc, incapacitating it instantly.

One Ganesha Adventurer walked over to the incapacitated Orc and finished it off. "Thanks for your help," he said.

Lili nodded. "You're welcome. Still, someone needs to take care of all the runaway monsters."

"We're working on it and have already requested assistance from any available Familia," the Ganesha adventurer replied. "It should be over soon."

In the distance, another monstrous roar resonated, followed by the panicked shrieks of the populace.

"Lili hopes so," she muttered before swiftly flying toward the source of the commotion.


One by one, the rampaging monsters in the city met their end, thanks in no small part to a certain Sword Princess. Ais moved with astonishing speed, swiftly transitioning from one monster to another. Her assault was unrelenting, reminiscent of a divine judgment, poised to smite down the monstrous threats.

She soared high above, scanning the area for any lingering monsters. With precision, she descended upon a Silverback that was still roaming. As she approached, however, her eyes widened, and she abruptly halted her unsheathing motion. Instead of attacking, she maneuvered around the Silverback and landed gracefully in front of it.

"Ah, Ais!" a voice called out to her.

Perched upon the Silverback's shoulder stood Bell, waving at her. She instinctively waved back before the reality hit her that Bell was standing atop a monster.

"Bell... what are you doing up there? It's dangerous," Ais exclaimed.

"No need to worry, Gori is friendly here, right, Gori?" Bell reassured

"GUHII," Gori gave its now-signature thumbs-up gesture.

"Both of us are working to address this situation," Bell continued. "Would you like to join us?"

Ais's eyes twitched. On one hand, Bell was inviting her. On the other hand, she would likely have to tolerate the presence of... Gori, to some extent.

She gazed at Bell's usual kind smile, which she found somewhat cute, and then shifted her gaze to Gori, which responded with what she could only interpret as a smile, or perhaps a grin. Whatever it was, it was unsettling.

With a resigned sigh, she nodded, "Yes..."

"Great!" Bell cheered. "Now hop on. We'll use Gori's sense of smell to track down the remaining monsters."

"Eh?" Ais was taken aback. She had to ride... that?

Gori gestured and patted its other shoulder, inviting Ais to climb aboard. She resisted the urge to lash out at the Silverback, given Bell's presence.

"No need to do that, Master Bell," a voice chimed in from above. A Pallum girl with a curious little creature on her shoulder descended to the ground.

It was Lili and Mini-Dora, who landed not far from Ais.

"The Ganesha Familia has confirmed that every runaway monster, except for the obvious one..." Lili glanced at Gori, "...has already been dealt with."

"I see, that's great," Bell responded.

"By the way, both the Ganesha Familia and the Guild would like you to come see them, Master Bell," Lili informed him. "They want you to report and to also discuss about... Gori. I will accompany you."

"GUHI?" Gori tilted its head.

Lili then turned to Ais and slightly bowed her head. "Your swift assistance during the emergency is greatly appreciated, Sword Princess. The Guild also informed Lili that if Lili encountered you on the way, Lili should ask you to join us in meeting with the Guild and the Ganesha Familia. They likely wish to express their gratitude for your efforts."

"Well, if we're headed to the same place, let's go together," Bell said as he disembarked from Gori's shoulder.

As Bell departed for the Guild, Gori trailing behind, Ais followed suit while continuing to observe Lili with narrowed eyes.

"Um, can Lili help you, Miss Sword Princess?" Lili inquired, noticing Ais's scrutinizing gaze.

Ais's response was direct, "You... you also have one."

Lili appeared puzzled, "Have what?"

Ais gestured at her Take-copter and then at Lili's own Take-copter.

"Yes, Master Bell lent it to help Lili move around the city. He gave it after he saved Lili too," Lili replied, a smile forming as she recalled what happened before.

Ais's gaze lingered on Lili's smile, the affectionate tone with which she spoke of Bell, and even the way she referred to him as "Master." Ais found herself disliking it.

With a slightly sulky expression and a pout, "Hmph!" Ais huffed and looked away before hastening her steps to follow Bell.

Lili, unaware of Ais's inner turmoil, could only watch her with confusion. Meanwhile, Mini-Dora, perched on Lili's shoulder, observed Ais for a moment before forming a mental note. It seemed there was an obstacle to their plan.


"I don't know if I have to be proud or worried for you, Bell," Eina sighed, while Bell could only sheepishly smile.

The crisis was resolved, and the aftermath primarily entailed collaborative efforts from both the Guild and Ganesha Familia to clean up the resulting destruction. Thankfully, there were no casualties. The Guild then imposed a fine on Ganesha Familia to cover the necessary costs for compensating those who were affected.

"Worried, definitely worried, Ms. Tulle," Lili chimed in.

"Considering he's still at level 1... yes, worried should be it," Ais added.

"Umm, can I say something?" Bell timidly raised his hand.

"""No,""" came the unanimous denial from the three girls around him.

Eina sighed once more before picking up a paper and reading from it, "Let's summarize the whole thing. First, Bell, Ms. Arde, and Ms. Wallenstein will receive monetary compensation for your efforts in dealing with the incident. Then the Silverback, uummm... Gori, will be handed over to Ganesha Familia to be taken care of since Bell doesn't have a tamer license. Lastly, the three of you didn't witness any potential perpetrator who caused all of this."

Eina redirected her gaze to the three adventurers, "Is there anything that needs correction?"

"No, but haah, I will miss Gori," Bell said wistfully.

"Lili is still grateful for that. Taking care of a Silverback is not something Lili could even imagine doing," Lili added with a huff.

Ais narrowed her eyes, her tone firm, "Bell, no."

"But Momotaro's Dango makes everything—"



Eina let out a weak chuckle at the exchange, amused by Ais's stern response to Bell's antics. She couldn't help but find it surprising how close Bell and the Sword Princess seemed to be, perhaps even a bit too close for her liking. Eina shook her head lightly, dismissing the thought as she picked up another paper.

"Alright, we're done with the report. Ms. Wallenstein and Ms. Arde, the Guild is grateful for your contributions. You may now take your leave. As for Bell, please wait for a moment. Someone has prepared a Quest specifically for you."

"As a member of Hestia Familia and Master Bell's supporter, Lili will stay," Lili declared firmly.

"I'll stay as well," Ais stated.

"Um, excuse me for asking, but why?" Eina raised an eyebrow.

Ais pondered for a moment before responding, "Because... I want to."

Eina stared at the level 5 prodigy with a deadpan expression, then glanced at Bell before sighing.

"Goddamnit, Bell," she muttered weakly, "Fine, the two of you can stay. Ms. Andromeda, you may enter now." Eina called out.

The door swung open, revealing a young woman with aqua blue hair and striking cyan eyes behind a pair of glasses. She scanned the room before fixing her gaze on Bell, then took a seat beside Eina.

"It's nice to meet you. My name is Asfi Al Andromeda," she introduced herself, extending her hand to Bell, who accepted it.

"Bell Cranel, nice to meet you too, Ms. Asfi."

Ais and Lili, positioned on Bell's right and left, exchanged puzzled looks. When they heard that Bell had received a Quest, they hadn't expected it to come from the captain of a well-known Familia and the best magical item maker to boot.

Asfi cleared her throat, "I'll keep it brief. Mr. Cranel, I'm requesting that you form a party with me starting from tomorrow."

"Sure," Bell nodded.

Asfi was slightly taken aback by Bell's quick agreement. She decided to probe further, "That was a fast response. Aren't you worried that I might have ulterior motives?"

"The Quest was brought to me by Ms. Eina. I trust her judgment," Bell stated without hesitation.

Eina's face turned slightly red, and she attempted to hide her embarrassment behind a paper.

Lili crossed her arms, her curiosity piqued, "While Master Bell is okay with it, Lili can't help but be curious. Why would a level 4 Familia Captain want to form a party with Master Bell, who is still at level 1 and comes from another Familia? Could you please elaborate more, Ms. Andromeda, or should Lili address you as Perseus?"

Bell's eyes widened, "Wait, you're at level 4?"

"Call me Ms. Asfi, or just Asfi," she replied with a wave of her hand. "And the reason I want to form a party with Mr. Cranel is to see his many gadgets."

Asfi continued, "As some of you may already know, I'm a magical item maker. I would love the opportunity to see Mr. Cranel's gadgets up close for inspiration. By forming a party with him, I can observe the gadgets in action. Of course, I don't need any monster stones or drop items share, so you don't need to worry about that."

"So, you just want to watch Master Bell's... gadgets?" Lili narrowed her eyes, sensing that something was off about Asfi's explanation, but she couldn't exactly pinpoint what it was.

"Basically, yes," Asfi nodded.

"I'm fine with that. I hope you won't be disappointed and that you'll get what you need, Ms. Asfi," Bell replied with a smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Cranel."

The deal was sealed, and starting from tomorrow, they would form a party of three consisting of Bell, Lili, and Asfi.

"Ummm..." Ais raised her hand tentatively. "Can I... join too?"

This new girl, Asfi, had just appeared and managed to form a party with Bell, giving her a front-row seat to witness the array of Bell's strange yet amazing gadgets.

It wasn't fair!


Night fell over Orario, casting its peaceful veil across the city. In the residence of Hermes Familia, Asfi lay on her bed, now dressed in a simple nightgown. Her gaze remained fixed on the ceiling, lost in thought. She had accomplished her goal—contacting the young boy, Bell Cranel, and successfully forming a party with him.

The unexpected events of today's Monsterphilia incident hadn't significantly disrupted her plans. In fact, it might have strangely turned out to be a blessing in disguise, confirming certain suspicions she had. Shifting her body, she reached for the bedside drawer and retrieved a small, intricately decorated wooden box. A sense of melancholy enveloped her as she slowly opened it.

She observed that both the Loki's Sword Princess and the Pallum girl had used it today. It didn't take her long to deduce that both girls had acquired it from someone. Someone who was close to them and possessed an array of peculiar items, or to be precise, gadgets.

She gazed at the interior of the wooden box with a subtle, melancholic smile. Nestled within the compact wooden container rested a worn, aged-looking, yet meticulously maintained Take-copter

-[Chapter 7 END]-

Air Cannon: A gadget that utilizes highly pressurized and condensed air to release a powerful, yet non-lethal, blast of air.

Infinity Lasso: A lasso that can reach any object the user thinks of. It can curve and bend to home in on the target. Typically used for item retrieval, but it can also be used to restrain opponents.

Forgotten Stick: A gadget that can be used to erase the target's memory of events that occurred within a user-chosen time period.

Momotaro's Dango: When consumed, any living being that eats this dango will become obedient to the orders provided by the individual who feeds them the dango. This effect can also be applied to humans.

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