
Believe me or not.

"Believe me or not....Truth can't be switched....Truth is akways a truth...." Can Lesedi have her love back in the unremitting thug of rage,revenge & greed ; or all will just be destroyed & mashed up in ashes....???!!! Or something more yet to be revealed..??!! Who's the hunter & who's actually the prey or they've just switched the role...??!! The uninvited play between exhausted revenge & love with the eyes of greed poured rage....!!! Hello,everyone.... A freshday,I hope!!! I'm trying to make your day light & at the same time delve into the most unexpected twists. Thank you to be with me all along & just cheers.....

Nishat13 · Urban
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20 Chs


Sister Gracia, there's a lady waiting to meet you.

Lady?Who's she?What's her name?

She is ignorant of telling her name.She just wants to meet you.

I've no mood.Tell her to go back.

Alright. I'll...

May I come in Ms Gracia?

What?Who....Who the hell are you?

Sister,she is that lady.I've told you to wait.Why do you just break in?

You?And here?What....What are you doing here?

Don't worry.I've no crossed intention.Just that I've not much time to waste by waiting.I've something to tell to sister Gracia.

Do you know her,sister?

Well.....I...I....just a little...

Yes,she knows me.She knows me for years.

Oh,then you two can make a conversation. Excuse me,please.

So,what's it that you can't even show your manner?

I'll let you know.But at first,I need privacy. I want to talk to you alone.

Well, alright. You can tell here. It's my personal room.

Alright,Ms Gracia.....So...I think you're the one who can help me now.

On what?

The Concealed Stone. Remember?


Already fumbling?

What do you know about that?

Just,that's a book having the map of heaven.

Are you making silly jokes with me?

No.Of course not.Why would I make jokes with you.Furthermore,sister,I've never been too serious ever. Believe me or not,totally on your side.

I don't know where's it.

You know,Ms Gracia.You know.You've to tell me.

Oh,really?If I don't tell you,then?

I think your memory is sharp enough to remember Addison,isn't it?

Addison?How do you....

I know everything.Do you want the same for Oliver,your last blood?

Oliver?Where's he now?Where's my son,you bitch?

Son!Oh I knew it.Think.If this greatest institution gets the slightest idea of your not being a virgin,then?

I'll kill you!

But,I've already killed your husband.And if you won't tell me where the book is,then your beloved son will be the next.Do you want that?Tell me,Ms Esable Gracia.Or should I call you Mrs Esable Brown?

You've turned into a real devil.How could you kill my husband.

hush!If anyone can hear you screaming saying my husband, then?You'll be finished,Ms Gracia.Oh,sorry,I mean Mrs Brown.And for your kind information,I know that I've turned into a devil.You need not to tell.You're wasting both of our most valuable time.Tell me and I'll leave, both you and your sweet son.

I can't believe it's really you.I wish if you know all the truths of your life.

You mean my life?Like I'd been saved by a mere child and then given to another person who seemed a little white shark?

You know?

I've already told you I know everything.You get a dull memory,sister.

So then,who are you mocking telling a mere child?

Why?Don't you know.Well,lemme make you remember. That's your sweet heart,Lesedi.My sweet sister.Now,am I right?

God may show you the way of peace.

Hey,stop your nonsense.You a liar.You're praying to God being the worst liar by telling you a virgin.God isn't gonna let you escape that easily


I've my reasons.But,look at you?

I've my own reasons too.

And isn't that your greed?

I'll tell you when it's time for you to know.But for now,tell me what I'm asking.Got it?

Well.You better give me time to sort out where it can be.

Don't you know?

Exactly not.

Any idea?


My mind says not to believe you but I can do nothing else.I'll wait.But have kind in your heart for your son.Remember

there's a shooter always aim at your son.If you wanna play a little foxy game,your son will turn into ashes.

Oh,yeah, one more thing,don't think yourself so damn safe.I've eyes on you too,dear sister Esable Gracia.


Hello. How can I help you?

Is....is Mr Melokhule Nkosi available right now?

Aaah....lemme check first.


Well,ma'am,I'm sorry.He is in a research meeting.

Tell him that Esable Gracia is calling and it's really urgent.


Please. It's a matter of life and death.

Okay.Wag asseblief.

God may bless you.

Hello,Esable Gracia?


Mr Nkosi is expecting your call.I'm transferring it to his





What has happened?Why are you seem hyperventilating?

Forget me.First tell me where is "The Concealed Stone"?

Oh,that book?I've given it to its blood.

Its blood?

To the right person.

Right person?Who?


What!That means you've displaced that book from your


Look.That wasn't my book and you know how precious

the book is!So,I was obliged to give it to its actual


At least you can once ask me,Melokhule.

I....I.....Is there any problem?

Tell me,can you take that book back?

I wish I could!Maybe she is on her way to you,London.

God is now the only controller of our fortunes!


What!Lemme check!

Nkosi Artefact and Artisans,Cape Town,South Africa.

Great! I knew she had connections with this murder.

So,why aren't we going Idyllic Orphanage Home and arrest

that sister, Gracia?

Wait.Eveything needs time.

Now for what?

Look,Samuel,if now we go there we can't show any strong

proof to get her arrested. Moreover,the slayer would be

more cautious about her moves.Even there can be the

chances of her life risks.So we'll wait.

You mean,she isn't the only one.

Definitely not.We are still too far to reach the shore.We need time for this and this Esable Gracia will be our trap for the rest of the murderers.

Detective Millar,I think the murderer is an African and

has chances for being a girl.

I'm thinking the same,Samuel.

But,one thing what's that they were talking about?

That Concealed Stone?


Not clear.But from their conversation,I think that's a book

on something special and confidential.

Can it be a treasure?

Do you believe such ridiculous thing?

Not really.Just joking.

Look,we just know that Ms Esable Gracia is actually Mrs

Esable Brown.That was as clear as sunlight.

That record.....

Yeah,that 30 years old passport report couldn't be fake.

But,the question is why Esable Brown is pretending to be

Esable Gracia and a virgin too?

Yes,detective Millar.Another thing,is Oliver unknown for

being Esable his biological mother?

That's too hazy.For clearing this doubt, we've to talk to

Oliver first and then Esable Brown;I mean Esable Gracia.

And yeah, research on The Concealed Stone, Samuel.

I'm already up to it.

Well.I've to check on something. I'll be here in an hour.

Detective Millar!!Look what I've found!The....The...

Concealed Stone is....!!!!