
Believe in Love Again

The peaceful life of David, a gardener entering adulthood, comes to an end when a young, handsome but somewhat strange millionaire is brought into his neighborhood. Gustav is a loner with an ice-cold gaze and a hostile attitude, but for some reason he accepts the presence of his employee, David. He even cross some boundaries of decency with him. Everything for David gets even more complicated when it turns out that Gustav is not the only man who is interested in the black-haired 20-year-old and yet David is already in love with a certain girl. On top of that, all the guys who are interested in David have something of the bad boy in them. Will David be seduced by the aura of unavailability spread by the millionaire Gustav and help him believe in love again? Maybe he will be seduced by the equally unpredictable Greg? Or will it be a third party who will win his heart? In front of you a somewhat disturbing but warm story about the struggle against adversity to win and keep true love. All characters, organizations and events described in the book are fictional. The resemblance to the real ones is purely coincidental. The cover illustration is generated by AI

AmberFullMoon · LGBT+
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320 Chs

Ursula's Engagement Party

The difference between David and the guests at the party was visible to the naked eye. Not even a designer suit helped. David simply couldn't wear it the way these people wore their expensive clothes.

He found Gustav with his eyes and began to look at him. The fashionable Meiden was doing splendidly among all these people. He exuded exactly the same ease and confidence as they did. He fit into this world as if he had been born into it.

Fool, Gustav was born into this world, you were not. You are nothing more than a simple gardener from a small village in a country that the West looks upon with pity.

He looked at Richard. He remembered his question.

"No, I think you fit into this world. Seriously. You give me the same vibe. You belong to the business world. You are educated, confident. You definitely fit in with these people."