
Trembling Hearts part 2

Gustav was almost trembling with anxiety. What on earth was wrong with David?

"Then why do you have such a face?" he asked. "Why don't you want to look me in the eye? It must have been something Julius said..." 

"No. I mean he implied this and that, but I trust you and think he was joking..."

"I'll smack that bastard..." How dare Julius tease David? After all, they were seeing each other for the first time in their lives! In addition, he knew that David was Gustav's boyfriend.

"Leave it, he was joking around," angered David.

"But he upset you."

"Not at all. I trust you. I know you wouldn't sleep with another the night after we were together. I trust you," he repeated forcefully.

"But something is wrong..." insisted Gustav. Perhaps he should let it go, but he couldn't. David was clearly upset, irritated. Or maybe... "Your parents said something after we parted," he guessed.

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