
…My Arms and Everything of Mine

But it was not only Felix's crotch that lived to be caressed. He suddenly felt the wetness of a tongue in his ear and he already knew that Christian had just woken up and wanted the same thing as Felix.

"Umh... mmm..." murmured Christian like a young cat being petted and yet it was with his hand that he caressed Felix down there. It was under his hand that his penis, awakened from sleep, gleefully flexed its backside.

"Oh, fuck, Christian..." howled an excited Krauze. His lover's tongue raged in his ear.

"Can I take you?" breathed out Christian to him. "Pretty please..."

Felix imagined the day ahead of him. Hours of meetings, stress, nervousness. Another meeting of the directors. Perhaps assisting Gustav...

"Yes, but do it gently. I have a lot of work today..."

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