
Belief is all you need

With belief, man was able to succeed in endeavors that killed other species. With gods, we could progress faster and further. And she will guide me, so I can also guide you towards a better future, one that has only one god. Me.

DaoistCpDMGE · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

No 9

I opened my eyes to realize that they were hollow.

My eyeballs were squished and what remained was a bunch of juices that started spilling on the floor.

It seems that I lost the battle and was captured. To say that I am surprised would be a lie.

Knowing my luck this would be the demon camp, and I am most likely going to be killed or tortured for information.

I lifted my head and rested on the wall.

"Now what?"

What do I do from here?

Is there anything more that I can do to undo this situation?

The system. It's the last tool I still have on me. Aside from it my hands and legs were crippled and look like my fingers were cut completely.

I was too tired to search through the panel so I simply asked

"Is there a way for me to survive this?"

I never expected anything from anyone in life. I knew that no one would give me free things and not expect something from me.

But to my surprise...

-Yes host!! There is indeed an item you can buy now to at least raise your chances at survival-

What is it?

-It is a random teleportation ticked, after you buy it it will instantly teleport you to a completely random location.-

Sweet. I guess it's better than dying.

As I was on my way to buy the ticket a sound woke me up from my concentration.

-Hello worm, I see you have gotten comfortable in your cell full of shit and piss.

--So beating me wasn't enough, now you want to talk shit?

-Of course not! I have better things to do. But I got some questions for you first.

1. What is this weird system, game, pawn bullshit?

2. Why was I forced to play this shitty game?

I also thought about these things before. What is this system, why was I chosen, etc?

But when I asked it simply answered: "The universe has seen potential in you, so you have been given a chance"


I didn't answer. And even if I knew something, why would I give him what he wants? What would I get out of this?

-You don't want to answer me?

-Alright then.

He turned around and started walking.

I lowered my head and dove deepen into my thoughts.

Now, system--"boom"

My head collided with the cell wall and my hands fully gave up and detached from my body.

His kick sent my teeth across the floor and my body became completely paralyzed.

-yes host, beginning teleportation.-

And before he could smash my head with his leg I vanished.


The sun was shining its beautiful light upon the fertile land. The birds in the trees, however, didn't mind the sun. The leaves offered them shadow so the heat would not bother the beautiful singers.

And they sang, from morning to noon, and from noon until the sun reached the horizon. The crimson light illuminated the world as a serene atmosphere blessed, yet again, the serene forest.

The silence did not last as a mutilated body suddenly appeared on the ground. With no arms nor eyes, with missing teeth and blood all over. It seemed that his life was coming to an end.

But fate is written by one's own decisions, and this man decided that his life would not end anytime soon.

With a click, his necklace came off and the seal placed upon him was immediately released. As soon as the seal came off his flesh started growing. New and healthy skin replaced the cut and missing one. Arms and teeth grew at visible speed to the naked eye.

In less than 5 minutes the dying corpse became a handsome man.

His pathetic appearance was nowhere to be seen. Instead, there was only an athletic-built 20-year-old.


It looks like I escaped. Though a second late and most likely I would've had my brains used as floor detergent.

Looking around this forest the first thing I noticed was the immense trees.

Their size was 10 times compared with normal ones. And their height was also out of the ordinary. Walking around this place felt more magical than anything. Not more magical than the capital of magic tho.

I hope that she wouldn't worry about me. Well, I can't do much from here so worrying won't help.

As I began walking I noticed some sounds coming from a distance.

I slowly approached them, making sure not to make any noise that might alert the ones making the noise.

After walking for a short time I found a wide lake. The water perfectly reflected the moon's shine which gave it a sort of freshness.

But what was truly fantastical were the beings that were bathing in the water. Humanoid beings with long, black hair and sharp ears.Eyes as red as blood and a flawless figure.

They were female, which made the consequences of being discovered peeking even worse for me. So after 1 minute of looking, I turned around and went the opposite way. Even tho looking at older women bathe was a tempting choice that wouldn't take me anywhere.

I needed to reach some sort of settlement to discover just where was I teleported. But, after taking 10 steps my head started spinning and my feet became jelly.

I immediately understood what happened to me. I closed my eyes and raised my wobbly hands in defeat. There was no way that I could defeat a being who was able to sneak behind me for so long with a paralyzed body. So the smartest decision would be to immediately surrender.

As I raised my hands I spoke as calmly as I could:

-I am sorry for peeking, I got lost in this forest and happened to hear sounds coming from here.

Nothing happend.No sound was heard and no movement was felt. Even tho I could hear or see them I knew better than to take another peek.

-This is the middle of the elven forest. Do you take us as fools?

Elven forest? Is there something like that in this world?

Teacher never told me about it, and neither did any book mention its existence.

-Excuse me, but could you tell me on what continent is this forest on?