
Belief is all you need

With belief, man was able to succeed in endeavors that killed other species. With gods, we could progress faster and further. And she will guide me, so I can also guide you towards a better future, one that has only one god. Me.

DaoistCpDMGE · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

No 13

After I got back to my room a knock was heard. I got up and opened the door.

It was the girl with the glasses from before. After I made that arrangement with her no news was heard. Now she's coming to my door and maybe searching for more compensation.

-We were assigned to a special team, I am the leader and responsible for your lives in this mission.

I see, so the next mission is going to start sooner than expected. We exchanged words and when I thought she was going to leave a bombshell was dropped.

-The leader knows you are hiding your strength.

Calmly I responded with

-It's sooner than I expected but he is our leader for a reason.

A calm response that would not expose any of my cards. She also seemed to notice that immediately after she told me the news, she left.


We were on the ground and searching for an opportunity to ambush the elven troops stationed at the border. Our current mission was to create as many holes in their defense as possible.

I looked at the closest person to me and he looked back, a younger man with above-average looks was staring at me and making hand signals. I asked him if his target was 'cooked'.A term used for determining if the target is negligent and ready for a takedown.

He answered affirmative and we each got to action. With a kick to the legs and a knife to the head, both targets were down and we got the next ones.

And like that, we spent our entire week. Taking lives and eating, sleeping, and then continuing the massacre.

One day when we were preparing for a quick takedown the elven troops who were already grouped up alertly looked in our direction.

We immediately ran as fast as we could and tried losing them on our route. I was ''lucky'' and managed to lose them ''somehow'', my friend was not so fortunate. He was immediately captured and executed.

As soon as the battle ended the troops wanted to regroup, only to find a huge pool of blood. They warily got close and tried to inspect the lake. In less than a second an enormous mouth got up and bit them whole.

The following crunching sounds reminded some of a dog biting on chicken bones.


After reporting my endeavors we got back to the clan and were given a period of rest. This was made so that the soldiers would be able to rest enough and recover their EVE.

Since the battles were not so fierce we had pretty long breaks.1 week of rest and were even given some recovery pills. I finally got to understand some of the pills and was able to now create them in the system.

A New mission came and this time it was to go to a city and capture as many vantage points and central food and water sources. Killing everyone in there and destroying the whole place.

On earth, that tactic would only be employed in critical situations as a last option, but here we had magic. Gardening and cleaning, watering, and all the needs could be created in a matter of hours using magic so there are no worries over the environment.

Heaven is infinitely bigger than any dimension anyways so what does a mere elven race matter? We could slaughter them and no one would say anything. After all the winner takes all.


Getting to the city got harder and harder as we progressed. Traps upon traps and soldiers would meet us head-on and fight to the death. Some even cursed us and wished they could exterminate the whole vampire race. Those people were kept alive and put impaled on a pike to show the enemy what pride our race has.

I didn't care what they said about us since food was going to be food anyway. I went hard and fought multiple people at once. This was going to be the last mission until next month so I could finally explore some deeper cities.

The higher the population the better. If I could find a city with at least 100 000 people then I might be able to get my strength up and even take a weapon.

4 days passed and the elven troops seemed to be lesser in number. We finally got to see the city we were going to burn. We each looked in a direction and dashed straight in with a single purpose in mind, capture and kill.


In a basement, a few elven civilians could be seen. Old and young together and alert. There is no knowing when the enemy would be coming. Their queen spoke about peace and serenity but now all they could hear were screams from above, from the people that were being slaughtered on the streets.

In a corner a Girl was crouched down, hugging her knees. Her parents abandoned her and she only had a small house where she lived in.No one checked on her or cared enough to see if she is doing alright. With all that she never gave up and continued working.Making money to feed and clothe herself. The elven race has prided themselves upon their beauty but her face wasn't pretty at all. With a burned forehead and scars on her cheeks and mouth from being cut, her face told a story of hardship and agony.

She had no talent in magic nor could she meditate since food was always scarce. With a 12-hour shift every day she barely had any time of her own.

In her corner, she looked back upon her life and watched again the scenes where she was mocked for being poor, and for having an ugly appearance. The people laughed at her when she came to take their orders or ship their orders.

After this war will end will she come back to her old lifestyle? Is the same suffering all over again?

A head fell on the ground and people started running and screaming. Blood splashed on the walls as Bodies continued to fall to the ground. Some were beheaded, some tried fighting back and ended up chopped up and thrown into the pile of corpses.

A shadow was slowly walking and moving its long blade. Wherever the blade swiped, a body fell and another would trip and also be killed. The whole basement looked like a pit of hell. With blood on the walls and floor accumulating and emitting a horrible iron smell.

Yet the environment didn't affect the girl in the least, she was staring into the ground with her hollow eyes and seemingly waiting for something.

Suddenly silence returned to the hellish hole she was in. Her head moved up and saw a man standing over her, staring with his blood-red eyes.

Looking at his eyes reminded the girl of her life, of what she wanted those people to feel. The frustration she felt all the time and couldn't get out.

At that moment she felt lightheaded. She got on her knees and spread her hands, and with a smile, she also stared into his eyes, and with a crazed voice she demanded he beheaded her.

-I do not want to see this anymore!

-This wretched world and all its people, kill me and everyone else, make them suffer, and show them hell!!

With a crazed look, she implored to be killed and for the killer to release her from this world.