
Chapter One

1970 April 11,

East Wilbor.

It was another bright morning in my town,the people had already started moving to their place of work or to somewhere they ought to be wearing their suits of different dull colors and patterns. I was also getting prepared for my own job which was begging. I didn't really care about how the job was but as far it put food on my table I was satisfied;I had no family because I was dumped at a train station when I was four and I had to strive for myself since then. In the begging business,I had some friends who I still considered family because we had been together for a while and we stayed together in an abandoned house below the town's bridge. There was Kris who was older than me with three years and Tim who was far older than us both. Tim was really scary because of his body size and scars he had on his face and I was the opposite of that. I was thin.

I was wearing my lucky outfit today which was a blue patched tee shirt and black shorts. I was feeling good when I started working,I approached some men who stood by the bus stop holding briefcases .

"Good day gentlemen", I said to them. "Have any change to spare for a young lad like me ?"

"Get a job",the first man said to me frowning

"I don't have a certificate and neither did I go to school,I lost my parents at a young age and sin-"

"Do you mind leaving us alone?",the man said abruptly

"Excuse me then",I replied walking away

I frowned at myself almost feeling bad about my life, I didn't ask to become like this. I continued looking for spare change from the people I met on the street,some ladies gave me money while some just snubbed me like I never existed. At the end of the morning, I had gathered enough money to last me for the next two days. I walked to a cafè and sat on the chair outside waiting for a waiter to come and attend to me.

Kris was coming in my direction with his his head sagging below his shoulders and slow steps. Anytime he was like that, I knew it was because business was bad for him

"Bad business again?", I said when he finally got near me

"Today isn't my day",Kris replied sitting across me

The waiter walked in with a little jotter "What can I get you?",he said

"Tea", I replied staring at his face as he talked to me

"And you?",the waiter said looking at Kris

"Water",he replied before the waiter left

I quickly put my hand in my pocket and brought out all the money I had gotten then split it in two

"Have this", I said giving Kris

"Belemy you don't have to" he replied

"Yeah right"

Kris hurriedly collected the money before the waiter returned with their order.

The waiter dropped the tea on the table and gave Kris the can of water before leaving again. Kris smiled at Belemy as he gulped down the water

"Here comes Tim", Kris said to Belemy who was sipping tea

I looked across the street, Tim was standing there waiting for traffic to slow down so he could come and bully me as he usually does because I was his best prey due to my size

"Damn", I said looking for a means of escape

"You're dead Cleveland", Tim said advancing with a wolfish grin

I drank the remaining amount of tea in my cup and started to run on the pedestrian way away from Tim before he started pursuing me. This time I knew if he caught me he'd beat me to a pulp and I could not let that happen so I ran as fast as I could. Without looking at my surroundings,I ran into the road feeling happy that I had almost gained freedom from Tim's bullying then I saw a black Volvo and felt a sharp pain on my knee and before I could understand what happened I fell with a thud.

*. *. *. *. *. *.

"Boy'o",a masculine voice said and it echoed in my ear

I squinted then slowly sat up; I was in somewhere unfamiliar again. I looked at the man who had a warm smile on his face

"Who are you?", I asked him

"The man who you ran into his car earlier today", the man replied

I cursed. "I'll pay for any damages"

"Don't worry Sonny, you're the one with damages"

"I am so so sorry".

"It's alright. I am Clifford,what is your name?"

"Belemy King sir"

"Have any family members?"

I looked around the hospital room trying to avoid answering the question, everywhere was bright and reeked of antiseptic but the man's gaze was something that made me feel confident

"I have no family sir", I said to him

"A street child. I mean no disrespect", Clifford said

"I've been called worse", I said with a smirk

"How would you like to come and live with me as my godson?"

"Your godson?"

I was shocked by the invitation he gave to me,a stranger like me; people were nice but his was weird.

"Sir,I understand if u feel guilty for hitting me but offering me tostay with you is pretty far fetched", I said to him

"On the contrary", Clifford said "Ya a fine young man,you are not supposed to beg. I am offering to help you. Make you someone you never imagined you would be"

The way he said the words sounded like someone from a tv show. I was intrigued and nothing was actually holding me back and I had nothing to loose if it goes sideways. I smiled knowing I have met my helper

"Ok sir", I said to him

" After you've been discharged, I'll show you the good part of life", Clifford said and smiled again.