


Magic was common in the Florentine  Empire. People who used magic were ranked according to their magical strenght.

From lowest to most powerful was; Magician, Magic User, then Mage.

A magician had the ability to use only elemental magic which is the control of forces of nature. Sometimes, the power of a magician would manifest into that of a Magic user.

A magic user could use elemental magic but is also bestowed with a special power which only they can use.

Then a mage. Throughout the whole continent, there had only been record of one mage.

A mage could use elemental magic. Summon divine animals and sometimes, they would manifest holy powers.

Holy powers and magic were two things people decided to be different.

Holy powers could not destroy. But only bring forth life and healing.

People who could use holy powers were divided into three; a clergy, a high priest, then the saintess. For every century, only one saintess can exist.

It was the 21st year of Florentine Empire. The year the first mage of the Empire turned 21.

"Haaah" She hid behind a wall regaining her breath. Running for so long took a toll on her.

"I've found Evelyn! She's over there!" She continued running as the guards had found her.

A year ago her titian hair had been smoother than the finest silk in the market. A year ago she had worn the finest clothes on the continent. But now her once elegant image had long disappeared.

All that remained now was the face of a woman who ran for her life each day. Doing her best to save the world.

Ten years ago she was just the daughter of a Viscount. But why did her life come to this point?

Evelyn continued running, her titian hair which had been very long but had to be cut, swaying with her movements.

Despair and anxiety were planted deep within her heart but she kept on going on. Because she had to survive. At all costs.

Finally she crossed the border into Ulenov. The land of demons. It would be hard for those imperial knights to survive in the mist of demons. But she could kill the demons easily.

After all, if she couldn't fight against demons what good was she as the first mage in history?

Also the Garcia soldiers would be here to defend her. Evelyn felt a bit happy with the fact that though everyone had abandoned her, Duke James Garcia was still there by her side. Over the years she had come to love him deeply. He was her only light in her dark world.

She went to their secret meeting point which was a particular cave surrounded by many low level demons.

After fighting of lots of demons with her magic she got to the location. Suddenly she remembered a task she had to complete.

Right before her a magical rabbit appeared. It was a divine creature summoned with her powers.

"Go get my diary and write whatever I say" It was important for her to keep all the events that had happened in her life in case she failed. Future mages needed to know the danger that the world was in.

The magical rabbit hopped away. Evelyn entered into the cave and found the person she was waiting for.

"I'm glad you made it here safely Evelyn" She stared at him with a gentle gaze. She hadn't seen him for over a month, but everyday his brown hair and black eyes was vivid in her memory.

Her love for him was so deep that every second spent with him was forever ingrained into her memory.

She approached him and gave him a hug. Throughout the year which had been tough, he was the only one that hadn't abandoned her.

"James the imperial guards mig-

Evelyn was in the process of ending the hug and speaking when she was cut off due to a sharp pain in her back which moved towards her stomach.

James let go of her and she staggered backward and held the walls of the cave. Her eyes shook with disbelief as she stared down at the knife which was stabbed to her left side.

"Today I wanted to tell you my deepest secret. I have never loved you" This voice which whispered sweet words of love. Spoke of unending warmth. Told her the harshest reality.

Was this the James who had stood by her? The James she trusted with all her life? The man who swore to protect her had just stabbed her in the back. Literally.

Evelyn was so shocked and confused that she didn't notice the moment another man entered into the cave.

"Well duke Garcia, I have to say you've done a good job for fooling my dear Evelyn for so long" Walking towards her was someone she hated deeply. Someone who made her life the worst hell.

He was the current Emperor of the Florentine Empire. And the 2nd in history. "Who knew the most powerful person in the Empire could have such a big weakness. You should have just accepted my offer to make you Empress" And he was her step brother who was not related by blood.

Ten years ago she was Evelyn Jenner, daughter of Viscount Jenner. She was eleven and her father died in a carriage accident. Her father was a man who faithfully served the Emperor of Florentine along with her mother who was Viscountess.

Viscountess Jenner had earned her title as the most beautiful woman in the Empire.

Numerous men had tried to woo her when she was only a young maiden. She was described as a very beautiful flower.

And after the death of her husband, the Emperor wanted to plant this beautiful flower into his harem.

Evelyn could never forget the day when the imperial guards came a week after her father's death with the imperial decree to make the Viscountess the Emperor's wife.

The mother and daughter were taken forcefully to the imperial palace. The Empire had only stood for eleven years back then.

Nobles of the Empire had not established a strong stand and compared to imperial family, the magic of others was rather weak. Therefore they had to be submissive to the Emperor who wielded powerful magic.

Her mother became the Emperor's concubine and she, though not the Emperor's biological daughter, was given the title as Princess. Her life from there on, took a turn for the worst.

A few months after being Princess she met the Crown Prince, Carlos.

Due to the fact that she wasn't a real princess palace servants treated her with disrespect and other people with contempt.

The Crown Prince, a sadist, was no different. He was thirteen and was tall for his age. Far taller than her. An imposing aura and deadly stare. But she wasn't scared of him.

"You're the fake princess right" 'Fake Princess' was a title she had been given by the servants and nobles. Almost everyone had heard of the Viscountess and her daughter who joined the imperial family.

"Well you're pretty and I want you to be my servant" Back then she was able to escape before hearing these absurd words from him. But she would be able to guess he said that after growing up and becoming a proper lady.

Carlos was a psycopath who was obsessed with her. From being his servant to being his wife.

"You'll be my special doll. Don't you want that? However as a doll you won't be allowed to live your life freely. I'll make every decision for you"

Evelyn didn't want such a life. Knowing Carlos it was obvious if she married him, she wouldn't live long. She was also in love with Duke James Garcia. When she was seventeen she discovered that she had magical abilities

On her twentieth birthday she had a little party with her mother. She would never suspect that her mother would sell her off to Carlos.

She had signed a marriage agreement for Evelyn in exchange for her own freedom. Evelyn didn't want to blame her mother too much, however the conditions of the marriage were just too cruel.

Her mother helped Carlos in framing her for a crime. That day she ran away. Partly because of her situation and because she found out something big. The world was going to be destroyed because of-

"The book" Carlos' words brought her out of her reverie.


James walked past Evelyn who struggled with life. She had already been gravely injured and the stab by James had gone deep into her ribs.

Imperial guards rushed into the cave surrounding her at every side. She could fight them off but she wouldn't survive for long.

There was only one thing she could do.

Her eyes turned sharply to James who handed a book over to Carlos.

Just as the book was about to enter Carlos' hand, chains surrounded the book.

"èřį§đ" She muttered a word which was her most powerful spell. And in the next moment she did something unexpected.

She dragged out the knife which was stuck at her side. Splattering her blood unto the ground she focused her attention on the spell that would probably be her last and once again stabbed the knife back into her body.

Hopefully, her divine rabbit was writing all the events down.


The final spell of the first mage Evelyn was one that caused the book to split into four, a curse upon the Garcia family and her revenge.

There in the demon land named Ulenov, Evelyn died miserably but not without inflicting damage upon her enemies and beginning her grand revenge.

Her revenge began with opening a portal to a different world and bringing the darkest soul she could find into this world.

She found a woman named Leilan who had one thing in common with her. They both had a strong will to survive at all costs.

With the power of the mysterious wishing stone she asked that this woman Leilan could help her complete her mission. But...no one ever found out what Evelyn's mission was, even after she died.


So this is my first original story. I'd like to thank @Serenity070 for making the book cover. I hope you enjoy the story.

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