
Being The Black Cat's White Kitten

"Kitten? What is it that you like to do the most when you are with me?" his cat-green eyes twinkled as he asked me conversationally. "just being your kitten! being the black cat's white kitten!" i blurted out, mesmerized by his hypnotic eyes. He froze. WAIT! HOLD THE FUCK UP! I did NOT just say that! .............................................. A story about Sam Lane and Jan Tykes. A story about Mr. best-at everything/ School badboy/ player and Ms. popular-strong-girl/the only one to rival him. A story about inner animals, detective and fluff! A story about two teenagers discovering each other. A story about love, trust, friendship and siblings. A story about the black cat, the white kitten. Read to find out! :)

Kupkake_gurl · Teen
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8 Chs



The whole room was filled with books. Rows and rows full of books. Six whole bookshelves filled with books, novels, short stories, thrillers, sci-fi, super naturals, classics, best sellers.... Each and every kind of books were there. If I had loved sam's room, then hell, this was even before my first love, and to think that it was his own collection! I realized what he meant by personal 'heaven', you'll die the moment you enter!

"do you like it?" he sounded anxious. I just nodded, too awed to speak. Something caught my eye and I smirked, "Stephenie meyer? So what did you like more? Edward's sparkly skin or Jacob's impressive muscles?"

"Don't you mean ROBERT'S sparkly skin and TAYLOR'S impressive muscles?" he said dryly. "yeah, whatever!" I shrugged. "Guess?" "I dunno, personally I like the muscles more than the photo shopped dazzling epithelial tissues, I mean lautner's just HAWT!"I almost drooled, remembering.

"bleh! The answer's none of the above, sure Jacob has good body but I'd rather swoon over Kristen's cute ass or Ashley's kissable lips!" sam grinned. "pervert! But I will agree, they are BEAUTIFUL as well! Perfect girlfriend material I guess?" I nudged him, teasing. He smirked back, agreeing.

He left me alone to roam about in the room alone after that since had had to go and finish making the meal, just what I needed. The sixth and the last bedroom had been turned into a mini library, and I couldn't help but smile as I let my fingertips brush the bindings of the neatly stacked books as I walked. I read the different categories on the different rows of each shelf, written in Sam's enviable script,

Historical fiction... Fantasy... Adventure... Contemporary... Science fiction... Romance... Horror/ paranormal... Thriller... History... Sports... Art... Music... Science...

... and so on. He had two whole bookshelves dedicated to the last four categories. It was obviously for the benefit of kam and shelly. Music and science were HIS favorites I suppose. There was a separate shelf for Shakespeare. Classics had a different place too.

I don't know how much time I spent in the room, merely ogling at the collection, until voices interrupted my ballet dance in my dreamland filled with books. I had already been replanning the entire schedule of my days here, to fit as much time I could in this 'heaven'.

"I wanna meet her! WHERE is she?!" someone demanded. "shut up and freshen up!" came the thorough reply. "but...but...!" "she is right! Why can't we meet her?" another voice supported the first. I smiled, and got up from the corner I had been sitting and gaping, and brushed my back.

"shelly, kam if you are trying to be difficult, then this is the wrong time, if you will just go and change you might meet her sooner!" sam sighed irritably, his tone authoritative and rather motherly. As if on cue shelly grumbled, "okay momma!" "good! Now hurry and get your asses outta here!"

"wait! Whom do you wanna meet anyway?" I came out of the room, shutting the door behind me softly. "JAN!" shelly sang hurling herself at me, but in mid leap she was effortlessly picked up by her collar by a VERY annoyed sam, "WHAT DID I JUST SAY MICHELLE?!" his voice was clipped. Shelly shivered and meekly trotted away to her room, mumbling something about 'fucked up assholes' and kam followed her lead after a very subtle wink towards me... er, my shirt as I realized a second late, and immediately turned red.

Before you can finish saying 'pickled pepperoni pasta with purple pigs patrolling the perimeter' the duo appeared, with kam still eyeing my shirt, smirking, and shelly jumping me. Literally. I staggered a bit as I caught her, laughing. "YOU ARE MINE FOR THE REST OF THE DAY JANESSA TYKES!" she declared. "sure honey, why not?" I grinned.

"are you even gonna let go, or do you plan on strangling her?" sam interjected and shelly stuck her tongue out at him, "you better keep out of my range of vision for the next 11 hours that is left!" she ordered. Sam rolled his eyes, "sure! I wanted a fuck buddy anyway!"

I felt shelly's hands around me freeze a bit. She did not like her brother being the player, I remembered. "fine!" she shrugged nevertheless. "really?" my eyes narrowed, and shelly offered me a fake smile, "yeah! Its not my decision to make! I just don't want him to interfere our girl time! That's all!" she chirped.

"calm your tits shells, you might as well say that you don't really want me to go!" sam grinned cheekily seeing right through her, kam dispersed the situation to save shelly... at the cost of ME, "so why is she wearing your shirt, lane?" he raised an eyebrow, teasing. I flushed deep red, as shelly noticed it too. Her eyes widened as various scenarios came to her head. "why don't you just ask her?" sam flashed me one of his heartbreakingly handsome smirks before going back to laying the table.

"did you... my best friend... my brother... did you..." shelly gulped, almost disgusted. "NO NO NO NO NO! oh hell no! nothing happened I swear, nothing of that sort happened! Oh my gawd! Why didn't this come to MY head before?!" I yelled, really embarrassed, mentally kicking myself for being so stupid.

"chill dahling! Aswear you gonna go fucken' crazy someday!" sam continued serving his brilliant eyes fixed on shelly. 'oh yeah?" she, in turn challenged, "so what else am I supposed to be, with a bro who might fuck my bestie the first day she came, just cuz they were alone for just 3 hours?"

"I'm not THAT bad!" sam grumbled, "but really, nothing happened, she just went all gaga and started on a male wardrobes raid, that's all!" "huh?" kam turned to me, "even mine?" the way their eyes were on me, I immediately started feeling self conscious and small. Those three humans were in a whole different league than me, and the first day they allow me to bask in their light, I end up doing something stupid."I am sorry!" I said in a small voice, not daring to look anyone in the eye.

"cool! I am loving you more and more! Cuz for the beginners, I don't even like to enter his room!" shelly thumped me on the back. "what about my shirts?" kam whined. "seriously? Is this your new pastime? Forcing your tees down jan?" shelly replied sarcastically. "WHAT about my shirts?" kam puffed his cheeks stubbornly and I had to laugh, "sorry kammy-poo! You look drool worthy in all you wear but, sea green isn't my colour!" "and deeeeep blue is? I swear girls these days are all turning into Goths!" he shook his head, earning a hit on his shoulder from shelly.

"next time imma gonna go t-shirt hunting! Girly dresses are too stifling! Join me?" I asked her. "su-!" shelly was cut off by sam, "but I like you in my shirt!" he pouted. ADORABLE! "because it gives you a feeling that you slept with me even though you haven't?" I raised an eyebrow, he grinned back,"you know me too well!"

"seicosì pervertito (you are so perverted)" i muttered. "perché grazie! Gattino! (why thank you kitten!)" he smirked back. I jerked, he knew italian! I shut up immediately after that. No way in hell was i conversing with this overachieving inhuman. It would just make me more embarassed!


"yum!" shelly stated, "i love you bro!" she blew sam a kiss, who in turn desperately flapped his hand in front of his face so that it didn't reach him, "you don't really love me! You love that pasta!" he said. Shelly grinned sheepishly, agreeing. "sam!" kam whined, "not again!" "don't tell me! Its YOU who needs it, not us! At least be thankful that we are showing solidarity!" he looked forlorn himself. "what solidarity? I love eggs!" shelly said, already licking the white sauce on her spoon.

Eggs! So that is all this is about! Even i was surprised at the weird combination of pasta with boiled eggs. So the reason was kam's dietitian. I myself was allergic to to egg whites, and i had forgotten to tell sam. My bad! So i decided to keep my mouth shut and suck it up. In this case, EAT it up!

"i hate eggs!" kam wailed, "what about you jan?" he abruptly turned to me. "i don't have much problem with them!" i laughed nervously. "liar!" shelly commented, "you DO have a problem! You are just telling to make us feel happy!" Geez! Can't even lie in peace now! "you do?" kam asked, looking hopeful.

"fine!" i sighed, "i am allergic to egg whites! But don't worry imma gonna eat the whole thing, i am really sorry, i totally forgot to mention it to sam!" i scratched my cheek. "good! I hate egg yolks!" sam shrugged. I remembered shelly telling me that. "really?!" i felt my face light up, sam immediately sensed my motive and grinned appreciatively. We immediately swapped and cheered together, "egg couple!"

"wow! My heartiest congratulations!" kam said, dejected, "hey! Shells and i can be egg couples too! I mean lemme give you the whole egg and you don't have to return anything! mutual relation!" he looked to her expectantly. "tempting but no!" shelly shook her head, "coach, dietitian AND mom are gonna kill me! And I am too hyper to die! So thanks but no thanks!" "meanie!" kam grumbled.

"well! At least i got saved! That thing is just... EW!" sam shuddered. "yeah! Ditch yer best mate for a gal! Bros before hoes, remember? You just broke my heart!" he put his hand on his chest. "stop dramatising, i swear shelly's rubbing on you! And i suggest you eat up fast, cuz your dear girlfriend is eyeing your pasta!" sam replied.Kam immediately hallf hugged his plate, protectively from shelly, who pouted.

"thank you for the food!" i chirped, trying to break the staring contest about to begin between the couple. "yeah yeah whatever! I think shelly's tutoring you too!" sam mumbled already eating. "hey!" came her indignant reply.

I speared three pasta in my fork and popped them into my mouth. They immediately melted. "if anything sam, one day i am marrying you just for this pasta!" i was almost in cloud nine. Like i said, being a huge foodie, i was willing to sell myself to anyone who could cook like this! The taste, the texture, the sauce, the whole dish... HEAVENLY! "sure! In the wedding vows, don't forget to mention this!" he shrugged. Kam and shelly laughed at us.

"no, seriously! My whole family's gonna be crazy after you! INCLUDING my parents!" i said earnestly. "you don't cook?" he asked. "you know? I tried to, once! But i don't quite know how, but everything in the kitchen came tumbling down, literally! And i swear that i hadn't even crossed the door! Since then, its been out of bounds" i replied thoughtfully. All three of them burst out laughing.

"it hurt my prestige so much, that i didn't eat ice cream for 72 whole hours! Trust me, that's as rare as tony stark NOT having his ego! ! Worst part is that i never seem to hurt myself, everything just magically decides to fall or break when i am around!""i can imagine!" sam smirked. I knew he was referring to day1.


After that heavenly lunch, like promised, as shelly and i sat down with 'devil wears prada' she turned to me, "so, how was your time with sam? I never got to ask!" "it was fun! I never knew that he was this easy to talk with!" i answered truthfully. Shelly smiled somewhat wistfully, "5 words, DON'T. LET. YOUR. GUARD. DOWN! I hate to say this as his sister, but this is just the beginning!"

Huh? What?


The only thing common between sam and me except chocolates, books, songs and movies was that both of us were sleepyheads, yet nothing can stop us from being night owls. And as kam and shelly's bass and soprano rang out clear, i began to drift away from the world of candy surrounding me.

"Janessa tykes, i SWEAR that i'm gonna kick your ass if you don't wake up THIS instant!"

"Sam freaking lane, get up! NOW! Or else i am going to eat up all of your precious lollipops!"

I looked up groggily. Last night, even before the film began both the boys had begun whining to let them watch it too. So we had all ended up in the living room. As i lost myself in the world of fashion designing, 102 dalmatians, racing, and tony stark i barely noticed shelly, followed by kam drop off to sleep midway, with the pizza boxes we had ordered still littered around. But sam along with me had watched it till the end through the night. I don't know when i fell asleep too, but i do know this that it is morning right now, Like duh!

I glanced at the clock and almost screamed, "DAMN! I AM FUCKING LATE!" "No shit sherlock!"shelly said dryly, "we have been trying to wake you both up since half an hour ago!" "C'mon sam! Get up! GET UP!" kam yelled into his ear, only to get swatted away.

"fuck off!" He mumbled turning the other way and burying his face in the cushion of the sofa both of us had been sleeping on. " just wake up already! You are gonna be late!" Shelly shook him by his shoulders. "Imma gonna ditch today!" He answered. "You can't! You said yourself that there was gonna be a checking today!" Kam argued. "There's still forty-five minutes to go! Lemme sleep ten minutes more! Please!" He began whining. "Sam you gotta make breakfast, remember?" Shelly sighed.

"Just make some toast or something, i know you can make that at least!" He mumbled, sinking back to sleep again. "NO i wanna have sandwiches! SANDWICHES!" shelly wailed.

This time sam sat up, scowling, covering his ears, "damn michelle! Go fuck yourself! you are making me cheat on my one true love with your screeching!" "I thought you loved your bed?" Kam smirked. "My true love is sleeping and it doesn't matter if its a sofa or a bed or a freaking sorcerer's table i'm lying on!" He said in a bored tone, "now lemme sleep in peace, do whatever shit you want in the kitchen, i don't care, just clean up the mess later on!" With that he turned around and promptly fell asleep again.

Kam and shelly stared at him and then shrugged, in a well-atleast-we-tried manner and got to their work. I trudged unwillingly to the shower.

By the time sam managed to get his ass of the sofa, he only had ten minutes left. "What are you planning to do now?" Shelly demanded, hands on her hips. Sam gave her another bored look(😒) and stretched as he got up. He went to his room, but his sister stopped him, " don't tell me that you plan to wear that same thing!" "Yupp" he popped the 'p'.

Kam snickered, "poor shelly, you only managed to force him for two weeks!" Shelly sighed, dejected. "What same thing?" I asked. All i had seen him wear were graphic tees and jeans with timberlands. What else could a boy wear?" its an eyesore, trust me!" shelly pouted. Huh? that's practically impossible, sam lane can pull off even marvolo gaunt better than marvolo gaunt himself and still look like a Greek god!

within five minutes he was out and i swear i just flooded the house with my drool. fuck eye SORE he was a freaking eye CANDY!! a very mouthwatering one at that. a hand in his damp hair, and bag carelessly slung over his left shoulder, he was wearing a black tee with deep blue denim jeans and timberland with a brown leather jacket. a LEATHER JACKET!! i had only ever read about how handsome boys looked with jackets, but now that i had seen it, i don't think i EVER want to unsee it! he looked damn GORGEOUS! it was a wonder how i even managed to shut my jaws again and NOT spontaneously combust by the hotness levels!

sam went straight into the kitchen and stuffed a toast into his mouth. he filled a big tumbler with black coffee from the machine, dropped some ice and chugged the whole thing down in a go, as i watched wide eyed. it was a mystery to me as to how people liked that bitter stuff. i was more of a tea person, and the only one in my family who didn't like caffeine. but it had been out of my imaginations, that someone CAN drink a huge glass of iced black coffee in one sip!

"ok! now i am up! alive and kickin'! with a charming personality and adorable smile, sam lane is ready for the day!" he announced grinning as he set the tumbler away. "you mean, a womanizing personality and a sultry smirk, don't you?" shelly mumbled sourly. "same thing, hun!" he ruffled her hair and grabbed his car keys.

all of us strapped ourselves in, with me calling the shotgun. kam and shelly, both had decided to ride sam's sleek, back, sexy Ferrari (which i would have spent more time admiring, had it not been so late already, but i had already made my schedule of swooning over his Ferrari, kam's BMW, and shelly's Porsche ) since kam was feeling lazy today. the journey passed, with me memorising the route, the couple behind us screaming the lyrics of the songs which blasted in the music system and sam lip syncing as he drove smoothly, a bit too slow for me, but that was probably because of shelly.

the moment we entered the school, sam got side-tracked by a girl dressed in a black tank top and mini skirt with a black stilettos grinning invitingly at him. "sam! there's only 3 minutes left!" shelly hissed, trying to stop him, "don't worry, i'll be back in a jiffy!" he assured and miraculously disappeared with Savanna (the gir- er slut, sorry).

we entered geography, with shelly grumbling about her brother's perverseness and kam gaming away on his phone. did i ever say that kam has almost all classes common with me? except like, chemistry, calculus, music and gymnastics? i guess i didn't.

i had realised it on the second day, when, after ditching the first day, he came to the classes since second day, which i understood was an order from shelly. that boy literally worships her! i still can't imagine kam as the ex-playboy! i mean look at the pair? they are ADORABLE!

as for sam? that bastard had ALL the classes same as me! except gymnastics of course! in the last week he had attended EXACTLY one class, that was of biology, when me staying with them was decided. remember? yeah THAT class! i had only gotten to know that he had been in all my classes, when his assignments, due on friday magically appeared in each and every class of mine! and OF COURSE he got straight A's in all of them! he, like he said was only attending because there was probably gonna be a checking today.

"wait!" someone yelled, as the doors were about to be shut, and as the devil skidded in the room, the bell rang. "well! i am not late!" sam shrugged, his hair messier than ever. i swear he would have been smirking, had his lips not been hidden behind the neckline of his shirt. he seemed to be rubbing his lips with that. "stupid, fucking chapsticks!" he grumbled, as he passed shelly and me to sit just behind us,in the last bench with kam, who was still gaming away.

i watched for a while as he rubbed his lips with enough force to rip them off, then sighed and passed him my water bottle. he took it with a 'thanks' and let go off his shirt to take out his phone and study his reflection as he now rubbed his VERY swollen lips, slightly pink (due to the chapstick) with water.

"i swear this cherry chapstick just won't come off! i need to tell Savanna to use something else next time!" he said as he licked his lips and returned me the bottle back. shelly huffed and kam gamed away, smirking a bit, "but they taste good don't they?" he asked. "very!..." sam grinned back, making shelly huff even louder. i bit my smile back. "....but! i still like chocolate lip balms better! they are heavenly! i would marry that girl who only ever used it everyday!" he added. i strived to hide my blush, i didn't use it much, but i only ever used the chocolate ones, cuz like sam said they tasted heavenly!

a while later, the teacher entered and the geography class started in earnest. i went into my 'hurricane' mode as dubbed by shelly as i began copying the notes. suddenly a piece of folded paper came flying and landed on my desk. i frowned and opened it. "ciao gattino (hello kitten)!" it read in neat, elegant, enviable script. i rolled my eyes and stuffed it in my desk.

immediately another one came flying, "aww! c'mon! greet me back atleast!" what the-!

"don't be such a spoilsport! :(" i shoved it into the desk.

"hey! that's mean!" YOU are being mean!

"seriously, i wanted to write 'look at me!' but then the lyrics of that song by XXXTentacion came to my head, lol! remember the words?" i bit my lips to stop my laughter. NO way was i giving in to him!

"its ur choice, either turn around, or imma gonna write the whole lyrics AND add things to it too!" my eyes widened. is he crazy??

"i am serious!" came the next paper. oh my god! think kitten think! wait, did i just call myself kitten? lane is seriously rubbing on me! anyway! i can't lose to him, but if that chit's found on me, i will be in huge trouble, and so will he.

"Mrs. Henderson? can i be excused?" i raised my hand. i gave her the it's-really-urgent look, and she looked at me suspiciously but let me go. shelly looked concerned, kam was sleeping and sam was smirking a bit surprised my swift escape.


it would have been funny, if he hadn't kept that one sided conversation for the rest of the next two classes, but i was determined not to show that it was seriously getting to me, else he would hunt out even more creative methods to piss me off.

it was in the the fourth class, english, that the principal came in along with the teacher, who was apparently new, and had joined the week i had. "ah i see that you at last made it samu-!" he began but sam smoothly interrupted him, "sam! its ONLY sam! how many times do i have to tell you? am i not your favourite? how could you do this to me?" he sighed dramatically. the kind-looking principal, Mr. cahill smiled at that, "still as childish as ever! i see! but if you skip anymore classes this week, i will be forced to inform your mom!"

sam gasped at that, "she is a devil! you can't do that to me!" "oh yes i can!" he replied. "meanie!" sam puffed his cheeks and pretended to be hurt. ADORABLE! "you seem to be new here, can you please introduce yourself?" the teacher, Mrs. wilson asked, after Mr. Cahill left.

"no, its YOU who are new here! i have been here since i was 13!" sam corrected her, "but as there are many new students too i'll repeat that tiresome job again, i am sam lane! and i hate Shakespeare, i mean his plots! his kind of star-crossed lovers or true love NEVER happen, and those who believe in those are damn crazy too, i mean just look around yourselves, all people are freaking cheaters and players! there's no way OR reason, Shakespeare should have made plots like those, they are HARDLY real and i don't see the point of obsessing over them! but again that's MY view, and i won't be opposing anyone who has different thoughts! just don't expect me to give a fuck about anything that relates to romeo or juliet or viola or orsino! yeah he is the pillar of English language and he has my due respect for that, but that is where it stops!" by the time sam finished, his voice had turned VERY VERY cold, shelly was gripping her bench tight and kam's fists were clenched.

"you speak as if you know being 'cheated on' well?" the teacher raised an eyebrow, not impressed at all, well i can't blame sam, i didn't like those story lines either. but suddenly sam was at ease for he grinned, the whole classroom relaxed, "well... i wouldn't say that it was THAT harsh!"

kam and shelly looked away and it looked like they could barely hold themselves back. i watched as sam shot them warning looks. both glared back at him and sam gave them a i-don't-care-now kind of reassuring look. they didn't seem to buy it though, but settled down anyway.

why did they react like that? why did SAM reciprocate like that? did something happen? what happened? why was he hiding it?


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