
being rewritten in contest!

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What is being rewritten in contest!

Read being rewritten in contest! novel written by the author okaysuredudee on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Fantasy stories, covering action, romance, adventure, system, magic. ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


''This can only be a joke. Right?'' Leonardo Grasso, a renowned Italian soldier, opened his eyes only to find himself confronted with a new reality. The reality of a novel. He had now become a student of magic within a clichéd tale. The protagonist? An all-powerful individual whose sole focus is aiding others. The mighty relics and items? Scattered across the continent, eagerly awaiting the protagonist's arrival. And what about Leonardo? He's nothing more than an inept supporting character who knows nothing of magic. An insignificant nameless nobody, to make matters worse! Armed with his almost nonexistent knowledge and equipped with a mysterious System, Leonardo will rise! He will prove that magic is not everything in combat. Feeling like a supporting character as well? Well, what are you waiting for?! Grab your quill and take note, for this is the Ultimate Survival Guide for Extras in a fantastical world! =========== - Volume 1 ''A Mob's Behavior''; currently in progress. - Current Schedule: 1-2 chapters daily (excluding tuesdays and when I'm busy); - Bonus Chapters for each 25 PS or 10 comments by chapter; - Bonus Chapters earned so far: 4 [Maximum Capacity] [1 already published] (Bonus Chapters will be published on weekends); - If you are the artist of the pic, I'll gladly take it down if you want! - Collection Goal: [130/100]; PS Goal: [82/100] --- I'll mass release 5 chapters, as soon as we beat both! - Discord : Not discovered yet; [The invite will be added here when we reach 1000 collections!] ===========

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Bound to a spirit seal

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  这是一个关于追求胜利的故事。   ——“我唯胜利论。我只追求胜利,只要能够获胜,全攻全守还是防守反击我都不在乎。职业足球的终极目标是什么?在我看来,就是胜利,追求胜利的极致就是冠军。我是教练,不想丢掉工作,或者被人遗忘,只有一条路可走,就是带领球队取得一场场胜利,取得一个个冠军!”   主角并不讨人喜欢。   ——“……我们做了一次被托尼-唐恩教练认为非常无聊的调查。在街头随机采访中,选择‘我讨厌托尼-唐恩’的人占了百分之九十三,而选择‘这家伙还不错,我喜欢’的人仅有百分之七。值得注意的是没有人选择‘托尼-唐恩是谁?我不认识他’这一选项。马克,你知道为什么唐恩教练会认为我们的调查很无聊了吧?”《每日电讯报》的记者斯派克在接受BBC采访的时候哈哈大笑说。   但是也有人疯狂的热爱他。   ——在接受采访的时候,托尼-唐恩被迫谈到前段时间《每日电讯报》的那次街头采访,他的回答是:“我很高兴,在英格兰诺丁汉森林队的球迷占了百分之七。”   而他本人似乎并不在意人们怎么看他。   ——“你们想让我说什么?承认自己并不受人欢迎,走到哪儿都是嘘声和中指。你们以为我会害怕?错了!害怕的是你们,因为我能为我的球队和支持者带来胜利。我并不在乎有多少人讨厌我,恨不得杀死我,我也不会为了照顾失败者的心情而改变我自己。想要让自己心情变得好起来?很简单,来战胜我吧。”   他的爱情受人瞩目。   ——“我们的记者在托尼-唐恩教练的家门口拍到了这些照片,上面清楚的显示仙尼娅在晚上八点四十三分进入他的家,然后整晚都没有出来。但是托尼-唐恩教练坚决否认,并且坚称我们拍到的不过是他订购的最新款充气人偶。”   他是球队的头号明星。   ——“……成为全球著名服装品牌的代言人,拍广告,出入时尚界的颁奖典礼,代言电子游戏,拥有超级名模女友,广告收入超出工资收入的十七倍,在多家平面媒体拥有专栏,出自传(计划中),据说他甚至还在计划以自己的经历为蓝本拍励志电影!谁能告诉我他的经历有哪一点配得上‘励志’?等等……你们认为我在说大卫-贝克汉姆吗?大错特错!我说的是托尼-唐恩教练……”   他对中国足球很了解。   ——“……我听说了,博拉在你们国家队的热身赛前送了四本书给他们的教练朱先生。然后球队以1:3输给了一支美国大联盟的杂牌军。朱先生输球的新借口就是博拉赛前送‘输’。在这里我建议你们把那一本书找出来。哪一本?当然是导致你们进球的那本。然后告诉我书名,我会在你们每次比赛前送你们十本那样的书,这样你们不就能每次都10:0大胜对手了吗?”中国某著名体育报纸上的托尼-唐恩专栏摘录片断。   他让媒体又爱又恨。   ——“他在最少四家著名平面媒体上拥有专栏,每个星期写几百字的废话或者找个人来骂就能拿到不菲的稿费。而我们却要冥思苦想三易其稿才能让老板满意。他在自己的专栏文章里面骂所有媒体都是‘婊子养的’,宣布自己最痛恨的就是媒体。可每当他又出了什么新闻的时候,我们却像看见奶油的苍蝇一样蜂拥而上。为什么?因为读者喜欢看到他的新闻,看到他骂人。我敢和你们打赌,托尼·唐恩教练心里也很清楚,他嘴上讨厌我们,但是他知道如今的他离不开我们。同样,我们也离不开他。这究竟算好事还是坏事呢?”《诺丁汉晚邮报》记者皮尔斯-布鲁斯在谈及托尼-唐恩的时候一脸无奈。   但不管怎样,他的球员们是他最忠实的信徒。   ——加雷斯-贝尔:“不不,我们打客场从来没有压力。因为压力都在教练身上呢。只要看到他站在场边,我们就觉得这场比赛一定能赢。足球流氓在他面前温顺的就像绵羊!”(说到这里他哈哈大笑起来)   森林队的队长乔治-伍德回答的最干脆:“我们跟随他,因为他能给我们带来胜利。”   英格兰足球历史上最具个性,最成功,最富有争议性的教练托尼-唐恩的传奇经历!   这个夏天,隆重登场。   欢迎收看。   

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Frankenstein; or The Modern Prometheus

Coming from a wealthy family, Victor Frankenstein is extremely ambitious: he wants to know the secrets of the origin of life. Living in Geneva, Switzerland, he goes to a German university to study medicine, and at that time, his mother passes away. He is a brilliant student and wants to bring the dead from beyond and create life from inanimate matter. Also, in his immense ambition, he wants to be recognized as a father god of a new species. In this regard, he experiments with corpses and creates Frankenstein's monster. Nonetheless, the monster escapes and he goes into a severe depression with many health problems. Furthermore, he returns to his hometown because his young brother is murdered and his cousin, a beautiful girl, is accused of this death. Later, he goes to the mountains and has a discussion with the monster, who explains him how he survived in the woods, spied a family of cottagers, learned too much about humans and himself, and being rejected and attacked by a population, the cottagers and a man, after saving a woman, in revenge, he decided to burn down the shack of the cottagers, murder Frankenstein's brother and put the false proof on her cousin. The monster asks to create a female of his kind and he promises to go away from Europe and will not bother human beings anymore. At first, Victor Frankenstein rejects the request, but he is convinced by the monster and accepts. Several months later, in Scotland, Victor Frankenstein is ready to create the monster's female. However, he reflects and ravages it, drawing out the wrath of the monster, who murders Victor Frankenstein's best friend. Next, the medical student is accused and sent to jail for this death, although his father goes to the island, and manages to prove his innocence and free him. The monster has threatened to kill Victor Frankenstein's future wife, and despite all precautions, during their honeymoon, she is murdered. A few days after hearing this news, afflicted by so much pain, Victor Frankenstein's father dies, and he decides to take revenge on the monster. Victor Frankenstein chases him around the North Pole, but he is extremely afflicted, sick and weak, and is rescued by a ship. In bed, he tells the whole story to the captain, who is the narrator of this story (4 letters to his sister and 24 chapters). Finally, the monster appears in front of his creator, but Victor Frankenstein is already dead. He explains to the captain the reasons for his behavior and indicates that his revenge is complete, he is sorry for the death of innocent victims and will go to burn his body on a pyre, since he does not want to continue living. The monster abandons the ship in order to fulfill his last promise... Also, it is relevant to note that in this novel of science fiction and horror other stories converge: first, the captain communicates with his sister about his desire to have a great friend, his ambitious travels and the strange tale of Frankenstein, second, there is a traumatic story of Victor Frankenstein's mother, daughter of his father's best friend, third, the relationship between Victor Frankenstein and his best friend, fourth, the adoption of Victor Frankenstein's future wife, fifth, the trial of the Turk, sixth, the love relationship between the Turk's daughter and the son of the family, who helped him escape from jail, and seventh, the condemn and exile of that French family, who are pleased to accept another fugitive: the Turk's daughter. Content Introduction Letters 1 ... 4 Chapters 1 ... 24 Conclusions Final Considerations

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Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume


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Great Novel Investing in this👌 📈The name and the Cover is very catchy 💯


simply incredible. Keep it up ! The work is very well done and developed having a giant potential Keep posting and writing in detail so your future is great


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