

Hey my name is Caleb Valentine, I was never the most emotional nor expressive person for as long as I remember. When I was 4 my parents were murdered in front of me during an home invasion, although they abused me quite abit it was still a bit traumatic. Ever since them I've cared less about others increasingly more and more since. My grandfather then took it upon himself to take me in, which gave me alot of freedom now that I think about it.

As my grandfather was already in his late fifties when he took me in he didn't really have the energy to keep up with my younger self, and as I grew older so did his ability to raise me efficiently. With that amount of freedom I was able to recognise things about myself, which was that im a psychopath and I enjoy the suffering of other lifeforms weaker than me. I found that out as on my way home from Highschool one day I found a strey dog, long story short my curiosity got the better of me and the dog is now burried underneath an underpass.

From then on every once in a while I would then enjoy the little bit of joy I get out of killing little domestic pets the crosses paths with me. Now here I stand 18 years old in my dorm room in college facing the full length mirror and staring back at me was a reletive avarage faced guy standing at 6'0 tall with a square chin, dull grey eyes and short combed black hair, wearing a white buttoned up shirt with a silver tie in a windsor knot with black pants and shiney black leather shoes. I was getting ready for a part time job interview to help me pay for college and various things such as books, food and whatnot.


Obviously I didn't do well in the interview as of course im not really a people person, which I personally don't think that im too bad I speak when spoken to apart from that nothing needs to be said. I think that spouting pointless shit just wastes everyones day, but of course that makes me seem dull. Though I am a bit apart from studing and other * Cough * * Cough * activities i also read web novels and the like, mostly with an op main character though. Like who wants to read a story about a weak ass character who cant even help himself whilst spouting bullshit about helping and saving others, get real.

Anyway as I was making my way back to my dorm room, my vision suddenly went black.

" What the fuck "

There was literally nothing around me, I kinda felt like I had sleep paralysis where you can't move your body but can see whats happening in the direction your facing. Suddenly a spotlight appeared and in the beam of light stood a tall male figure wearing a black mask with a hood and cloak staring at me.

What do you think?

500 - 600 words a chapter.

I will post the next chapter next week as it gives me time stack and write more chapters at the moment

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