
Being Naruto is troublesome

MC reinarnated as Naruto and managed to change canon before even being 1 day old. How? Someone who died is gonna survive 10 Oct.

Eden_of_Kovir · Anime & Comics
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This is toublesome

I-I don't remember how I got here.

I don't know where here is either.

One minute I'm walking down the street and the next I'm here.

Wherever it is here.


All I see is darkness, there is nothing and no one.

The weirdest thing of all? I don't have a body.

I'm just some kind of spirit, I can't move, I can't even blink.

Maybe I'm in a coma?

Is this darkness a product of my unconscious?

If so my mind is somewhat depressing.

But I remember reading that coma patients dream, this can't be a dream.

I don't know if time passes, I couldn't tell if I've been in this darkness for seconds or centuries.

I do not feel anything.

Nothing at all.

There is no pain or sadness.

I am not anger or frustration.

There is only darkness.

It's... peaceful.

I like it.

There are no worries or pain.

I remember what it was like to feel, to live. But I don't miss it.

I like my present, my darkness.

But all good things must come to an end.

I feel like something is sucking me into a very small, wet tube.

Suddenly I feel.


A lot of pain.

Every part of my body aches, every bone and every muscle.

Body? I have a body...


It's too bright, I close my eyes and ignore the hustle and bustle around me.

There's a strange warm feeling in my stomach that spreads throughout my body, it's weird- like having hot chocolate coursing through your veins.

Meh- There's nothing I can do about it now so I decide to ignore it.

A pair of arms grab me.

I feel like I am wrapped in something, a blanket.

Suddenly someone else holds me, this person is quite rude. He moves too fast and his grip on me is too tight.

Who the hell taught you to hold a baby?!

A baby, that's what I am.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that I reincarnated.

I died and now I am someone else.

And the one in charge of the reincarnation of souls is incompetent, he forgot to erase my memories.

How troublesome...

My body starts to cry instinctively, this person holds me very badly.

Someone should take him to Baby 101.

Suddenly I feel a sense of weightlessness.

The asshole threw me in the air... Great.

Someone else grabs me before I hit the ground.


Now can someone give me some milk, I'm famished.

And sleepy.

I want to sleep.

I'm going to close my eyes, I'm sure nothing important is happening anyway.

When I open my eyes again someone is hugging me, their hold is warm and comforting.

Do you see asshole number 1? This is how you should hold a baby.

This warmth...

I look around me, my vision is blurry.

Stupid baby eyes.

The only thing I see is a red blur, I hear her voice.

I don't understand what she says, the language is foreign to me and the sound sounds a bit distorted.

I think she is my new mom.

I like her.

Tiredness takes over me again, I close my eyes.

When I open my eyes again I am somewhere in the open air.

The black blur with small colored dots and the big silver ball is the night sky.

But what is that orange blur?

It's giant!

I try to squint my eyes but it is useless.

The orange blur moves towards me.

And fast.

I don't think that's good.

While I wouldn't mind going back ito the darkness, I'm sure being crushed would hurt a lot.

I do not like pain.

The warmth in my stomach rises rapidly in temperature and moves frantically throughout my body.

I don't want to be crushed.

Golden things come out of my stomach onto the orange blur, it wraps around it.

I'm tired, I feel like all my energy is drained.

Everything turns black, darkness claims me.

Hello darkness my old friend.


I open my eyes.

I see a white blur above me, the ceiling.

I feel the same warmth enveloping me as the second time I opened my eyes.

I try to turn my head, I have a hard time but finally I see her.

My mother, I'm in her arms.

She's not moving, I think she's asleep.

I don't want to disturb her but my stomach demands food. I start crying.

She moves.

She cradles me to her chest with one arm and the other lifts something, a gray thing - a stick?

When she realizes that it's just us she puts away the gray stick and she gives me her full attention.

She soon realizes what I want and takes off her shirt.

How embarrassing.

My face is redder than her hair, being a baby is very embarrassing.

After feeding me she leans me over her shoulder and rubs my back.

After burping she hugs me again.

She is saying something, I don't understand the words but the sound of her voice calms me down.

I closed my eyes.

The cycle is repeated countless times. Every time I wake up she is there. She feeds me, changes my diaper and bathes me. She is always warm. Sometimes other people come but she is my constant.

She is always there.

The day I wake up and I don't feel her presence. I feel as if someone put ice in my veins. Cold and uncomfortable, I hate it. I hate cold- I want her, I want her warmness. I start to cry, the person with the silver hair tries to calm me down but I scream louder. Another person tries to silence my screams - I increase the volume even more.

Where is she?!

I feel something in my chest, a feeling of anguish and despair surrounds me.

And with that comes anger.


The energy in my body goes crazy, it doesn't feel like hot chocolate anymore- it feels like acid. It's corrupting my body, my emotions are becoming more uncontrolled - anger is taking over.

Something red wraps me and then-

Then familiar arms cradle me.

And suddenly all those negative emotions disappear.

The red thing that wrapped me disappears, the energy feels like hot chocolate again and I am at peace.

I snuggle into her arms, my hand gripping a strand of her hair with an iron grip.

New concept idea

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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